Episode 2

(The episode opens with Luke and Don walking together in the hallway)

Luke: You know, Don, it's strange I feel something is about to happen

Don (looking suspicious): Good or bad?

Luke: I can't explain, it's weird

(A circle of fire appears)

(A boy who has long red hair, white skin, two antennas that looks like arrows, a tail that looks like an arrow, wearing a purple shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes comes from the fire)

(The boy tackles Luke)

(The boy and Luke kiss)

Don: Luke, would you like to introduce your friend to me?

The boy: The name is Dev

Luke: Dev, can you please get off me?

(Dev kisses Luke on the lips again)

Dev (Smiles): I am a demon

(Luke and Don looked shocked)

Don: Demon, first we face aliens, then demons are we just targets for the supernatural

Dev: You made out with aliens, interesting (picks up Luke) now I want you even more

(Luke backs up)

Luke: No way! Stay back.

(A bubble appears around Luke)

Luke (muffled): Hey! Let me out

Dev: Nobody can hear you

Luke (muffled): Don, can you please help?

(Don starts swinging at Dev)

(Dev avoids Don's attacks)

(Don watches Dev's movements, then knocks him over)

(Dev smiles and surrounds Don with fire)

Luke (muffles): This not good

(THe fire becomes chains)

Dev (looks down at Don): You know I only came to hunt one human, but two wouldn't be bad

(A sharp disk flying towards Dev, which throws him off course)

(Dev looks and sees Den holding a bazooka)

Den: You stay away from my brother.

Grey (glasses on): Dev, use weapon B to pop Luke's bubble

(Den shots a bullet at the bubble)

(Don is caught by Adam)

Don: Where did you get that weapon?

Grey: From me

(Dev looks at Grey and gets stars in his eyes)

(There is pink background with hearts around Grey)

Adam: Grey, seems somebody is crushing

Grey (confused): On me

(Dev is by Grey)

Dev (with his hands on Grey's face) (levitating): How did I not notice such a handsome boy?

(Grey giggles nervously)

Dev: Would you happen to have a boyfriend or girlfriend? I don't mind if you are bi

Grey: Nah, I'm regular gay (looks at Adam, Jay, Luke, Don, and Den)

Adam, Luke, Jay, Don, and Den: We are just gay too

Dev: So, you want to visit the underworld with me or I can stay here?

(Adam smiles)

Grey: Well

(Adam puts his hands over Grey's mouth and pulls Grey away)

Adam (looks at Dev): Excuse me, can I talk to my friend?

Dev: Of course, hurry my glasses-wearing hunk

Grey: Hunk (Smiles)

(Adam brings Luke, Don, Den, Grey, and Jay into the bathroom)

Adam: Grey, please go out with him?

Grey: He called me a hunk (shakes his head) Wait, what?

Adam: Date him?

Jay: Adam, are you loca he is a demon?

Adam: Exactly, we can travel around the underworld if he dates Dev.

Don: I don't like him

Den: Adam, you realize that you are asking Grey to date a demon that can destroy him if he breaks his heart.

(Grey looks nervous, then rubs his brain)

(A lightbulb appears above Grey's head)

(Grey walks out of the bathroom)

(Dev sees Grey and flies to him)

Dev: Have you made up your mind?

Grey: Yes, (sighs) I want to date you

(Grey pulls Dev in for a kiss)

(Dev's eyes widened, lands on the floor)

(Adam, Jay, Luke, Don, and Den come out of the bathroom)

Luke: What made you change your mind?

Grey: Easy, this will make perfect research

Jay (inspired): And could make a good story

Adam: Did you publish our first adventure?

Jay: Yeah, it got 11,000 views

(The boy's mouth dropped)

Dev: So, you want to check out my home?

Grey: Oh! You got back up, yeah, can my friends come with?

Dev: If that will make you happy.

(Dev opens a portal by tracing his finger)

Dev: Stay close, humans aren't welcomed.

(The boys step forward entering the portal behind Dev)

(Episode ends)