6. A Beautiful Suspicion

Rafael rushed after Felicia who was already in Alano's yard.

"Felicia, wait for me," shouted Rafael, he quickened his pace to catch up to Felicia. But the girl actually accelerated her pace to avoid Rafael. However, because Rafael was running twice as fast, the boy could easily catch up to Felicia. He grabbed Felicia's hand and kept her from leaving.

"Felicia, listen to my explanation first. Don't go straight away like this, even though you haven't heard an explanation from me, "Raphael prevented.

Felicia was forced to stop her steps, she took a deep breath to contain the anger that had been bubbling up to be released. Before turning around, Felicia wiped her tears so she wouldn't look weak and pathetic, then she put on a stern face.

"What else, Raph? What do you want to explain again to me? Isn't everything clear?" Felicia snapped.

"You don't know what really happened, Feli. It's not what you think," said Rafael.

"What I thought was exactly the same as the Reality of what is happening right now. In fact you tried to sell me to your boss, right? Where is your heart? You say that you love me, but where is the proof? A man who truly loves his woman, would not be able to sell her like an item just for money! Although I don't know how much money was offered to you that you would be willing to treat me like this, but it's a fuck!" Felicia said excitedly holding back the anger inside her.

Rafael shook his head quickly, "No, I never had the urge to sell you just for money, not at all. You know that I really love you, so there's no way I could be that heartless to you."

"Then what was that? You asked me to marry your mafia boss, isn't that selling his name? I think you seem to have gone crazy," Felicia continued to scold Rafael with various cornering questions.

"That's what I mean, precisely because it's just a contract marriage, then what's the harm? You are not actually married to Big Boss, you also will not undergo a marriage like a married couple in general, you will only act, it will not take long until the contract expires then you will be able to come back to me, "Raphael explained.

Felicia took a deep breath, it seemed she really had to have more patience when facing Rafael. Felicia couldn't understand her lover's way of thinking at all.

"What is the difference between real marriage and contract marriage? I will remain the property of Big Boss for a period of time, and you? You benefit from that, don't you? That means you are willing to trade me for something, this behavior of yours is really unreasonable, crazy!" Felicia snapped.

"I wonder, what did he offer you to make you willing to do this?" Felicia asked.

"Big Boss is offering $50,000 in return," Rafael replied.

Felicia's face went wide, she didn't expect that much money was offered. Maybe it can be used for one year's living expenses. It was a fantastic amount, it was natural for one to turn a blind eye upon hearing of such a huge gift, but still Rafael's actions could not be justified. How could he trade his own girlfriend just for money?

"Big Boss was forced to marry by his father, even though he didn't want to marry for the rest of his life because he was traumatized, he didn't believe in love and he hated women. Big Boss doesn't want any woman in his life, but because his father threatened to kill himself if Big Boss didn't marry, he finally decided to find a woman who was willing to marry him," Rafael tried to explain in detail about the reason for the offer to marry him. this contract.

"Why me? Why do you have to offer me? Aren't there many other women? You can change women several times a week, but why are you offering me at a time like this? Why not just the women you know?" Felicia asked, her tone starting to soften from holding back tears. Which woman's heart doesn't hurt when her lover treats her like this?

A few seconds later Felicia's tears fell, she couldn't stop herself from crying anymore.

"The big boss asked all his subordinates to find a woman with certain qualifications, one of which was beautiful, kind, and not from a woman of the night because he wanted to make his father happy by giving him the ideal son-in-law, but later after the contract was over, he would admit that he was divorced to his father. You see when we just got here, a lot of my friends came with women, they offered the woman to Big Boss, but nothing was to Big Biss's wish. I've offered several women before, but still none are suitable for Big Boss. At first I just wanted to try to bring you to Big Boss, I hoped and convinced myself that you too would not be accepted by Big Boss, but it turns out that Big Boss chose you," Rafael explained at length so Felicia could understand.

Meanwhile, Felicia listened to Rafael's explanation with tears in her eyes. However Rafael explained, for him Rafael had the heart to do this to him.

It wasn't until Rafael's heart saw that his girlfriend was crying so pitifully, Rafael immediately wiped the tears on Felicia's cheeks, then he hugged Felicia very tightly, don't forget Rafael also gently stroked Felicia's hair.

"I had to do this too, Fel. Do you think this is not difficult for me? No, Feli. It's also very difficult for me. Actually I'm not willing to let you go with someone else even if it's only a contract marriage. But I have a strong reason why I do this. I am reminded of your desire to marry me soon, and you know that I am not financially ready. If you will accept this offer, we can get that much money to get married, buy a house, and for our future living expenses. We can use it for business capital, don't you want to have a boutique? That dream will soon come true if you accept this offer. Besides, I believe that as long as you have a contract marriage with Big Boss, you will receive a lot of money from him," explained Rafael while occasionally kissing Felicia's forehead affectionately.

Hearing that, Felicia's heart started to melt. Her anger gradually dissipated as she began to understand that Rafael was doing this not only for his own sake, but also about the future of the two of them.

Life in Italy is indeed difficult, especially since Rafael is just an errand boy, the rewards are not enough to live well.

"But are you willing to see me with another man? I'm not sure if I can serve Big Boss well in the future because I won't be able to live with someone I don't love, Rafael," said Felicia.

This is not an easy thing for her, even though she used to live alone since childhood without parents and family, but living together with people she doesn't love may be harder than the life she lived before.

"You take it easy, trust me Big Boss won't demand anything. He is a person who does not need the help of others. One thing you have to remember, Big Boss hates women because his mother once betrayed his father and left him. That's why I don't mind if you have a contract marriage with him, because he won't want to touch you. He also won't demand you have sex or anything like that, let alone fall in love. He doesn't believe in love, so he can't possibly love you and vice versa. So, what's the problem? You just have to pretend to be his wife without having to do anything, and we can make a lot of money. After your marriage contract is over, then we can get married right away, what do you think?" asked Rafael, apparently he is very good at persuading and seducing women's hearts.

Felicia, who initially insisted on refusing, is now starting to accept it, in her heart she justifies everything that Rafael said because it's all facts even though she doesn't know what will happen in the end.

At first Felicia didn't think about it, because she also just found out the other side of Alano, known as the Mafia Boss, apparently hates women and doesn't believe in love. That means she doesn't have to be afraid that Alano will do anything wrong, because she will only be a contract wife without having to serve him or anything.

"I think you're right, we can make a lot of money just doing that," Felici muttered.

"So how? Does that mean you agree?" asked Rafael very enthusiastically, he didn't expect that his persuasion had succeeded in influencing Felicia

"Yes, I agree. But you have to promise me that you will marry me after my contract marriage with Big Boss is over," Felicia made an offer.

Rafael immediately agreed because he couldn't wait to get a lot of money from Alano, "Yeah you calm down, I will definitely marry you right away. Come on, now let's go back inside and meet Big Boss to take care of the contract," said Rafael.