14. Meet Alano's Daddy

The two of them walked hand in hand towards the top floor where Alessio was. For Alano, this was the first time he held hands with a woman, it felt a little strange to him like something was pounding in his heart, feeling nervous and even awkward. But luckily Alano didn't have a tremor, let alone a cold, if that happened he would have to be embarrassed in front of Felicia.

Alano is not anti-women, not at all. He has several female friends in his office, he doesn't shy away from making friends with women, it's just that Alano hates relationships that are more than just friends with women. It's not that he's not normal, he still likes girls, and he's not gay. It's just that the trauma created by his mother's actions has made Alano no longer believe in love, according to him all women are the same, they can only hurt. But instead, Alessio was worried that his son had a disorder because he had never seen Alano close to a woman more than just a friend.

Many women like him from college until now, and his handsome face and slight beard make many women crazy. But the more the woman showed interest, the more Alano would drift away.

If he ever admired a woman, then Alano would try to bury that feeling in various ways, until suddenly the feeling just disappeared. He is 31 years old, but he has no ex and has never been in a relationship with any woman.

Alano and Felicia had reached the top floor, Alano invited Felicia to enter a room, it looked like it was a room. Felicia doesn't stop admiring every inch of this house, it's magnificent and luxurious with an expensive and elegant feel because the colors are dominated by black, silver, and gold.

The upstairs was much more luxurious than the downstairs, yesterday Felicia just came in and chatted downstairs, but now she could see the top of this house too.

"Get ready, let's go in," Alano whispered.

Felicia nodded her head indicating that she was ready, and the two of them went inside to meet Alessio.

It turned out that Alessio was still relaxing on his favorite rocking chair with wine beside him. Alessio glanced at them as soon as the two entered. Alessio really couldn't believe that his son came with a girl.

"Alano, bravo," Alessio clapped his hands with a big smile, he stood up to greet them.

"Hey, Dad. This is my girlfriend," said Alano with a smile.

"Hello," Felicia joined in greeting.

"Amazing, apparently you brought a girl to come see me. But this isn't the girl you found on the side of the road and brought here, is it?" asked Alessio probingly. It seemed that he was still unsure of what he saw.

"Of course not, Dad. Daddy can ask him about it himself, he is my lover," Alano replied with a small laugh to hide his nervousness. Alano was very worried that his father would find out that this was all a charade, considering that his father was so meticulous.

"Is that true?" Alessio asked Felicia as he approached to get a better look at her facial expression.

Felicia nodded firmly, "That's right, Dad. I'm Alano's lover," Felicia answered without hesitation, her eyes staring back at Alessio who had been watching her from head to toe. Felicia tried to be as calm as possible, not that she wasn't nervous but that Alessio wasn't as scary as he thought.

Even according to Felicia, Alessio's face can actually give peace because he looks dignified with a fairly thick white beard adorning his face, but his good looks are still there, he looks like Alano in an older version.

"Oh, so you are my son's lover, Alano?" Alessio asked while walking around Alano and Felicia who were still hand in hand like 2 people being judged in an interrogation room, the atmosphere was so tense.

"Yes, Dad," Felicia answered again.

"Since when did you two become lovers? And how come Alano never introduced him to me all this time? Why is it only now when I ask Alano to get married right away?" Alessio asked in a cornering tone. It seems he still doesn't fully believe that his son has a girlfriend.

"We haven't been a couple for a long time, but before Daddy asked me to marry, I was already in a relationship with him. But as Daddy knows, I'm too proud to admit that now I can love a woman because my words have been contradictory, so I'm always not ready to admit it. However, when Daddy told me to get married, I thought this was the right time to confess everything because I just wanted to marry the woman I love," said Alano very smoothly as if what he said was happening, although quite the opposite.

"I feel disgusted with myself for speaking so lowly," Alano denied in his heart. Look how heart and mouth are completely out of sync. Alano pressed Felicia's pinky finger as a gesture to help her speak so it wouldn't look like she was the only one struggling.

"Yes, Daddy. Alano also told me to keep this secret about our relationship until the time was right because he didn't want to sound like he was swallowing his saliva. I was very happy when he said he would invite me to meet you, it was a great honor for me," Felicia bowed slightly as a sign of respect.

"If what you two say is true, then what are you waiting for, hurry up and get married," said Alessio.

"Yes, we do have plans to get married next month," Alano replied with a smile. "Baby?" Alano slightly rolled his eyes.

Felicia was a little surprised, next month is a short time to prepare a wedding party, but since the one who is going to marry her is a rich billionaire, then there is no need to worry about all the preparations, she will send all her men to it. So Felicia said yes by nodding her head.