

“You know, Madison loved while she was little, she and her grandfather always plant something or a seed or any type of fruit they saw for the first time hoping that it would bring more of that fruit and it wouldn't be the first time seeing it but it would be that they have much of it, I remembered that she would always come back dirty every time she came here and once either I or her father scolded her, her grandfather would come at the right time to defend her. They were both like partners in their crime, even when Lola came when she was fourteen. The three of them would always do something naughty, it was like the three had naughty traits which they decided to disturb the palace. And the first time both girls learned sword fighting and archery from their grandfather both of them would complain most especially Madison, Lola just tried again but that didn't mean she didn't gave up. Every time Lola was out she would try with her grandfather, and the both would try together, the relationship was close that it became like Her grandfather was her father and the father would get jealous of the father…."

“What about Lola?..." George asked

“Hm, for Lola since she became the protector at seventeen she would always be out just to keep the kingdom safe, she took her responsibility seriously that's the one thing I'm proud of was because she loved her home seriously. Madison had words, having her grandfather as her inspector of her husband that her father would become jealous and then say that he would be Lola's inspector if that so his daughter would get jealous too. Both Madison and Lola were the best gifts that ever happened in my life and also you. I know you love Madison but I want to get the truth out of you, please be sincere with me. Who exactly do you love aside from Madison.”

George took a deep breath for this one, he'd never told the person he loved most to anyone except the person he loves most.

“My mother. Mother is the one that I love the most out of all.”

“She must be a nice person seeing the way you said her name,” Dora said as George nodded looking down while he rubbed his cold hands.

“ Yes, she was a nice person who taught me a lot about discipline, confidence, bravery, love, comfort every thing. She taught me well…" he looked at the sky to stop the urge from him crying.

“Mother always treated me and my siblings well. She was just too perfect for me. Every time she scolded me I became angry for her scolding me and I wouldn't talk to her for minutes, she would usually make me my best drink in the world honey and milk, and drop it at the front of the room. With that, she would hide somewhere and when the scent of the tea was perceived, I would come out only to see that the tea was outside she would ask whether I talk to her or not drink the tea and so I would be the one who lost at the end.”

“Madison also loves milk and honey that just the smell was so pleasant and whenever she was angry that smell just calmed her down. We had a lot of jars of milk from cows almost every day and sometimes hunters would get hurt severally hurt just because they had gone to the jungle to get some honey unfortunately for some they got hurt. Honey-filled rooms and sometimes we had to leave rooms because who knows the bee might sting us.”

“She has beautiful taste.” Maybe that's why I feel so attracted to her and her scent of honey and milk, I could easily detect if she is somewhere just because of that smell of hers, he wanted to say but rather he kept shut as Dora nodded agreeing to his statement.

The both of them talked long like they were ladies.

Usually, it's mostly the woman who talks long but seeing this two had a long discussion about life and Dora began to learn new things about George just an edition part of his life Dora got to learn about George's mum passing, though she felt sad about it she confirmed him about it but George ensured her that he was alright.

Madison was shocked by what Lola said but still, she had to defend her part knowing that George wasn't someone like that or the type of person who could do that.

“I know George very well Lola, I know he wouldn't do what you are accusing him of and he would not do it to me. Lola, I know that you might be a bit worried about the people that came that day and you might be thinking about me because you want the right person for me but I promise you, he is not the kind of person to break my heart he knows that he wants to see me happy and he knows how much this kingdom is so dear to me so he could think of snatching the…." She took a deep breath not to say what she's about to say, she calmed herself holding the string of the swing.

She looked at Lola, “Lola there is no need to worry about me."

Lola took a deep breath, why didn't Madison just listen to her? She made sure that she didn't tell George anything when she heard him neither did she make herself look suspicious so she could be able to tell her knowing George did not put anything or said any thing to her to think that she was lying.

She needed Madison to believe because who knew of George very well all she just know now was that George was on a plan on taking the kingdom. And this would affect Madison greatly because if he takes the throne and abandons or turns into some kind of villain at the end it would make Madison heartbroken.

“Madison why can't you listen…”

“Lola stop, stop Lola just stop don't emphasize something that you are wrong on. I know what's going on now. I want you to answer my question sincerely. Do you love George?. You have feelings for him?."

Madison cut her off shocking Lola with what she said. She was stunned by this question, yes she did love George and had feelings for him but that was a matter of the word 'loved' and 'had', she felt like Madison was fed with the wrong information.

“Lola answer my question do you love George or have feelings for him?” Lola nodded with this as Madison took a deep breath.

“But I promise that was…”

“Now I know what's going on, you keep insisting that I should believe what you are saying just because you want George and you want to make life hell for me, I thought it was all fault but now I've finally seen the truth."

Lola was shocked, what was she saying, “Who told you that?.” Lola said standing up from the swing as Madison also did.

“Why are you so shocked Lola?..." She smirked walking closer to Lola.


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