
"Good afternoon."

The Ashin descendant greeted casually and sat before Reina. He then looked to his side and noticed Gwen. A sparkle flashed through his eyes and he smiled widely..

"Hi, Gwen!"

Gwen nodded in response. 

She wanted to reply properly, but she somehow felt guilty about snitching about him to Elan.

"Hey, why's there such a big difference between your greetings?" Reina complained. 

Lorn looked back at her and answered laughingly. "It's coz I didn't expect Gwen to be here. It's the surprise factor."

"Whatever. Let's get to business."

The two got into doing their question-answer session. Reina asked hers first, Questions about Lorn's various skills, his feelings when using them, his senses of others using skills, all sorts of stuff. Lorn's answers were short and precise, somehow encapsulating the mysterious supernatural abilities that were skills.