Desperate last struggles

Without wasting any time, Lorn activated the necessary skills. Just in case, he activated all his other base skills as well and kept a few offensive and defensive skills on stand-by. With his Intelligence focused on Multitasking, it wasn't impossible for him to use all his skills at the same time.

"I'll begin," he said and sent out a Hijacking string towards the Dream Shrike accompanied with Sense of Normalcy.

The process went sour immediately from the get go.

The moment a connection between Lorn and the Dream Shrike appeared, Lorn immediately felt wrong. Normally, it was Lorn's soul that invaded the other so it could establish dominance there, but he felt something foreign slipping inside him as well.

He tried to sever the connection, but he realized the other party was not allowing it. Lorn was not the only one in control here.