
Why?! Why?!!Why?!!!


Lola had a temper and anger fill her whole body so that she couldn't stop throwing things around that she could find in her room. She wondered how Madison still went to George's hut even after the sweet talk threat she gave to her. She was lucky one of the maids told her the whereabouts of Madison when she came to visit Madison and found no one inside.

Since she was staying in the room seeing George and Madison, she tried her best to keep her cool seeing the both of them sitting on the bed, so she wouldn't do any stupid she clenched her fist the whole time and her knuckles hurt now.

“Why?! Why?!! Why?!!.... Madison why are you making things difficult for yourself? Why are you been stubborn? Don't you get it I love George, I found him first and you wouldn't take him away from me so just wait and see how your fantasy world comes crumbling down, just wait!!.” she yelled as high as she could, gritting her teeth and messing up her hair at least to cool the anger filled within her. She wasn't going to any ocean this time to calm herself, she wanted the anger to boil in her body so it could cook up something but all that came were messing up of herself and her room. She looked at the cup which was dropped for her to drink, she went towards the table and took the cup as she turned the cup down making the water in the cup flow out drip by drip till it was empty.

“I wouldn't make it easy for you Madison.” she looked at the cup like how she would be looking at Madison, seeing the cup as Madison's fantasy life.

Knock! Knock!!

“Whose there?!!.” she yelled at the door she was venting her anger and this person came to disturb her now. Instead of the person at the door to reply to her or waiting for her to say come in, the person entered the room. She felt angry to insult the person who came into her room without her permission only to see her uncle Ben with an expression on his face that brought nothing but a mischievous devilish smile that felt like fuel to her burning anger.

“U-Uncle what are you doing here?." She managed to calm down herself as she held her hand in a fist to stop herself from yelling or anything. The one mischievous devilish smile on her uncle's changed immediately after seeing her room and the mess she created first turned to a stunned one then turn to a laughing psycho.

“Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha…. Lola...Lola, you think ruining your room is anything better?.” he held his stomach, this woman could make him laugh his veins off.

“You don't love yourself because if you did, your hands will not be a mess and be resting if you want something..” he walked towards her as he reached towards her hand raising it to the position she could see from her eyes closely.

“This is your hand, so you can't afford to lose something because you didn't use your hands, nor your brain to get what you want. So when you want something I would advise you to use both your hands and your brain. Is better using them than making your room such a mess?”

“U-Uncle I'm sorry,” she said lowering her head, she knew how she created a mess just because of someone who didn't even love her back and had a one-sided love for her.

“You will be.." he said clapping twice as the maids came into the room to fix the scattered room of hers. He reached for her hands, and he took her outside the house so the maids could finish with their job and he could speak with Lola since what he was going to say to her was confidential he didn't want the maids to listen to it.

" If you will make the princess's life a miserable one then I'll be in support, your defendant in the game. All you just need to do is listen to the instructions I give and then we'll be able to make her suffer yeildly..”



Even after talking to George, and getting inside the room, Madison became bored again and she didn't feel like sleeping. She felt uncomfortable sleeping on the bed, it was more like the bed became a rock that made her ache on her body all over, she wondered why she always felt that way, remembering the only time she slept peacefully was when she was with George which made blush a little remembering the event that happened. She laid her back on the bed staring at the ceiling, counting numbers in her head at least to doze her off, already seventy, and the sleep hadn't arrived.

Knock! knock!!

She heard a knock on the door it felt strange it wasn't like she expected someone, especially at this hour but still she was curious to know who was there. She stood up from the bed to open the door to see the last person she thought was going to come maybe because she wasn't expecting someone, it was a woman who had a sweet smile on her face, she was speechless at seeing the person.

“Mom?!!." totally speechless expect from the word she said, this was a big surprise to her that all she could do was to attack the person with a hug.

“How are you darling?.” she asked her sweetly as she patted her hair gently.

“I miss you, mum…” she murmured still hugging her as she tightened the hug but not tight to squeeze the breath out of her, knowing tears began to flow down her cheeks. Her mom gently push her to see her face as she wiped off the tears on her face caressing her cheeks...

“I was just gone for a few days.”

“Really?, It didn't feel like days but like years." She said sniffing her nose.

“Oh, my baby...stop crying is not like anything happened to me."

“I know it just feels boring without you being around."

“Okay, so you're going to allow me to enter your room?.” she smiled, as Madison giggled a little as she held her mom's hand pulling her gently towards her bed, and then she got a stool from the corner of the room placed it at the front of her mom's leg as she sat on it placing her head on her lap.

“You miss this,” Dora said caressing her hair gently, Madison loved putting her head on her mom's lap whenever they talked saying that was the best she could relax and since she's given a massage on her head by her mom, no did better than her mom did for hair.

“Yes. And you know letting your daughter not know of your where about before you go out is an offense.”