Chapter 12

At noon, the crew rested, and Ed came, dressed in a suit and shoes, and brought the crew a few coffees.

"Rocca, how did you feel when you first filmed?"

Ed put down his coffee and asked.

"Good value for money"

Rocca smiled, "It's just a little cold to shoot without clothes."


Ed patted his arm, "It's okay, just get used to it!" "


Rocca raised an eyebrow and said a little disapprovingly, "Ed, don't tell me you're going to let me shoot this kind of role all the time?" "

"Haha, no, no"

Ed smiled and brought up one more thing.

"Rocca, next week at Lincoln Center, ARMANI's new outfit show, I gave your profile to the organizers along with the other models, you also got an invitation, do you want to make some extra money?"


Rocca was a little surprised, "This is a world famous brand, my profile should indicate that I am a newcomer, why did they choose me?" "

After joining ford model agency, the company has a free training course for models, he followed the training for a period of time out of curiosity, but only practice, has not been shown on stage, not a serious model.

Ed smiled softly, "Because you are our Ford people, Ford's models have always been very cost-effective, and besides, you are a new person, the new person is cheap, and the new face is more in line with the new design..."

Ed slowly talked about the rules of the modeling industry, which is highly competitive, super fast, and new faces are more popular, but also easier to be eliminated.

According to statistics, among the models who appeared on the stage during the world's four major fashion weeks, the proportion of models who did not hear after a flash in the pan was as high as 47%, so the use of new people is the custom in the fashion circle.

There is also the cost of using all supermodels too much, and the faces of supermodels sometimes steal the limelight of fashion, and so on.

Rocca understood a little, "How much do I pay for my appearance?" "

"Two thousand dollars"

"So low?"

Kate's appearance fee started at thirty thousand, and now the industry's highest level Ji Mousse has a catwalk of two hundred thousand dollars, a hundred times higher than Rocca, a hundred times.

"Rocca, you are a newcomer, armani costume show is a big scene, this is also an opportunity to exercise"

"Well, I'm on!"

A catwalk is two thousand dollars, a step is almost ten dollars, and playing a small supporting role is only fifteen hundred dollars, and you have to take off your clothes and be ridden.

In contrast, being a model makes money a little faster.

"By the way, Ed, did you read the script I gave you?"

Two days ago he completed "One Goal fame", did the copyright registration, and handed it to Ed.

"Rocca, your script is really good, the degree of completion is very high, after reading it I really can't believe that such a mature script was written by a beginner of yours, you are so surprising!" 」

Ed even marveled.

"It's nothing, just my own story"

Rocca smiled lightly.

"Haha, I see it, I'm just surprised that you still have such a literary talent, very rare, maybe you can try to write a novel"

Rocca smiled slightly, "Ed, I'll think about it, but I'm more concerned about the script now, will it be favored by the studio?" "

"Rocca, don't worry, I voted for the script to several film companies, and also found a relationship to review in advance, which requires a reaction process"

"All right!"

After the break, the shooting continues.

This is the second bed scene, and the plot is that Chip and Samantha are exercising in bed, and several FBI companies break in and arrest Chip for the crime of inline trading.

The reason is that in the last bed scene, Chip confided the inside information about the stock market to Samantha.

"Yay! Yes! "

Rocca lay on the bed, screaming with great excitement.

"Rocca, put in a little more, get a little more excited"

Director Darren shouted.

"Okay, Mr. Director!"

"Sorry Kim, I'm bothering you again"

Rocca apologized again to Ms. Cateroll.

Cate-Rolle chuckled softly, "It's okay Rocca, such a muscular and handsome Prince Charming, I don't mind a little more**** for a while."

Rocca smiled a little ashamedly.

Although a person who has lived for two lifetimes is still inferior to this foreign woman in terms of shame.

"The second game, the second time, start!"

Field note play board.


Rocca shouted louder and opened wider, he used to be a screenwriter, often mixed in the crew, watched a lot of people act, and also watched a lot of directors teach newcomers to act.

