The first journey: growth and discovery

Stoped at the pass exhausted unable to move a muscle all I could think about was the booming from before and the dream I had just thinking about how much force/power was behind those booms somehow trying to match it with my dream as I saw it take form of almost anything so why not this first I pictured it going as a stream then swirling up into a ball in the end in exploding. Then I pictured it suddenly filling up a ball shape in the air unable to push pass it and exploding finally I saw it as it was for when I pictured it gathering up into a ball smaller than my knuckle from all directions instantaneously I punched with the thought to carry it through but instead a powerful explosion came off the end of my knuckle blowing me back and tearing a hole in mountains completely charring my arm I attempted to look up only able to see half of vision before completely collapsing and losing consciousness unaware of what happened all I could remember was just how I managed to create some thing like that. I truly don't know how long I was out but during that entire time it felt like a day With my mind just going rampant of thoughts hoping I could come up with something the entire time I pictured air,fire, water, stone, plant life, and even light itself Attempting to create forms or being used in other ways thinking about how objects can be compared to others and what the properties of them were seeing and attempting to actually create the right image in my head of how these elements would move with I did before. It was weird waking up my dream didn't stop abruptly I wasn't suddenly casted out by a fireball or killed nothing of those sorts simply a door appeared behind me I didn't notice it for a while actually there was no noise nothing that came along with it but I knew something was there I could fell things in this space no matter what they were it also seemed like no matter what. Noticing the door I inspected it Looking around at seeing how it was attached to nothing simply a door just there up completely and nice looking With etchings in the strange words and strange symbols or characters carved into the door frame finally I attempted to open it the second I cracked the door open A blinding bright light blasted through and forced the door open with this I woke up shooting up immediately wrenching in pain nearly collapsing down into a ball I grabbed my arm with my other shrieking and pain. My arm and my hand has been completely burnt my Right arm now no longer having any color left Other than the meat that didn't burn Crying and attempting to do whatever I could to stop the pain eventually I ended up collapsing blacking out. Back into the space I once was this time with my arm and the rest of my body which I have not noticed till now still being in the circumstance it was in Yet this time I felt no pain even when I poked and prodded my skin I felt nothing with it just confused me more Pushing pass my confusion I started thinking of ways that I could start to help Myself coming up with the idea that if I can make an explosion from air And I know there's plants that Help you in extraordinary ways why can't I make those or there properties with this force I started experimenting on three major elements that I believed where related to the properties plant life, ground, and light. Light being the foundation to almost all life,ground the provider of all life and plants the life that gives or takes. I started imagining what could help from them I managed to grow plants of all sorts tall massive trees able to house a palace, sprawling evergreen forest, herbs that only a dragon would know or the gods of the sky, bushes and ivy to cover or create the most beautiful nature labyrinth, and fields and fields of grass that yielded food. Yet nothing helped I attempted again with ground molding the land into a vast spacious mine to explore all the resources,minerals, and crystals I could need finding nothing of use to me only small scale wins with the Discovery of a couple minerals i could use for arms or other products nothing digestible by my body and that dirt could help a wound form getting infected and keep things out of it. Light I tried everything knowing it was a boundless force sent from the stars supporting all those who need it but as I learned how to heal and that healing with this force is basically light energy revitalizing the cells to regenerate/grow back through naturally means or accelerated means using the light to overvitalize them boosting there growth still nothing. I can feel and tell everything here now but I can't feel my burn because it wasn't there it was merely me putting my image from outside of what I saw on to me in this room discomfort filled in me after learning about this making me leave blinded by the light from the door once again I woke up not at the mountain anymore but in a building covered by a long cloth sheet.