Skyrocketing achievements

When trying to deal with unsavory rumors, it was best not to address them directly yourself. Making an apology, saying that you were wrong, and that you were going to change. That was only going to make others remember your fuckups. 

The best thing to do was to just appear as someone completely different from their expectations. Someone capable and confident. 

Lorn didn't know why, but people were unable to see the people not as close to them as complex beings with positive and negative sides. They either thought they were the best person to bless this Earth and idolized them to their utmost limits, or the worst person alive to ever be born and that they needed to die obediently as soon as possible.

In the former case, as long as their idols didn't do anything too messed up, they were unlikely to judge them too harshly. They might even think of their rude assholey behavior as cool and isn't-bound-by-the-world.