Savira belongs to James

At this time, Savira's friend heard that Savira had given birth. Aslan, of course, wanted to see how his best friend and nephew were doing, who were currently at the house of Savira and James, because they had previously asked for the mobile number of the woman who had stolen his attention. none other than Asyi.

so at this point, of course, Aslan had told Asyi before that he wanted to meet Safira And also his niece, or rather Actually I also miss Asyi so much right now.

Of course, Asya, who went through it, turned out to be Asyi when she confided in him by phone or maybe in a video call this time, she looked so beautiful that after Asyi had previously told her that Savira had given birth, of course, she was excited to find out how her best friend was and how the child was. Savira's child, of course, Aslan has considered his nephew and at the same time wants to meet the beautiful Asya, whom they are currently approaching.

"Savira... James..., hi I came to visit," said Aslan, who at this time had entered Savira's and James's house, of course, because he was still with him and of course before that the television had forbidden Aslan not to make noise or disturb Savira and James. But Aslan seemed so stubborn.

"Aslan is quite possible right now they are sleeping it's getting late right now, so let's just go back to sitting in the living room," said Savira who felt bad or not from within, it seemed that maybe Queen and King were currently busy.

Aslan, who was annoyed by Asyi's behavior, wanted to pinch the cheek of the beautiful woman who at this time looked so worried when she disturbed Safira, who was her best friend.

"You don't need to worry, for sure Savira will all come out with James, I'm sure they're not busy after all it's still not too late, it's just 7 o'clock," said Aslan who pinched Asyi's chubby cheeks playfully which made the beautiful woman in front of him Aslan and now looks even cuter and makes Aslan very cold kissing Asyi's entire face right now.

Meanwhile, when James and Savira, who were previously engrossed in kissing arrows and making out, were very disturbed to hear the voice of a man who was none other than a friend of his beloved wife, it made James so angry at this time.

Their activities were halted because a human who was a friend of the wife and true partner of Doctor Asya had disturbed them gently, and almost woke up the three tiny babies who were currently fast asleep in their respective cribs, fortunately, Allah provided a protective fence so their children could be seen. slept very comfortably but instead of stopping being impatient they steeled themselves and knocked on their bedroom door so James misses you now.

"Never mind, don't be angry. Let's meet them, maybe we should meet him. It seems he is very happy to meet me and also his future niece …," said Savira, very understanding.

Of course, his friends didn't want to miss any happy information from him, including the news that when Savira and James got married at that time, they didn't know about it and now Savira has given birth, of course, besides that. nor do you want to live in an unsafe place.

James loves Savira so much that now he sees his wife who looks so excited to meet a foreign man even though the man is a friend of his beloved wife still, even to his children sometimes James is so jealous, especially only of foreign men. who is good friends with his beloved wife, does not feel guilty for killing and skinning the next day at the market for those who have dared to disturb his time with his beloved wife.

Savira, who seemed to understand when her husband was angry and upset, made Savira immediately kiss all over her husband's face, which looked annoyed, even James' face looked flat.

"Don't be angry, now smile," said Savira who was currently asking for a small smile from her beloved husband... Savira didn't want her best friend to congratulate her on the birth of their child. James is not like ordinary men when he is jealous.

James, who is of course very affectionate, is needed by his beloved wife so well, and not only that, even James also gets lots of love kisses from his beloved wife, so that at this time James can carve a little smile on his face even though deep inside he is still upset, moreover he is so very Angry at this time even determined to immediately remove or maybe poison those who have presumptuously interfered with their activities.

"Gosh... if you guys want to make out, why does it have to be in front of my room?" said Savira, who at this time felt a little surprised and also intended to make fun of her best friend, who was currently in a very close position to Asyi, they even looked like people who had just kissed.

Whereas previously Aslan had just wanted to act but failed because he heard Savira's voice which seemed so useful that it made Asyi now wake up again and stay away from him.

"Sorry, it's not what you think...," said Asia who was looking down in embarrassment.

