Rank up options

Despite the blood all over his body, Lucas smiled and soon, the wounds on his body started healing up.

'Ding!' 'Ding!' a couple notifications came, but Lorn was too tired to look at it.

He sat down and started using Spirit Meditation. When he regained enough spirit, he used Rejuvenation to heal his shoulder.

At the other end of the arena, Lucas was changing his clothes. There were no wounds left on his body, only some fine beads of sweat, indication that he used quite a bit of spirit for the effort.

Wearing another priest's robe, he approached Lorn with a proud smile.

"How did you level up Graceful Cuts so quickly?"

Yes, the reason Lorn succeeded in this task was because Graceful Cuts' activation time reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds. With each level, the time required reduced by a second.

"I threw all the SM points I had into it," Lorn explained.