Chapter 23

"... The little girl looks like a water spirit, really loved by everyone, beautiful and moving, her skin is really as white as snow, and ruddy as blood, her hair is as golden as sunshine, and the queen gave her a beautiful name, called Snow White..."

On the lawn of the inpatient department of Mount Sinai Hospital, the sun is warm, and Rocca is sitting in a wheelchair, holding a fairy tale book in his hand, and gently reading fairy tales.

On the grass next to the wheelchair was a wool blanket with a pile of fruit, apple banana biscuits, brown ragdoll bears and blue elk.

In the middle of the muppet lay a little girl of about ten years old, reddish copper hair, royal blue eyes, and a few mischievous freckles on her fair cheeks.

Her name was Eve Heath, Nina and Ed's Baby.

Rocca had seen the little girl very early, but he had been a bad boy before, and Ms. Nina would not allow him to have any contact with Eve.

Now he's normal and looks pretty good.

When Nina and Ed come to the hospital, they often come with the little girl.

This weekend, the little girl came over again.

"Wow, it's Snow White again"

Suddenly Eve patted the Muppet Bear with dissatisfaction, "Brother Rocca, I'm ten years old, not a child, I don't want to listen to Snow White..."

Rocca put down the book in his hand and smiled, "So what do you want to hear?" "


Eve pressed the Muppet Bear and held her hands on her small face for a long time, "How about Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?" "

"There's no Harry Potter story in this book"

"Then I don't want to listen to Snow White, she's silly and not cute at all"

Eve waved her small hand in disgust, her shallow eyebrows twisted into two small bugs, and a few light freckles were telling of disgust.

Rocca smiled slightly, changed his notebook, and said, "Eve, or I will tell you a vampire story."


The little girl's eyes lit up, and she asked, "Is it a vampire bat with two fangs?" "

"NO, the vampires in my story are all beautiful little girls like you, and big handsome guys"

"Well, hurry up, hurry up!"

The little girl was lying on the couch, staring at him with blue diamond-like sparkling eyes, with some small expectations.

"Eve, the story takes place in a small town called Fox in northwestern Washington, in the Olympia Mountains, shrouded in haze all year round, where the rain is incredible..."

"Is there really such a town?" Without the sun all year round, will their hair be moldy? "

The little girl asked curiously with a shallow frown.

"Of course, there are Eve, the world we live in is very big, very strange, anything can exist, but we can't perceive, we can't deny its existence because we can't perceive it.

And vampires are creatures that can't see the sun, so they live in such a small town full of haze, vampires are like magicians, they can be magical, so don't worry about hair mold."

"Oh, magic, the same as Harry Potter?"

"Yes, vampires are supermen who can do magic."

"Wow, that sounds funny, Brother Rocca, go ahead!"

Eve was lying on the blanket, her two little feet dangling, listening to the story in a very comfortable position.

Rocca smiled slightly, and continued, "I escaped from this town, when I was only a few months old, and I was in this town, and every time I was forced to go there for a month, until I was fourteen years old, when I finally made it clear that I did not want to go, and then a few months later, my father, Charlie, had to take me to California for a two-week vacation as an alternative..."

Rocca slowly read the contents of the first part of Twilight Morning.

When analyzing this movie before, he had specifically seen the original book of Twilight.

It just so happens that the memory is very good after being reborn.

Based on the film's framework and the content of the novel he recalled, he roughly copied Twilight down.

It's just that the original author is a housewife who is very good at YY.

In the depiction of male vampires, the brushwork is super delicate, and what brilliant chest, smooth as satin skin, his angelic face, etc., are purely the female author's obscenity.

He certainly wouldn't copy it.

A male author who writes a book in that language would be treated like a.

After the modification, the language style is more masculine.

In terms of plot, he added some fight scenes.

In this part, he borrowed classic scenes from film and television novels such as "Legend of the Night", "Van Helsing", "Vampire Diaries" and so on, which can be regarded as a thorough integration.

Whether the adapted novel can still sell well, he does not know, first occupy a pit and then say.

"... Edward was so astonishing that after the hunt, his skin glowed red with blood, as if there were thousands of tiny rubies set on it..."


As I read the fifth chapter, someone on the trail greeted him, and Rocca set up a tent in front of his forehead to look at it, only to see a handsome scumbag standing on the path under the lawn.

"Wow, it's Leonardo"

Eve was the first to call out the man's name.

"Hi Leon!"

Rocca waved.

"Rocca, it's really you!"

Leonardo spoke to the people around him and strolled up the lawn with his hands in his pockets.

Seeing the little plum coming, the little girl immediately jumped up from the blanket and sorted out the scattered red hair, the white princess skirt, holding the corner of the skirt with both hands, and was well-behaved like a little lady.

"Eve, do you like Leon so much, you can ask him for an autograph"

Rocca took out a pen and a storybook and handed them to the little girl.

"Oh, that's great!"

The little girl happily took over.

Rocca smiled and looked at the little plum that walked in slowly.

Not long ago, "Cat and Mouse Game" starring Little Plum and Tom Hanks was released in North America, and it won more than 75.7 million box office in two weeks, and it is expected that the global box office will break 300 million.

Another movie sold well, and Little Plum became one of the most cost-effective male stars in Hollywood, and his career was in full swing.

"Rocca, I heard you're a hero who saved people?"

Leonardo came up, looked at his wheelchair and smiled.

Rocca pulled the corners of his mouth, a little helpless.

Two days ago, the New Yorker splashed him with dirty water, and Ed fought back with the media, reporting how he saved people on the street, but there was no surveillance, no witnesses could be found, and almost no one believed that he saved people.

Not only that, but yesterday the newspaper said that Rocca was selling his reputation.

Leonardo was teasing him.

Rocca smiled nonchalantly, "Leon, congratulations on your new film winning the weekly box office again."

"Uh, thank you!"

Leonardo froze, and when he saw Rocca again, he thought that Rocca would be jealous and crazy, he did not expect Roca to be so calm, there was no hint of envy in his tone, such a Roca made him a little strange.

"Hi Leon, my name is Eve, can you give me an autograph?"

Eve said with a twinkle in her eye.

"Haha, of course!"

Little Plum squatted down, took the signature pen and signed the big name on the inner envelope, and wrote a word of blessing.

"Leon thank you!"

The little girl blushed with excitement.

Rocca smiled slightly, and little plum had a good brush in dealing with women.

"Leon, can you tell me how you became a megaloman?"

Xiao Lizi looked at him, raised an eyebrow and smiled: "Rocca, you will never learn my method."

When he finished, he waved his hand at Eve and left the green grass cleanly, as if he had forgotten the purpose of his coming, or did not care.

"Leonardo is so cool!"

The little girl looked at the back of the little plum and sighed.

"Eve, who is cooler with Leon?"

"Of course leon"

The little girl said without hesitation.

"Eve, good boy doesn't lie"

Rocca shook the notebook in his hand.

Eve pursed her little mouth and twisted her little bug-like eyebrows, "Okay Brother Rocca, you're cooler than Leon."

"Haha, Eve, you're such an honest good boy"

"Brother Rocca don't stink, tell the story quickly!"

"Well, the vampire journey is about to begin again... Edward held out a hand, and then with a deafening crackling sound, he effortlessly pulled a branch up to two feet in diameter from the trunk of the spruce tree..."

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