Directors tell newcomers that being an actor is like a monk, and you must first learn to let go of yourself, put down etiquette and shame, liberate yourself without a bottom line, and refresh shame without limits in order to tap more potential.

Simply put, it is to learn not to face.


Rocca shouted excitedly and turned on the vibration mode.


Ms. Cate-Roll couldn't help but laugh.

"Kim, do you have any questions?"

Rocca's performance is very good, but Kim has another malfunction, and the director has no choice but to stop.

"No, hahaha~"

Cate-Roll covered her mouth and smiled as she lay on his chest.

Rocca pulled the corners of his mouth, is that funny?

"Sorry Rocca"

Katerol stood up straight and smiled, "Sorry Rocca, I'm probably going to sit a little longer."

What can Rocca say, it's my pleasure?

"The second and third time, start!"

Field note play board.

"Oh yes~

The scene was noisy again.

This time the shooting went smoothly and was done in one go.

After filming the two bed scenes, Rocca shouted dumb and froze.

Fortunately, only the last scene remains, that is, the scene where Chip and Amansa meet for the first time.

At night, the gloomy apartment downstairs.

Rocca, dressed in a noble suit and delicate hairstyle, stepped off the Hummer in a handsome manner.

This car is hummer's new H2SUV concept series, black and shiny body, tough lines, tall and large, looks very fierce, is too much movement, can not pull easy.

This Hummer H2 and the suit on him are implanted advertisements, and these two things show that Chip is a successful person.

Chip closed the Hummer door, walked to the door of the apartment building with the key, and opened the door.

"Please wait!"

Samantha shouted, ran up, stood in front of him and laughed, "Thank you, I live here, this is my key."

Chip introduced himself, "My name is Chip Gikendi, I just moved here."

"Samantha Jones, I live on the third floor!"

Samantha said with a fiery look in her eyes.

"I live on the fourth floor and you are right under me"

Chip cocked the corners of his mouth, and his voice was a little thin.

"Haha, what a coincidence"

Samantha looked at his car and smiled, "This is a really good car, I like Humvees."

This line is advertising, but also hooking Chip, using Humvee as a metaphor for a strong man.

Chip glanced at the Hummer behind him, and a handsome smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


The scene between Chip and Samantha was finished.

Shooting three scenes a day is not fast or slow.

Rocca took off his suit and handed it to the crew's custodian.

"Rocca, would you like to have a drink together?"

As she left the crew, Ms. Cate Roll waved in the car.

Rocca froze, is this a date?

He spread his hands and said, "Kim, I'm so tired today, I just want to find a bed to sleep in now."

"Haha, good night that night!"

Cate-Roll started the car and left.

"Rocca, you missed a great opportunity!"

Someone from the crew next to him quipped.

Rocca shrugged his shoulders, "Mark, you know, I've been ridden for a day today, even a horse should be tired."

Everyone was stunned, and suddenly a deafening laugh broke out

"Oh, poor Rocca, you're so unlucky"

"Rocca, you screamed so loudly when you were shooting, I thought you enjoyed it."


Didi~, suddenly a fiery red Ferrari quickly stopped at the side of the road.


Someone in the car shouted.

Everyone looked at it together, wow, what a beauty.

The woman driving the car is beautiful, she has long blonde hair, gorgeous red lips are full and sexy, wearing a low-cut white rock style blazer, simple and spontaneous, sexy and charming.

"Kate, how did you get here?"

"I'll stop by after the scene and get in the car!"

Kate tilted her head.

Rocca smiled, said goodbye to the crew, and got into the car.


The red Ferrari shot like a rocket into the distance.

"Wow, what a beauty"

"Rocca must have had a good night tonight!"

"Good luck guy!"

The crew looked enviously in the direction of the car, no wonder he didn't want to accept Kim's invitation, it turned out that there was such a beautiful girlfriend, it was really jealous.


Again to ask for recommendations ~

Like my sister is a supermodel please collect: ( My sister is the fastest update time for supermodel search novels.