A heart Broken Woman

From the end of the hall, Riyu saw a woman pulling a suitcase, the woman turning the key in her right hand.  A moment after that, Riyu jumped in surprise at the sound of a woman's scream that was currently clinging to Riyu's hand.

Unintentionally, Regina, the girl who was holding the suitcase looked at Riyu. It looks like the two are hugging.  Not! It turned out to be the woman who was screaming earlier and was tightly hugging the back of a man who was facing the door. The woman tossed her long blonde hair and then laughed with her head raised.

It was then that the woman noticed Regina's presence.

"Oh, you?! Did you come to win Riyu's heart?"

The strange question managed to make Regina blink.  Who is Riyu?

The girl looked at the suitcase Regina was carrying.  "Ohh, you're the new resident."  She said with a big smile and then laughed again.

"Welcome new neighbors. Nice to meet you and you must be happy to meet me too."

In the name of politeness, Regina forced her lips into a smile.  "Nice to meet you too."

Hearing Regina's voice, Riyu sighed and pressed his forehead against the door, muttering a silent curse.

Meanwhile, the blonde woman continued to hug Riyu tighter as if the man was about to disappear.  Riyu reflex moved uncomfortably and tried to let go of the blonde woman's hand.

"No, I won't let you go!"  she screamed and then laughed again.

Regina was absolutely certain that the woman was drunk.  If the woman wasn't drunk, she should be ashamed to hug a man like that.

Subconsciously, Regina observed Riyu's back as well.  Really sturdy and wide with muscles that look solid but fit.  His posture is ideal with a height of about six feet.

Regina shook her head, huh?  She gasped at the thought that had just popped into his head.  Was the betrayal of an ex-lover not enough?  Men are the same everywhere.

Regina quickly picked up the dropped key and passed the pair without looking back.

Regina vowed to go inside this apartment immediately.  Because if not, her ears could be damaged hearing the girl's screams.

"Am I not beautiful and not hot for you?"  The blonde woman whimpered again.  "Come on . . . you can get me anywhere and I won't mind."

Gosh... should Regina go back to moving apartments?  She wanted to be calm from the disturbance of the heart.  Especially now.

Regina inserted the key and turned it twice quickly.  But this damn door won't open.  She again tried to turn the key in the opposite direction, turned and pulled it again but the result was the same.

"You know, I finished two drinks because I waited all night for you. So now you have to take care of me!"  said the woman again.

Regina let out a breath, and pulled out the key again. Observe it and repeat the effort. But the door still didn't move at all.

Damn it!

Riyu was not comfortable being hugged by the girl. Honestly, Riyu wanted to leave right now.

"Don't go," the woman whined again.  And Regina was getting more and more irritated at the door.

"Let's go in and kiss until we run out of breath."

Regina really wanted to cover her ears but she had to reach into her bag, she had to call the owner of this apartment room.  It's possible that the owner gave the wrong key.

But before she could make a call, suddenly her vision was blocked by a straight back and the field that distracted her thoughts earlier.

The man's existence made Regina have to take a few steps back.

Apparently, the man had managed to escape from the blonde woman.  His big hand grabbed the handle, and in a lifting motion, he pushed the door open.

Just two seconds and the door immediately opened.  Regina blinked.  But two seconds later, the sturdy back that had caught her attention was gone.

The blonde woman approached Regina. "The door has been opened, thanks to the handsome man but cold as an iceberg. I'm Cassandra, what's your name?"

The blonde woman put her arm around Regina, until Regina had to support her weight.  The smell of alcohol was very pungent, explaining how drunk the woman was.

Meanwhile, Riyu without speaking went straight into the apartment door, leaving the blonde woman with Regina.

Regina returned Cassandra's outstretched hand.  "Regina. You can call me Rere."

"Of course," Cassandra laughed.

"Why?"  Regina asked.

"No," Cassandra let go of her arms and pointed Regina from head to toe.  "It's a name that suits you very well. By the way, it seems you're heartbroken?"  Cassandra was still pointing at Regina's face with a grin.  "Your eyes, like they've just finished crying."

Regina didn't want to confirm or deny.  But she didn't want to be friendly with other people so all she did was smile.

"You should call a handyman to fix your door. Because the landlord won't provide repairs."

"Thanks, I'm in. Cassandra" Regina was already reaching for her suitcase again.

Cassandra narrowed her eyes and stared at Regina for a long time.  then laughed and hugged him again.  "You're as stiff as an ice board. But forget about the door. You'll be staying here, which means we'll be neighbors. How nice..."

Regina chose not to serve drunken people like her. Regina with great difficulty letting go of Cassandra and let her lean against the wall while Regina pulled her suitcase inside.

"Would you like me to help clean up?"  Cassandra tied her hair carelessly.

"I have some free time today."

"I think I can do that myself," Regina restrained Cassandra who was about to enter. "I didn't want to bother you on the first day we met. Besides, I need a lot of work right now."

Cassandra was still babbling and the door next to her opened again. However, Riyu immediately turned his face away and sped away.

"Where are you going? Again?" Cassandra shouted. But Riyu didn't answer. His back is back disappeared, cause he entered the elevator.

"That guy really doesn't like small talk," Cassandra said with her arms crossed. "But because he's handsome then all that must be forgiven." She continued while twirling the ends of her hair.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to rest first..." Regina was really tired of dealing with this drunken woman especially when it came to boys.

"He's very cold. But a man in the form of a god seems like that deserves it, doesn't he?"  Cassandra was still talking." Just by hugging him earlier, I was already horny."

Okay. Can Regina close the door and lock it now? Of course not! Because that would make a bad impression as a new neighbor.

"He's Riyu," Cassandra stared at the end of the empty hallway with a dreamy smile.  "The most poisonous man who can make anyone addicted with just one glare."