The first journey: Chaos

Setting off with the only thing in my mind being how both the system and operator have told me to run terrified I check around me grab as many sweet sticks as I can and proceed to start sprinting often into the forest in front of me almost stumbling putting all my effort into running I managed to make it a good way about 7 miles before collapsing from pure exhaustion as well as The closer I ran in distraction the more shouting I heard attempting to go around The sound was futile every time I attempted doing so it never went past me it almost seemed like anytime I'd walk past the sound I'd be put back next to it with thick brush or foliage blocking my path constantly making it extremely difficult to maneuver around the forest anymore. With this I rested a little bit listening in onto the sounds trying to understand what was going on whether the noises I was hearing we're because of fear, anger, hunger, or because of destruction it took me about five minutes to piece together what I was hearing it was clear after hearing the variety of voices I could clearly tell there was two groups one doing something terrible enough to make the others scream and/or cry out for help well the others were calling, shouting, screaming, or crying out in pain or fear. I couldn't understand what was going on couldn't even understand if they were actually saying help I could just tell so I observed knowing I couldn't do nothing not even capable of making a stone spear I watched this group massacre an entire village and eat them like they were nothing more than cattle. After six hours there was nothing left all the houses haven been burnt down bodies left is pieces scattered all over the village torn apart Clearly from teeth and claws after this I watched the group gather bringing all there spoils and loaded it on carts pulled by some sort of giant pink creatures with horns or spikes in all most every part Of it's body and mount them or horses with this they set off leaving the village in ruin and completely ablaze now. After this I truly understood why the system urged me so terrified I looked down and simply apologized as I walked threw the the ashes and corpses oh the village unable to even see a single weed left alive with this I continued ok traumatized by this memory never forgetting about it and always keeping it in mind Anytime I ever want to meet people I never knew about. Reaching back to the forest through the village a different feeling than every other forest I've been in surrounded me it was like as if people were shrouded in darkness lurking for those to weak to defend them selfs without even taking a second to think I proceeded to sprint violently through the forest in hopes that I wouldn't be Kardashian behind objects as soon as I possibly could to attempt to get behind cover making myself and always attempting to keep myself hidden behind any object I could fit behind this continued on until I almost proceeded to pass out from exhaustion and fear delirious in a half awake half asleep state I climb a tree to the top of it as an attempt to hide me before I passed out as I desperately needed to get sleep and calm down at the top before losing complete consciousness and almost falling out of the tree light surrounded me and it seemed as if the night sky flowed with magic I slept well and was to tired to move. That night my mind As well as my dreams went wild almost unable to comprehend most of it seeing just two items with the rest looking like bright lights taking shape and moving Almost flowing as they where water being moved through the air but some materialized completely taking forms one after another slowly I began to realize it was as if my brain was depicting the light and understanding the shapes or objects/materials they where making or being taking in as much as I could surround by this amazing spectacle unbelievably happy then I was suddenly and rudely awakened by a bang a large one shaking the tree I was in yet sounding as if it was miles away waking up in a panic I frantically looked around me as an attempt to see what that noise was all I could see was a giant dirt cloud with what seemed like hundreds of thousands of miles away on a distant Mountain top. Waking up completely and gathering my senses after looking at something very large,frightening,and brand-new for me I finally realized there was a screen in front of me from the system terrified and hanging onto the tree for dear life Reading the message "you've seen the flow of magic congratulations you as well as many others has been consumed by the essence of power learn it or die by it yearn for it or never grow in it learn control in it so you can control "them" shape with it build with it live with it make it new and great use it as your life blood make magic great" "unlocked the sight of magic able to see magic form before it materializes and gains the able to learn control over it with one's way" too terrified to take all of that in I only managed to get bits and pieces before I hurried down the tree in hopes to run away or hide from that noise abut below halfway down the tree several large explosions this time in almost 3 times the magnitude causing the tree to shake me violently to the ground smacking my body violently Terrified I stood up as quickly as I could gathered myself and ran as fast as I could with the explosions being more frequent now sometimes being less violent but more in a sequence or one singular large explosion my movements were extremely erratic to keep my balance so I could keep running slowly bit by bit I managed to make room in between me and the explosions to where I could start running somewhat normal again sprinting at this point able to actually get the footing to where I wouldn't slip I put all my effort and being into running pushing through the pain and sprinting nonstop until I was far enough away from those explosions that I felt safe well after they stopped but I was to scared to stop The only thought in my mind was" if they can make the ground shake from that far away I need to keep the ground shaking and them in between us". I ended up running for about nine hours watching the sun go down and passing by to small villages and a clearly different type of forest I stopped at a mountain pass looking back in hopes that I was gone from the danger.