"Yes, it is as true as you think," said Aslan, who said the opposite, which made Asyi stare at the man she had just known for a few days, who was so fun and mischievous, but according to Aslan's character and character, Aslan and his former partner were slightly different.

"Come on, what exactly do you want?" said James, who at this time opened his voice and aimed at a creature in front of him.

"I came here just to feel safe because you have become parents and I also want to see how my niece who was born by Savira is doing, Oh yes, now Savira looks so beautiful like never before even with just 3 days of Savira so slim and have a nice body shape." said from Aslan who always commented honestly.

"Thank you, Aslan," said Savira, because her best friend, who often made a fuss about this nosy thing, sometimes rarely praised her.

At this time James looked so jealous because there was another man who made his wife smile sweetly at him, even ignoring James who was currently beside her.

Even though James could test his wife with sentences that had so many sweet and sincere compliments rather than compliments from origin.

Not only James, but now Asyi also looks very jealous because indeed her true partner is currently looking so amazed by the King and Queen which of course is another woman even though Savira is the Queen and indeed the beauty of Queen Wolf is unquestionable still the heart of Asyi felt so jealous.

"Yes, I admit you are beautiful but the future mother of my children is prettier," said Aslan who at this time had even tightly hugged Asyi's waist so that at this time Asyi was so embarrassed and even directed his face not daring to look at anyone at this time. Because indeed, at the time when Aslan's attitude had made him so jealous, it turned out that Aslan was praising him so highly at this time.

"It turns out that you haven't changed, you're always a crocodile, spoiled and nosy, just say that you only want to make Asyi jealous. After all, I also saw the face earlier but this morning I was a little jealous when you complimented me but you are indeed a suitable and harmonious couple. . Isn't it honey?" Said Savra with a sweet smile.

James, of course, heard the words of his beloved wife, he smiled sweetly at this time, especially Savira, who at this time openly called him affectionately, thus making James so happy now even after hugging his wife tightly around the waist and kissing her beloved wife's forehead hard.

"Of course honey," said James with a sweet smile.

Even though earlier there was another man who had presumptuously praised his beloved wife and James so annoyed and jealous, still seeing her behavior that was so adorable, it was easy to forget the feeling of annoyance. Especially seeing the behavior of Savira who is so sweet and seductive.

"Oh yes, please come in, if you want to see our children, but don't make them cry otherwise it's impossible if they wake up you will know the consequences because my handsome husband is so fierce and firm," said Savira this time. serious with what he said.

Of course, Aslan knew that James was fierce and firm, you could see from the face of the man who was indeed the husband of his best friend that was so visible when approached but would look so sweet when looking at his best friend, it was certain that Aslan would be crushed if he woke up his sleeping nephew. that sleep.

"They look so charming, so handsome and beautiful... can I borrow Savira for a moment?" asked Aslan asking permission from James who wanted to talk alone for a while with his best friend.

Of course, James would not let Safira get close to any man, including Aslan, even James was seen just looking at Aslan flatly and hugging his wife tightly around the waist which indicated, of course, he would not allow Savira to step away.

"Savira is James's!" said James who said so firmly that even now James's black eyes stared at him with such a sharp gaze that it made Aslan not borrow Savira.

Even though at first Aslan only intended to jokingly tell Savira to borrow one of Savira's children who looked against it. But it seems that even when he wanted to jokingly borrow Savira, he said so firmly as if he was ready to skin him alive, especially if Aslan wanted to borrow one of the little angels, which at this time was too serious, Aslan's life would be lost in just a matter of seconds.

"Okay Savira is indeed yours and these three handsome and beautiful angels are also yours. I just want to see them look so charming and I was a little kidding earlier... hehehe...," said Aslan because James always seemed to welcome greeting Of sedition so seriously.

"I told you, you don't mess with me this time if you don't want to be pounced on by him, later... hehe," said Savira who chuckled at the behavior of her friend who was so nosy, usually very brave but this time she looked so afraid of her husband.