Chapter 24

"Rocca, didn't Eve make a fool of herself today?"

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Ed came to the ward and saw Eve taking a quiet nap, and he smiled slightly.

Before moving the table, Rocca put down his pen, moved his stiff wrist and smiled, "Ed, Eve is very well-behaved, we get along very well."

"Haha, she's not a good girl"

Ed said softly as he touched his handmaiden's hair and said dotingly.

"Dad, I heard you say bad things about me"

Suddenly the little girl suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Ed without blinking, her royal blue eyes as pure as the sky, and he was a little ashamed to see it.

"Haha, Eve, it's Daddy who said it wrong, Eve is the most well-behaved and beautiful child in the world"

"Hmm, that's pretty much it!"

Eve held up her delicate little chin and looked very proud.

Ed laughed, "Eve is up, it's time to go home."

"No, I'm going to listen to Brother Roca tell the vampire story here"

Eve listened to the story of the morning, listened very enjoyably, she completely substituted herself into the heroine of the story, just dreamed of a group of handsome vampires, this story has not been finished, she does not want to go.


Ed looked at him curiously, "Are you writing a novel?" "

Rocca smiled, "Last time I watched a few vampire movies with Kate, and suddenly I got a little inspiration, and I started trying to write something."

He looked at Eve again, "Eve, the story is not finished, wait until next weekend, I will be discharged, you can come to the house to listen."

"Emmm~, all right!"

Eve blinked obediently, pulled on the quilt again, and decided to sleep a little longer.

Ed smiled slightly and took a newspaper out of his bag.

"Rocca, it seems like someone is deliberately targeting you, making a fuss about your previous affairs"

"Is it?"

Rocca took the newspaper and looked at it.

Since the New Yorker newspaper reported on a small model taking jujube pills and falling unconscious two days ago, he has become more famous in the modeling circle, but not a good reputation.

Today's newspapers continue to stomp on him.

This time it's not about splashing dirty water, it's about speaking with facts.

In the entertainment section, The New Yorker said that he often harassed other female models while working as an assistant to Kate, several female models who had retired from the circle proved this, and two women who engaged in special services said that he did not give money when he went to bed.

Rocca looked at the fever on his face, these two women were probably the day of the Victoria's Secret Show, he was in a hurry and really did not give money.


This report is even more brutal than the previous one.

It was the equivalent of nailing a nail on his coffin board.

It is impossible for him to stay in the fashion circle again, and it may affect his development in the entertainment industry.

"Ed, I'm probably going to leave the circle now, so you might as well find another artist."

Rocca said softly.

Since signing the contract, Ed has not only not made any money, but also lost a lot of money and resources.

Now that this had happened, his path was almost over, and there was no need to delay Ed's work any longer.

Ed shook his head, "Rocca, I am responsible for this incident, blame me for being too eager to do it, causing hostility from others."

"Ed, I don't blame you for this, you're a very competent agent, you've done a great job since you've worked together, it's just that my own problems are too big, my body, my previous misdeeds..."

Rocca secretly said a mmp, out of the division before the first cripple, is this the rhythm of me to do wheelchair copying?


Ed walked over to him and tapped him lightly on the shoulder, "Rocca, are you willing to quit like this?" "

"What if I don't want to, the current situation is not good for me"

"No, the fashion circle and the entertainment industry are very different, the current news will not affect your development in the entertainment industry, as long as you do not give up, as long as you still want to become a big star, we have a chance"

Ed said firmly.

"Come on Dad! Brother Rocca come on! "

Suddenly the little girl waved her small fist on the bed.

"Haha, Rocca, Eve is cheering us on"

Ed smiled at his shoulder.

Rocca smiled, although the road ahead is difficult, but some people work together, some people are cheering, why don't you insist on it? Stick to it and a miracle happen.

"Okay Ed, let's hold on a little longer"

He smiled slightly, looked at Eve and said, "Eve thank you, we'll cheer you up."

"Well, Brother Rocca, I'm going to be a big star."

Eve smiled happily.

Big stars?

Can a foreign actor with a bad reputation still be a big star?

Rocca shook his head.

Jingle Bells~

Just then Ed's cell phone rang.

