Chapter 63: Triple Loves

The next morning, I sleep until noon, thankful that it's Saturday, but wake starving.

Kiarr practices his sword in my room.

"What do you miss most about being alive?" I brush my hair and my stomach rumbles.

His bright blue eyes scan me from head to foot and back. "You need ask?"

"Not sex." I blush. "I mean like food or fighting or even going to the beach."

"Hmmm," he starts. "A good mead and roasted pig to share with present company would be more than enough."

A tap sounds on my door and I frown.

"Want me to see who it is?" Kiarr points his sword at the door.

"No, it should be fine." I set my brush down on the nightstand and move to the door. Didn't think vamps or weres would knock. And Nora said whoever was using magic wasn't at the academy.

I open the door and Jezza is holding a tray of food.

"You missed breakfast so I thought you might want something to eat."

"Yes. Thank you so much." I open the door and let her inside. "Have you eaten?"