15. Get Married Tomorrow

"Next month? Why does it have to be next month if the wedding can be held in a shorter time?" said Alessio.

"Nearer time what do you mean Daddy?" Alano asked, frowning.

"Marriage is a good thing, so the sooner it is carried out, the better. What's the point of holding a wedding not ahead if you can get married tomorrow," answered Alessio lightly.

"What? Tomorrow?" asked Alano and Felicia at the same time, they were both surprised and looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Yes, tomorrow. You can get married tomorrow," Alessio made it clear.

"What? How can you have tomorrow's wedding, Dad? The wedding must be prepared in advance, it can't be so sudden as this. No, Dad. It doesn't make sense," said Alano.

"We both have to fit the wedding dress, then prepare the wedding organizer, choose the caterer, buy the ring, and there are many other things that we have to prepare, Dad. It can't be sudden like this, next month is already very fast, let alone tomorrow. I don't think that's possible, don't be too hasty," Felicia added. I don't know where this old man's logic is that he triggers his marriage to take place tomorrow, Felicia thought.

Alessio chuckled seeing their panicked faces, "Why do you have to panic like that? I'm not asking you to prepare everything together, I have many servants, even in this house alone there are more than twenty maids who can help prepare for your wedding. Instead, you just have to sit back and wait, I will make sure that all the preparations will be finished tomorrow morning," Alessio said as if he was given a challenge.

Alessio's goal in getting his son married the next day was to prove whether the woman he was currently inviting to meet him was really his lover or just a paid woman. Alessio thought he was much smarter than his son and couldn't be fooled that easily, that's why he wanted Alano's wedding to take place tomorrow.

"Come on, Dad. Even though Daddy has a lot of assistants, if the time is tomorrow, it will still be too soon," said Alano. It wasn't because she was afraid that her charade with Felicia would be exposed, after all, even if she had to get married tomorrow, Felicia couldn't refuse because she was already bound by a contract. However, he still thinks tomorrow is too short a time to prepare for a wedding.

"The life of rich people is just like that, they seem to be able to do whatever they want, because with money everything can be obtained," Felicia said to herself, she was already reluctant to participate in the debate between father and son because Felicia knew that her opinion wasn't needed at all, if she wanted to be like that, then it would happen with the help of money.

"Alright, if tomorrow is too soon, how about the day after tomorrow? I'll give you two days from now, that's long enough to just prepare for the wedding, right?" Alessio made a new offer.

Alano really can't understand his father, it's only natural that he becomes a very stubborn figure, it turns out that his father is much more selfish than him.

"But, Dad ..." Alano still wanted to argue and make an offer, at least asking for time for the next week.

"No, there's no rebuttal. If you're not willing then I'll think this is all just a charade to fool me, when in fact you don't have a lover or a future wife," Alessio immediately interrupted without giving Alano a chance to argue again.

"Okay, okay, if that's what Daddy wants, I agree to the wedding the day after tomorrow," Alano accepted the challenge from his father because otherwise things would just get more complicated and all his plans would fall apart. He could be forced to marry a real woman of his father's choice, Alano couldn't imagine if that happened to him.

While Felicia had her hands up, she would comply with whatever decision was taken, leaving father and son alone to argue now. Felicia didn't want to bother, after all the purpose of this marriage was just for the sake of money, so there was no need to bother entering into the family life of a rich person who was far above her level.

"But I have some requests regarding this marriage," Alano continued.

"What request?" asked Alessio.

"First I want my wedding to be held in this house, not in a building. Second, I also want my wedding to be not too grand, or luxurious, but only limited to this house and it doesn't need to be so noisy that it can be heard outside the house. Third, I want this wedding to be held privately, only certain people are invited. and Daddy can only invite Daddy's closest friends, I don't want anyone else to know about this wedding, because of course Daddy already knows about it. And for the last one, all wedding preparations are done in this house, from make-up, clothes fitting, catering selection, everything is done here, so those who come here to meet us, not us who have to go there. How?" Alano made an offer that he thought was quite commensurate with his father's wishes.

"Deal, no problem with any of that. But if that's what you want, then you're the only one who takes care of everything. I mean you just ordered your men to prepare for this wedding, because if I ordered my men to worry that something would be wrong. Besides, you can choose anyone you think can be trusted, can you?" Alessio asked back.

"Big deal, Daddy," Alano said as he reached out his hand to shake hands with his father. Then they both laughed in satisfaction as they hugged each other.

Meanwhile, Felicia couldn't help but smile bitterly while shaking her head because she couldn't understand it. The way they live their lives seems 360° different from him, especially from his life before he met Rafael. For tomorrow's meal, Felicia already has to think about it from now on, where will she get the money to buy food so she doesn't starve? Meanwhile, Alano and his father prepared a luxurious wedding in just 2 days without having to think again about where they got the money for the costs because their money was already countless.