4. Bad Or Good Ideas

Rafael increasingly realized that his lover was very beautiful, shoulder-length hair that was slightly wavy with slender eyes, a sharp nose, slightly thin cheeks, and small lips made Felicia look very beautiful and elegant. That's when a crazy thing occurred to Rafael's mind, he thought of handing Felicia to Alano.

"Feli is beautiful, she is nice, she is also not a prostitute and most importantly she has no family. Here she only has me, while in Indonesia she has no one. I'm sure Big Boss will immediately be attracted to Feli," said Rafael in his heart.

"Honey, our conversation this afternoon was not over, I want us to discuss it again to the end," Felicia said while leaning her head on Rafael's shoulder.

But Rafael did not pay attention because the man was still busy thinking about it. His heart and brain collide, on the one hand, he is not willing to see the woman he loves side by side with another man, but on the other hand, he also has to be realistic that life requires money.

"No, I can't do that, then it's the same as selling Felicia to Big Boss," he started to shake off all the bad thoughts in his head.

"Dear!" said Felicia while pinching Rafael's nose hard enough that the man gasped.

"Aww, that hurts, honey," Rafael snorted.

"Why are you daydreaming? I talked at length but you just daydream and ignore it. What is it?" Felicia asked.

"Ah no. There is not anything. Can you repeat what you said earlier? I didn't hear it," said Rafael in a spoiled tone.

"I want us to talk about our debate this afternoon. You haven't answered my question, so when are you going to marry me?" Felicia repeated the previous question.

That question made Rafael pause for a moment, it's not that he doesn't want to marry Felicia as soon as possible, but as a man, he still feels financially lacking. That's why he kept procrastinating. But then it occurred to Rafael again to hand Felicia to Alano. That way he can have a lot of money for capital to marry Felicia, besides if Felicia is chosen by Alano, surely during the contract marriage the money will continue to flow to him, especially to Felicia herself.

"After all it's only a contract marriage, Bigg Boss also can't possibly want to touch Feli, he just wants to fulfill his father's wish. As I know, that Big Boss hates women and he also doesn't want to know love. Then what am I worried about? I can earn a lot of money, I can become a rich king, and most importantly I can still be with Felicia after the contract marriage is over, yeah it's a very brilliant idea, "Raphael said in his heart.

"Honey, why are you daydreaming? Gosh, every time I ask about it, you're bound to get lost in thought. Did you never want to marry me?" Felicia immediately gave her an ultimatum.

"No, honey. It's not like that, I'm thinking of a plan so we can get married quickly, "Raphael replied.

"What plan?"

"I have a very brilliant plan, if my plan is successful I will immediately marry you," explained Rafael.

"I asked, what's the plan?" Felicia asked enthusiastically.

"You'll find out later. By the way, tomorrow you have to come with me to Big Boss's house," Rafael changed the subject.

"What are you going there for?" Felicia asked, she had known for a long time that the person called Big Boss was Alano. However, Felicia had never met Alano in person, she had only seen from the photo that Rafael showed her. According to the information she heard, Alano was a cold and slightly scary person.

"There's going to be an important event and he wants to get to know you in person. So tomorrow you have to dress up as beautifully as possible, okay?" Rafael smiled faintly, he didn't realize that what he was about to do was too much.

"Okay, I won't embarrass you when I take you," Felicia replied.

"Nice, then I'll take a shower first," said Rafael as he got up from his seat, before leaving he kissed Felicia's lips first.

"Oh, I forgot. You haven't showered either, have you? Why don't we take a shower together?" Raphael winked at him with a mischievous smile.

"Should I accept your invitation, you pervert?" Felicia teased with her beautiful laugh that was very seductive.

"I don't accept rejection, so you must want to take a bath with me," Rafael pulled Felicia's hand gently, then he led Felicia's shoulder to the bathroom while occasionally they joked and laughed together.

The next day Rafael was ready by wearing a silver suit and a slightly side-swept hairstyle that made him look more handsome than usual, Rafael deliberately wore clothes like this because he didn't want to make Felicia suspicious. The plan was that after hearing Alano's decision tomorrow, he would only tell Felicia what had happened if it was accepted. Because otherwise, he wouldn't have told Felicia the truth because he knew Felicia would be furious with him.

Rafael received information from other friends that they had recommended many women with very charming beauty, but none of them had attracted Alano, even though the beauty of the women could not be doubted. Out of curiosity, Rafael also had time to send his envoy last night, there were three women he ordered to come with the lure of money, but it turned out that none of them could attract Alano's heart.

That's why today he is more determined to try to recommend his girlfriend, even he has thought of a powerful way to make Felicia obey him if Felicia is elected later.

"Honey, are you ready?" shouted Raphael.

"Alright, I'll be out in a minute," Felicia replied.

With anxious anticipation, Rafael waited for his lover in front of the bedroom door. Even though they live together, they decide to sleep in different rooms, even though when he's horny, Rafael often sneaks into Felicia's room.

"I'm ready, honey," Felicia said as she opened her bedroom door.

As soon as Felicia came out, Rafael couldn't stop staring at Felicia's face, he was so fascinated by her beauty and even forgot to blink for a few seconds. Felicia was much prettier than usual.

At that time Felicia wore a luxurious pink peach sleeveless dress, the dress was quite sexy because the top part showed Felicia's cleavage so that her pure white skin blended with the color of her clothes.