5. Big Boss Rejected

Plus Felicia's amazing make-up skills. Made her face even more beautiful, especially with her long wavy hair, which made her look elegant and classy.

"Hey, honey. How do I look?" Felicia asked.

"Wow, you are so beautiful, more beautiful, and very beautiful. I don't know what to say anymore when I see your beauty today," replied Rafael, who kept praising Felicia's beauty. Seeing this, his heart was again unwilling to hand Felicia to another man, even if it was only a contract marriage.

"Am I that beautiful?" Felicia blushed.

"That's right, you are very beautiful, I'm sure Big Boss will be attracted to you," said Rafael.

"Interested what do you mean?" Felicia asked, frowning.

"I mean, interested in your appearance so you won't embarrass me in front of Big Boss," corrected Rafael. "Let's go," Raphael held out his hand.

"Of course, I will make you proud for having me," Felicia welcomed Rafael's outstretched hand happily. The two of them walked hand in hand as if they were the most compatible couple in the world.

It wasn't long before Rafael and Felicia arrived at a luxurious Italian-style house with marble and gold coating in some parts. The area is wider than a soccer field in Indonesia with all the complete facilities in it, starting from a gym, swimming pool, and all the advanced facilities in it. The nuances that are seen from the outside are already very typical like homes in Italy in general.

"Is this Big Boss's house?" Felicia asked.

"Yes, this is his house. Very big isn't it?"

"Looks like this house is three times bigger than our apartment," Felicia said innocently.

Rafael chuckled, "That's for sure, let's go in," he said.

Felicia was led by Rafael into Alano's house, along the way Felicia kept praising every part of the house with great enthusiasm. Even in Indonesia, Felicia has never found a house as luxurious as this.

At the main door, they ran into some of Rafael's friends who also brought a woman who would be recommended to Big Boss, but nothing seems to have worked.

"Bro, How?" asked Raphael.

"No, rejected," replied his friend with a shrug. "She is yours? So beautiful"

"Yeah, thanks," said Rafael.

"Good luck," said his friend, patting Rafael on the shoulder. Looks like he's going back to looking for another woman for tens of dollars.

"It turns out that many of your friends also bring their girlfriends to meet Big Boss, what kind of event is this?" Felicia asked innocently.

"You'll find out later, come on in," Rafael took Felicia's hand towards Alano's room, coincidentally there were only the two of them there.

"Big Boss, may I come in?" asked Rafael at the door.

"Yes, please come in," replied Alano.

When they entered, Alano was still busy with his cellphone so he hadn't had a chance to see Felicia, but as soon as he lifted his face and met Felicia's eyes, Alano looked amazed at the beauty of the girl.

Alano's eyes opened wide, he watched Felicia from head to toe. The first thing that crossed Alano's mind was, "This woman's beauty is natural, she is ordinary people and limited edition." Although he hates women Alano is a normal man, he is still tempted when he sees beautiful women but he always restrains himself from ever liking women. Even so, Alano still showed his cold attitude.

"Big Boss," said Rafael

"Oh, yeah. Have a seat," said Alano without a smile.

"Thank you. Big Boss, this is the girl I want to introduce you to," said Rafael with a wink at Alano.

"Hi, I'm Felicia," Felicia smiled sweetly as she held out her hand as a form of introduction. From the first time she saw Alano, Felicia had already praised the man's good looks in her heart. The handsome Alano is clear, his body is muscular, his face is firm and dignified because there is a thin beard there, his eyes are green and sharp, he is perfect as a handsome man.

"I don't need to know your name, what I need to know is that you don't have a family anymore?" Alano asked without further ado.

Alano's question just now managed to make Felicia's brow furrow, then she glanced at Rafael who was beside her.

"Just answer, remember, he's Big Boss," whispered Rafael.

"Yeah, I don't have a family anymore and now I live with Rafael here," Felicia replied, she was still trying to be as friendly as possible.

"But you don't seem to be a native of Italy, right?" asked Alano while still playing with the ballpoint pen in his hand as if he was not focused on the person he was talking to, not forgetting that he also kept his smile hidden behind that handsome face with thin hair on his chin.

"Yes, he is from Indonesia," this time Rafael answered.

Alan just nodded as a sign that he understood.

Meanwhile, Felicia still didn't have any negative thoughts, she thought that maybe before lunch Big Boss wanted to chat with her just to introduce the Boss and his subordinates' girlfriends.

But a few seconds later, Alano even asked a question that made Felicia's heart almost burst out of shock.

"So what made you want to have a contract marriage with me?" Alano asked a question, Felicia, never expected. The girl's face bears fruit instantly, she was surprised and did not understand the meaning of Alano's question earlier.

Likewise with Rafael, he thought Alano would not immediately ask such a frontal question. Rafael's face turned panicked because he hadn't told Felicia this.

"What do you mean? I want a contract marriage with you?" Felicia repeated Alano's question.

"Yeah, weren't you invited by Rafael here to offer me?" Alano asked in surprise, he thought something was wrong here.

"What? So that's the real reason you brought me here?" Felicia snapped at Rafael.

"Don't worry, I can explain everything," Rafael tried to calm Felicia so she wouldn't lose control in front of her boss.

"No!" Felicia snapped as she stood up, "Everything is clear, Rafael. I don't need any more explanation. And Big Boss, I want to tell you that I never had the slightest desire to marry you even if it's only a contract marriage, I don't care even if you are a billionaire. I came here because he said he would take me to lunch with you, that's it. If I knew that I would be made an offer like this I would not want to come because I only love Rafael and I just want to marry him. I don't want to marry anyone but him, but it seems like Rafael doesn't appreciate my love," Felici said excitedly because he was holding back his anger that was already building up. After that she left just like that, leaving Rafael and Alano. Her heart ached and broke, she never imagined before that the man she loved had the heart to offer her to another man like this.

"Felicia, wait a minute. Don't go, Felicia," Rafael called, but Felicia ignored him.

"Big Boss, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for all this mess, I'm also sorry on behalf of Felicia. It was my fault that I didn't tell him in the first place," said Rafael while lowering his head deeply.

"I think, I will choose her as my contract wife," said Alano.

Of course, Rafael was very surprised, he immediately raised his face as if he couldn't believe what he heard earlier.

"Are you serious?" asked Raphael for sure.

"Yes, I'm serious. I think she is the most appropriate woman because of the many women who come, she is the only one who doesn't like me and she is the only one who openly rejects me for the sake of a man like you," replied Alano, still with an expression that was very difficult to predict.

"Wow, amazing! I'm so happy that I don't know what to say anymore," Rafael wanted to jump for joy while shouting, he had never felt this kind of joy before. Rafael kept saying in his heart, "Soon I will be a Billionaire."

"But you have to convince the girl that she wants to marry me by contract, I will give you 24 hours if she still refuses then I will find another woman," Alano gave his first ultimatum.

"Of course, I will convince him. Then I'll excuse myself."

"Yes, please go."

Rafael came out of Alano's room feeling so happy, he was prancing around with joy when he got outside. Now her job is only to convince Felicia to be willing to marry Big Boss, and it's not a difficult job for her.