Baby EXO cries, Ready To Skin

Coincidentally, at this time James was not in a good mood, and of course, James wanted the problem to go away from his house for now so that nothing would disturb him and Savira.

But after James thought it was about it, James also read the thoughts of the real human Aslan, a man who only intended to make fun of him. Therefore at this time James will take turns bullying Aslan besides James can use Aslan to look after baby EXO (Elder, Xavier, Olivia) that way of course James can be alone with Savira, and of course, Aslan will be supervised by Asya, James doesn't care if he is Aslan is an Asyi pair, with this they should be able to look after baby EXO together.

"I and Savira are going out for a while. You said you wanted to look after and see our children, right? Now I want you two to look after the baby. Congratulations EXO very well." said James duty who was currently staring at Aslan with his always black eyes intimidating anyone.

Savira became confused as to why her husband suddenly asked her out, not before that James rarely took her out at night. But this time, James suddenly asked her out for the night, let alone leaving the three young EXO babies. Of course, Savira, who has a very strong mother's soul, couldn't bear to leave her children.

"Ooo ... okay, James you don't need to worry. I will take very good care of baby EXO. Even by risking my life. As long as I am accompanied by a beautiful angel here, I will take very good care of baby EXO." said Aslan who seemed so happy at the moment to be able to spend time alone together with the three tiny babies who were currently fast asleep according to Aslan this was not too difficult a task.

As, on the other hand, responded to the speech from his silence by only bowing and nodding once, so patiently that maybe someone who didn't look at him carefully would not understand Asyi's intention, but James, of course, could understand. It can even read the feelings of Asyi who is most loyal to his kingdom.

Of course, James had no qualms about leaving his three children for the time being with Aslan because he was there but Asyi would watch over that man anyway James felt for sure that Baby EXO would not allow Aslan to be able to look calm and smile sweetly at this time.

Apart from being torturous by children who certainly would not be able to properly care for their three children, James immediately came and gave Aslan a punishment that had never been imagined before.

"But, honey ...," said Savira, who was unsure about leaving her three children at this time.

"They'll be fine honey, Asyi will take good care of your best friend," said James, who at this time tightened his need for his wife's tiny body, making Savira feel calmer.

"I will take good care of them," said Asya to convince Queen as well as a woman who is so good and thinks like a friend even though they have different degrees.

"You don't need to worry Savira, don't you believe in this most handsome and versatile friend of course just looking after my three nephews is an easy thing," said Aslan who took this task lightly.

Because the previous rules didn't just know that EXO babies sometimes when cry are even very difficult to instill if it wasn't for Savira and Jaman themselves. but because but for sure they but for sure will look after and care for baby EXO very well until they come back.

"If Baby EXO cries, James will skin you ...," said Savira, who at this time said firmly to his best friend.

Of course, Aslan would feel a little surprised, usually, Savira likes to joke.b But after marrying James and having 3 daughters who at this time looked so mature and beautiful, she was fierce, even fiercer, and had an aura of intimidation that was quite strong, just like James.

According to Aslan, Savira used to be so innocent and sweet and it was impossible to say so firmly but the person Aslan felt was as if now his best friend Savira had an aura like a Queen and James was a King because every word James or Chavira said, even according to him, Aslan feels absolute and must be obeyed.

Savira was used to being gentle and now her firm attitude has increased over time because Savira has also gone to study abroad, what is in Aslan's memory is probably because Savira's husband, James, who is a foreigner, acted very decisively so that it changed the nature of his former best friend was very whiny and even gentle and could not possibly intimidate anyone.

But after his best friend who had studied abroad and even married a foreigner who was none other than James, it was only natural that Savira's changed attitude was almost similar to James's. It's just that Savira can still joke, even though sometimes when she's serious, Savira is serious like now, but James seems like he doesn't have time to joke with anything, anyone, apart from Savira and his three children, maybe.

"I think you guys are a perfect couple, you both like to intimidate people, but okay, you don't need to worry. We will take very good care of baby Exo," said Aslan, who was currently holding Asyi's hand while trying to smile broadly at Savira and also James.

Of course, Aslan also felt a little afraid of the threat from Savira and James. If it's possible that he accidentally made one of the baby Exo cry, thcryybe James skinned him at that time.

James, who seemed to believe in Savira's words and also the Asyi healer who would certainly accompany him to look after his children very well, so that now James took Savira's venom to go.

Savira hasn't finished evolving yet to make sure they can take care of their children, don't start walking with wide steps and fast enough even according to Aslan's step speed from James. It was too fast even to be compared to an ordinary human that at this point Aslan assumed that mother was an extraordinary human being with a hidden talent.

Of course in modern times like this humans like Aslan don't believe in the existence of mythical creatures like wolves, vampire demons, mermaids, elf fairies, and all other mythical creatures. Of course for someone as long as all that is only in story books and children's fairy tales.

"I think it's possible James used to take part in long-distance running competitions, so now he can easily run with Savira so quickly that I didn't realize it. They suddenly left this place so quickly." Aslan was amazed by the talent possessed by James.

While Asyi, of course, was not surprised because indeed the King wolf and all the other portal creatures, had strengths and also advantages that ordinary humans did not have, so according to Aslan, what he did was a normal action.

"You must be used to this. Oh yeah, you've been friends with Savira for a long time too, of course you know Savira's husband well enough that it's only natural that now you're not surprised by James' talent," said Aslan who concluded himself about what was currently the question in his mind.

Of course, he could only chuckle at Aslan's mindset, which according to him was so very easy to conclude something quickly and in a hurry, but Asyi also felt very grateful because at least this time he was free from strange questions. The ones who usually ask questions about various things Aslan asks, such as the color of clothes, the color of the shoes, the brand of shoes, and other things that Asya thinks are not too important.

Because Aslan is indeed from a family of castes that are not high but not too low. Aslan of course could wear anything, no fancy stuff was required. But it must be familiar with simplicity even though the rest of the human world does not understand the way the clothes that humans on this earth think are too revealing.

Even though today's modern people are sometimes seen almost wearing no clothes at all, when they turn into a wow figure according to their profession, of course, they will immediately wear their clothes completely when they have turned into humans with clothes that are very closed or comfortable but you're human inside.

Modern times like this only use clothes that according to Aslan are not useful at all, even if they only cover a few intimate parts but the shape is the same which of course according to Aslisare like not wearing clothes because they are too tight.

When Aslan once asked Asyi about her favorite clothes, Asyi only answered taken, which were covered and certainly did not show any body parts or shapes.

"You're lucky, maybe baby Exo only wakes up when they are thirsty or just full, because this is the night, but if in the morning or afternoon, be prepared for you, they will cry and certainly won't be able to calm down because they can only be soothed by... their parents." said from Asya who almost mentioned King and Queen Wolf earlier.

"Okay, I'm luckier when I can look after these three tiny babies and keep them company. Aren't you tired of standing there staring at baby Exo as if you're afraid they'll wake up and cry?" asked Aslan who indeed chose to sit on the medium-sized sofa in the room owned by blue and also James in a relaxed manner like his own home.

"I am used to." As said briefly.

At this moment he was so amazed by the beautiful woman in front of him that even with closed clothes he looked so very beautiful, especially with open clothes in front of him, of course, Aslan might not be able to beat the others.

"You say as if, you are a former soldier who is so disciplined and used to wasting and acting to protect the security of the country," said Aslan who once remembered that there was a soldier who was so tough that even in the rain and storm he still stood firm in his place because at that time it coincided with the lowering of the national flag.