Mounting curiosity

Lorn wanted to sigh. It turns out that the people of Belo had no idea either and were actually hoping for him to solve the problems. 

In a situation like this, he rather wanted to put himself out of the picture and just see what was going on from afar. But he couldn't really do that now, considering his identity. 

'I thought I would just be a fake hero, but who would've thought that I would be called out on the first day on the job?'

Lorn kept himself from frowning and spoke.

"I'll do what I can."

He left soon afterwards. He met the other Guildmasters in the city and the contents of the talk inevitably steered towards Han Jihye. Do you know anything? What are her skills? What was she like back on Earth?

Naturally, everyone was curious. The ones who had Status Check tried to use it on Jihye, but the three B-rank vice-masters of the Mage Guild were quick to dispel such attempts. They were all B-ranks, they had their methods.