Chapter 4: Magic Student Transfer

One lousy hour. That's all I was given to say goodbye to my friends and Lance, and my life. I didn't even get to pack my own bags, but Aunt Grace and one of the supernatural officers stuff my clothes into two suitcases.

All that I have for my trip now sits on the bus beside me as I whiz down the road to Hollowhaven Academy.

I wrap my arms around my middle and sink further into the seat. How long will it take these people to realize that I have no magic? My cellphone chimes and I pull it out of my purse, hopeful that it is my aunt saying that all of this has been a terrible mistake and to come home.

It's a text from Lance and my heart does a little skip.

Hey, beautiful.

Hi, handsome. I type back. Miss you already.

Yeah, this sucks. Maybe they'll let you out for good behavior? Or you can fly on your new broom to me at midnight.

I let out a laugh and shake my head. Deal.

Love you, Brene.

Love you too.

The bus creaks to a stop outside a cluster of ancient-looking buildings and a huge, cast-iron fence around them. A cemetery stands off to the side, while a lush forest takes up the other half of the scene. And somehow, I feel like I've been here before.

I swallow, gathering up my suitcases and dragging them off the bus with me.

"Brene Sutton?" A woman in a bright-blue dress strides forward. "I'm Mrs. Decan, Headmistress here during the daylight hours. You'll meet Mr. Walsh this evening as he oversees the nocturnal students."

"Thanks- I mean -hi, hello." I shift from foot to foot, then hold out my hand. If she is awake and functioning in full daylight, then she can't be a vamp. But I have no idea if she's a werewolf or witch or one of the other half dozen supernaturals housed here.

She takes my hand in hers briefly, then nods and a man with a beard that ends at his navel grabs my bags. "Let's get you checked in. Welcome to Hollowhaven Academy. We'll help you discover your magic and how to control it."

"Excuse me." We enter the largest of the gray buildings. Inside a blue carpet with silver swirls runs the length of the hallway. Silver picture frames of past classes hang on the walls. "There's been a mistake. I don't have any abilities. Do you have testing so I can get this over with and back home?"

"Unfortunately, no." She gives me a soft smile. "Since you've not manifested your powers until now, it's possible that they were so dormant that only a trauma was able to bring them out. Don't fret, I'm good at judging character and I've got a very good feeling about you. I think you'll fit into our program perfectly."

My heart sinks at her words. How long will I be stuck here? We pass another hallway, this one with Victorian-style paintings. One has a guy with shocking green eyes that can't be real. His blond hair is swept to the side and a sense that he can see me washes over me. I gasp, my hand flying to my chest. An image of him whistling down this very hallway strikes me before it fades away as quickly as it came. I blink, shaking my head.

No, this can't be real. I'm just stressed from everything and having to come here. Nerves and the power of suggestion of being in a place with magic and supernaturals is messing with my mind.

I clear my throat, catching up to the Headmistress. "I'm already eighteen and will be nineteen in less than six months. How long will I be here? I mean, when is graduation?"

Did they follow the same schedule as the human school system? If so, I could get out of here in a year and meet Lance at college. Go on with my life as I wanted.

She pauses at the bottom of a winding staircase. "That all depends on you."

"How do you mean? I can choose to go?" That was only seven months away. I could survive here that long with crucifixes and garlic cloves.

"Brene," her voice is full of sorrow, "I'm afraid that's not possible. The amount of devastation you unleashed was catastrophic."

"Exactly," a girl with bobbed silvery hair says from the top of the stairs. "It was only one of the vampires knocking you out that prevented you from making your whole school explode along with your friends."

"What? Are you saying that a vamp who attacked us is now hailed as a hero?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying." The silvery haired girl smirks down at me. Two other girls with pink and purple hair stand beside her. "For all we know, they were there to stop you from killing those two humans you were with in some ancient ritual for you to gain power."

Mrs. Decan shakes her head. "Gwen, we don't know the parameters of Brene's magic or what really happened."

"I think it's all bogus." Gwen descends the stairs. "I mean the idea of this human being able to do anything other than light a candle with a match is ludicrous."

Something we both agree upon.

* * *

An hour later, my stuff lays in the wooden dresser, which sits beside a double bed. Figure if I unpack everything then I'll get a visit of how this was a freak accident and I can go home. No visitors yet, though. The crisp, white shirts and checkered skirt that make up the Academy's uniform sits unopened in their plastic packages. Opening one of them would feel as if I am accepting the invitation, no the demand, to attend here.

I'm here physically. Doesn't mean my heart or mind is.

And my aunt hadn't even packed one book! She must have been so upset to forget to toss any in with my clothes. I stare down at the cold soup on a tray next to the list of tomorrow's classes.

8-9: Magical History

9-10: Magical Theory

10-11: Spells and Hexes

11-11:30: Lunch

11:30-12:15: Gym

12:20-1: Potions

1-2: Herbology

2-3: Supernatural Studies

My stomach churns at the list. Why do I feel like I am going to stick out like a fish in a lake of hungry crocodiles?