Chapter 13

"Kate, I'll drive, you take a break"

In the car, Rocca said softly.

"No use"

Kate brushed her blonde hair on her head and smiled, "Is acting fun?" "

Rocca shook his head, "It used to be fun to watch other people act, and it was a bit boring to play by yourself."

"Haha, Rocca, isn't it exciting to hear that you and Kim are filming bed scenes?"

In the back seat, Lima lay casually, still putting her feet on his reclining seat, and the silk skirt slid down her silky thighs, not caring.

Rocca looked at it, shook his head, and said, "Our bed scene is very simple, but the action is very large, it looks very energetic, but there is nothing."

"Are you disappointed? Hmmm, I knew you were still that colored guy."

Lima shook her feet and almost didn't hit him in the face.

Rocca glanced back at her, "Lima, your feet stink."


Lima blushed and poked him angrily, how can a model have athlete's foot, that does not smoke the audience offstage.

Kate shook her head and smiled, "Rocca, apologize to Lima! "

"Lima, I'm sorry, I'm just joking"


Lima looked out the window at the night, not going to talk to him again today.

Seeing the two fighting, Kate smiled slightly, "Lima, why did you hurry away last week, was he bullying you?" "

"Last week?"

Lima also remembered that incident, suddenly a little blushing, the last time I saw him working in the room, I still thought he was very attractive, some heartwarming, now that I think about it, I am really blind to think that he is attractive.

"Lima, I didn't bully you that time, did I?"

Rocca asked back.

"Hmm, you still have a face and say, last time you wanted to take advantage of me, you still wanted to touch my chest, did you forget?"

"Rocca, is that so?"

Kate asked in a deep voice.

Rocca looked helpless, "Lima, God testify, you say it again!" "

Lima, a Christian, snorted softly, too lazy to speak again.

Kate shook her head slightly, "Why can't you two get along well, I also hope that you two can become boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Me and him?"

Lima shook her legs in disgust, He's, rude, and a lot of troublemakers, he's not my dish! "

"Thanks, I'm really worried you'll like me, after all, I'm so handsome"

Rocca said lightly.


Another poke in the shoulder.

"No face!"

"Oh wow"

Kate was completely dead-hearted, and the two of them were fine not in contact, otherwise they would have fought every day.


"Rocca, relax your body a little, be natural, don't be tense!"

"Rocca, relaxation is not loose, you must concentrate, the steps have momentum!"

In the 76th Street high-rise apartment, next to the gym is Kate's studio.

To the left of the studio are rows of hangers, filled with clothing, underwear and fashion of various brands.

On the right wall is a row of bookshelves with various publications, including fashion magazines, jewelry appreciation, beauty and makeup, clothing design, Vanity Fair, fashion handbook, jewelry and jewelry, body and clothing and so on.

In the middle of the studio, there is a clearing of more than ten meters long, which is where Kate practices her steps every day.

Now Rocca is wearing a sweatshirt and walking from one end to the other with the rhythm of the live music.

In the orthopedic mirror on the wall, he was holding a tray on his head, barefoot, expressionless, with his head held high, his steps were consistent with the amplitude of his arms swinging, and his shoulders were not moving.

He was practicing the stage steps.

ARMANI's new ready-to-wear show is coming soon.

Kate, fearing that he was malfunctioning, conducted assault training steps on him for several days, at least five hours a day, which was much more tiring than standing in a military position and kicking the right step.

"Rocca, pay attention to your expression, the ARMANI costume show is not a Victoria's Secret show, it is a regular fashion show, the model is just a shoe that will move, don't have any superfluous expressions on your face"

Kate wrapped her arms around him and stared closely at his movements, and at work she became serious, stereotypical, and stern, somewhat like Ms. Nina Heath.


"Go ahead!"

Queen Kate waved her hand.

Rocca continued practicing, walking step by step with his sore legs and heels, his eyes looking straight ahead, unable to even desert, because Kate's eyes were so poisonous that once he deserted, he would be found and even beaten.

"Rocca, come on!"