Ed picked up and listened to a few words, and suddenly his body trembled, his face turned red, and he said in an excited voice, "Really? What you say is true? Well, I'll see it right away! "

"Ed, what happened?"

Rocca asked curiously.

"Dad, what's wrong with you, your face is red"

Eve sat in the quilt and asked with wide blinking eyes.

"Wait, wait until I turn on the TV"

Excitedly, Ed walked over to the TV, tapped the switch twice with trembling fingers before turning it on, and he quickly jumped to the CBS news channel with the remote control.

A social survey program is being broadcast on television.

Host Charlie Rose said in a magnetic voice, "... His location is 90 meters from the scene of the incident, from the start to the point of the incident, the whole process took less than seven seconds, according to experts, the speed reached 41.25kmh, faster than the Olympic sprint champion Maurice Green, this is simply a miracle, let's look at the replay again..."


As soon as the camera pans, the scene appears on a bustling street, and a female host is interviewing a passerby about his views on New York's traffic problems.

In recent years, the population of New York has increased dramatically, putting tremendous pressure on urban traffic, with many traffic arteries experiencing ground cracks, uneven roads, missing road signs, and damaged road monitoring.

This location news was filmed in front of Lincoln Center.

It's one of the busiest streets in New York.

But in the shot, there are still big problems with the street conditions.

"Wow wow, Dad hates, I don't like to watch the news the most"

Eve yawned and bullied her eyes with her small fist.

"Eve, etc..."


Ed was about to explain when suddenly a shout came from the television.

Rocca's eyes widened suddenly, the voice was so familiar, wasn't it the voice of the Chinese woman on the streets of Lincoln Center that day?

"Come and have a look!"

Hearing someone shouting for help, the female host shouted, the cameraman quickly ran forward a few steps, the bumpy camera pointed at the street in the distance, and saw a stroller rolling rapidly down the slope, and a Chinese woman fell to the ground.


A bus speeds on the street, and the street where the bus is located shows a 90° angle to the gentle slope where the stroller is sliding.

In the shot, the viewer clearly sees that there is an intersection point on the way forward of the bus and the stroller, that is, the car is about to hit the car.

"Oh ~ God ~ who will save him"

The hostess couldn't help but shout.

But in the shot, passers-by are some distance away from the accident point.

And the situation is so urgent that no one wants to risk their lives to save people.

Just when the audience thought that the tragedy was about to be staged, suddenly a gray figure rushed from the opposite intersection to the stroller.

"God, is He going to save people? It's too late, he's not Superman, he can't do it at all..."

The hostess expressed skepticism about the actions of the rescuers.

"No, go back, you stupid fellow, the bus is coming"

In the shot, the bus, the stroller, and the running figure are about to collide fiercely at the intersection.

The hostess couldn't help but shout.

Of the three, the stroller could not see the stroller, the stroller could not be autonomous, only the person who was ready to save the person could go back, but the person did not retreat.

"Is he going to commit suicide?"


In the host's spit, the three finally collided.

The stroller was smashed to pieces, the debris flew everywhere, and the figure flew out of the front of the car.

"Oh my God, he's dead"

The female host explained on the spot, "Let's go and see, I hope he still saves."

But before the two of them could rush over, suddenly the man who had fallen to the ground suddenly stood up.

"Oh my God, look, he's not dead, it's a miracle"


Suddenly the man stood up and held up a child and shouted excitedly, "I caught me!" "

"Oh~NO, this is impossible, it is absolutely impossible for him to catch the child just now..."

The hostess was stunned, she couldn't believe her big eyes, and she looked at the tall figure in confusion, holding a pink little guy like a Hercules cup.

"Is he a magician?" Or... superman? "

The hostess muttered to herself.

"Wow, is this Brother Rocca, Dad, is this Brother Rocca?"

Eve shouted excitedly.

"Yes yes, it's Rocca, your Roca brother is a hero!"

Ed nodded with red eyes.

"Wow, Brother Rocca, you're so cool, you're cooler than Leonardo!"

Without shoes on, Eve jumped out of bed and threw herself into his arms.

"Haha, Eve, you're fat again"

"Ah~, Brother Rocca hates, people are not fat"


Like my sister is a supermodel please collect: ( My sister is the fastest update time for supermodel search novels.