Episode 4

(The episode opens with Don, Den, Adam, Luke, and Jay looks shocked)

Jay: We have to warn Grey

Jae: Hold it, I would be careful, if any demons find out what you all are, you'll get mobbed

Don: How about this? You all stay here, Den and I will go

Den: Alright

Luke: You two be careful

Adam: Yeah, I don't want to lose any friends

Don and Den: As if, that will happen

(Don and Den runs off)

Jay (panicking): Wait, they don't know how to get back to Grey and Dev, heck they don't even know where they will right now

Jae: No need to worry they stole one of my (shows a map) maps

(Luke, Adam, and Jay sigh with relief)

Jae: You really care about your friends, how sweet

Luke: Of course, we do, they have helped us through thick and thin

Adam: Yeah, heck if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be here, having another fun adventure

Jay: No, we would not

Jae: Okay, so ready to continue our tour

Adam: Sure (takes Luke and Jay's hands)

Jae: Tell me, are all of you single?

Adam: I am

Luke: I am too

Jay: I am also

Jae: I find that, hard to believe you three are too cute to be single

(Adam, Luke, and Jay blush and start rambling)

Jae (thought): I have them wrapped up in my figure

(The Screen switches to Don and Den running)

A voice: You two lost?

(Don and Den turns around to see a demon who has brown hair, white skin, wearing sunglasses on his head, red suit, and black shoes)

Don: No, we're fine

Den: Yeah, just looking for a friend

The demon (showing his wings): I could help, I have an excellent sense of direction

Den: No need, according to this, he

(Den and Don see Dev and Grey on the crosswalk eating ice cream together)

Don: Let's go, get him

The demon: But, it looks like he's on a date

Den: I got him

(Den runs over Grey and Dev, and grabs Grey; takes him to Don)

Grey: What's going on?

Den: Grey, has Dev mentioned any type of contract?

Grey: No (putting his glasses on) what did you find out?

(Don and Den look at The other demon)

Don: Would you excuse us?

The demon: Oh, right (flies off)

Den (whispers): If a demon makes a contract with a human that human is bound to that demon, but if the demon breaks the contract the human is stuck in the underworld forever

Grey (writing in his notebook) (whispers): Interesting, interesting, and how is the contract confirmed

Don (whispers) (looks at a glowing scroll): According to this, during sex

Grey (whispers): So, if he asks that during sex and I agree

Den (whispers) (looking at the scroll): You might turn into a demon

Grey (hugs Don and Den) (whispers): Thanks for telling me and don't worry that happen (pushes Don and Den) now, go, I was on a date

Den and Don (whispers): Good luck

(Don and Den walk away)

(Grey goes back to Dev)

(Episode ends)