Lima came over today without work, and she walked into the studio with a plate of nuts and smiled happily.

"Rocca, do you know now that being a model is not easy?" Hum, but you eat bitterly, not as good as one in ten thousand of us? "

Rocca walked past her expressionlessly, ignoring her.

Two days ago, Lima spoke sarcastically, he did not hold back a sentence, and when he turned back, he was beaten several times by Kate, and Lima almost did not laugh and lose his breath.

This time there was no pit, and Lima pouted in disappointment.

She sat down next to Kate with a plate, cross-legged and ate cashew nuts, and suddenly smiled badly.

"Kate, practicing the stage steps is not only about practicing steps, momentum, movements, but also shame and guts, Rocca is walking well in clothes, but he can still walk so calmly when he takes off his clothes?"

Kate glanced at her and smiled softly.

When Rocca came over, she said with a straight face, "Rocca, take off your clothes and pants."


Rocca looked confused.

"Hurry up, or I'll hit you!"

Lima waved the shell stripper in her hand and faked the tiger next to her.

Rocca hugged her chest and looked at Kate, who was a dignified soft rice king, although I ate soft rice.

"Lima don't do it!"

Katla, who was a little embarrassed, said softly, "Rocca, do you know who the best models of ancient and modern times are?" "

Ancient and modern?

The range was too big for Rocca to remember.


"The King in the Emperor's New Clothes"


This is fiction, right?


"Because the king's heart is very big, the degree of shame is infinitely high, and when he was wearing a new outfit on the catwalk, suddenly a major change occurred, but the emperor's mentality was very stable, and he still dared to walk naked and calmly in front of countless people.

Rocca shook his head, the king was a psychopath, who was like him.

"You can't do it because you're not stable enough, your shame level is too low to let go in public, so I want you to take off your coat and pants and practice walking the catwalk in your underwear, understand?"

Kate said solemnly.

"All right!"

Rocca smiled slightly, big sister, if you had said earlier that you could keep your underwear, I wouldn't be so nervous, am I still afraid of taking off the scene as an actor who shoots bed scenes?

It didn't take him a minute to take off his shirt and trousers.

"Poof, SpongeBob SquarePants!"

Lima covered her mouth and laughed.

Rocca looked at his yellow SpongeBob panties, his face was also a little red, his clothes, shoes and hats were all bought by Kate, and he couldn't do anything by himself.

Kate looked at it calmly, squeezed the corner of her mouth and said, "Let's get started! "


Rocca stepped on the rhythm of the music to walk forward, wearing clothes on the catwalk and not wearing clothes are two kinds of state of mind, wearing clothes and walking the catwalk, can be very calm, do not wear coats to the catwalk, expose the whole body, let people have a sense of insecurity.

"Keep walking, it's okay if you get used to it!"

Kate said calmly.

All right!

Habits become natural.

Practicing the stage steps in this way can also practice acting skills, and then perform bed plays later, roca feels that he can perform more riotously.

"Kate, Rocca's figure is really good, how come I didn't find it before?"

Lima looked at his back and smiled.

Kate shook her head, "Strictly speaking, Rocca's muscle block is too big, her body fat is too high, and it doesn't meet the standards of a model, and she needs to practice more before she officially goes on a lingerie show."

"But this figure is very strong and sexy"

Lima crossed her long legs and stared at Rocca without blinking, her muscles getting stronger, her thighs were thick, her ass was upturned, and it felt good to play.

"Lima, do you like Rocca, do you want to date him?"

Kate quipped.

Lima blinked her amber eyes, "I'm a girl, can't you let me ask him out?" "

"Then I'll let him ask you out!"

"Hmm, just like him, would he dare to ask me out?"

"That's not certain!"

Kate Wan'er smiled, "Rocca, keep walking, in your current state, you can't go on a big show, you're my student, don't lose my face."

What Roca could say was to continue practicing with tears in her eyes.

This is probably the price of eating soft rice!

Move times to hit times ~

Twist your ass!

Like my sister is a supermodel please collect: ( My sister is the fastest update time for supermodel search novels.