Episode 3

(The episode opens with Dev taking Grey in the market)

Don: I don't like this

Den: Yeah, why did we come with him?

Luke: To see the demon world, we barely got to see outer space, at least we get to see this place

Dev: If that's what you want, then I can give you a guide

Grey: You guys, we should split apart

Den: We'll be fine, we are tough guys

Luke: And you know you ain't the only one with brains

Grey: I never thought I was (winks)

(Luke blushes)

Don and Den: Our relationship is so complicated

Adam: Seriously, Grey, you are on a date

Grey (looks at Dev): Right

Dev (looking angry): I'll send a guide

(Dev whistles)

(A boy who has long silver hair, brown skin, tail, wearing a crown, antennae, red cape, brown shirt, and white pants)

(The demon's name is Jae)

Jae (smiles): Hi, my name is Jae, I'll be your guide

Dev: Your name is Jae, cool, Jae meet (points to Jay) Jay

Jae: Your name is Jae too (kisses Jay on the lips) pleased to meet you

Jay (moves Jae): Whoa! I like to know the people I am kissing

Jae: Oh no, that was my sign of greeting

Jay (surprised): Seriously

Jae: Yeah, but I wouldn't mind knowing you

Jay: Who's ready for a tour

Luke: Yeah, now stop flirting

Jae: Got it, follow (makes a flag appear) me

(The screen switches to Dev and Grey)

Dev (points a factory): That's where the best monsters are made to be us demon's soldiers

Grey: Fascinating, do you have a ruling system?

Dev: Yes, I'm middle class, but the guide first, it's a miracle we are friends

Grey: Friends? Or sex partners?

Dev: Jealous?

Grey (blushes): No

Dev (fixing hishair): We would fuck a lot, but now it's strictly business

Grey (writes in his book): Okay, so he only guides?

Dev: Yes, but he also gives advice

Grey (writing in his book): Fascinating

Dev: Now, tell me you don't seem like the type to be apart from the club you are, why join?

Grey: I actually like the club, it was actually originated by all of us

Dev: So, you are that kind of guy, then why do I not sense, an nice presence instead of impure?

Grey (writing in his book): You can sense impure souls

Dev (smirks): I can (holds Grey's hand) and you aren't the usual impure souls I sense that are down here

Grey (looking surprised): Are you saying that I might go to heaven?

Dev: Yes, (stuck his tongue out) blech

Grey: So, angels and demons get along?

Dev: No, and anytime that happens (cross his leg) they are dead to both parties

Grey: What about hiding the truth?

Dev: Oh, won't be easy just like demons, angels can sense of a fellow Angel has been with somebody that isn't blessed

Grey: Okay

Dev: Speaking impure, after this, want to come to my place?

Grey: I would like to know where demons sleep

Dev: Eh! It's pretty dull

(The screen switches to Jae showing Don, Den, Adam, Luke, and Jay walking in an alley)

Jae: Now, we should be careful around these parts, demons like to snatch anybody in their territory, so stay with the group

Adam: Snatch anybody

Jae: That is correct, and I would think wisely before you get their attention because when demons mark you, you are bound to do them at all times

Luke: Wait, what do you mean by that?

Jae: Exactly as I said

Jae (whispers): If a human gets marked by a demon, that human is that demon's servant until they are unsatisfied with that human

Don (whispers) (suspicious): Why do I have this feeling that doesn't mean the human will go home Scott free?

Jae (whispers): It's because they won't, if a demon and human make a contract and the demon breaks it off, the human in trapped in the underworld

(Episode ends with Don, Den, Luke, Jay, and Adam looking shocked)