Evil plottings

"I'm surprised you're willing to talk so much about such things," Lorn said.

"I imagine Earthlings are more familiar with the helplessness of being alone, considering all the top Undying Hunters are choosing paths and branches that grant them loyal underlings," Orso smiled. "There's only so much one man can do."

Lorn chuckled and put his hands on his chin. 

"When I first realized how few people were here, I thought about these things as well," Lorn said. "I believed that the ban on killing we had was a method to prevent something like that."

"I considered the possibility as well," Orso sighed. "But there's one giant problem attached to that. The One Emperor holds control over that ban. Leaving Vox's fate to something so unreliable as the One Emperor's whims is not something I will allow myself to do."