Life Without Her.

A life created without him, a life that should have been his. Dallas had taken the one thing he truly wanted in his lifetime– The woman who made him better. At a time, he had felt nothing for her. Yet as time went on, that love grew and festered into itself. Until it was too late, he had lost everything before his love could truly be given away.

Photos describe a life of two loved ones, and he can't stand to look at them for more than a second. Her beautiful smile radiated for another, a man who was just as terrible as he was. He was rageful at the sight of him, the other man. A man who had come into her life so easily, gave her what would seem like jewels and pearls. A life she had always dreamed of since she was a little girl– Something he could have not given her.

His hand digs into his pockets, pulling out gloves slipping them on. After he is completely covered, he goes rummaging through her drawers. Pulling out a tank top and long sweatpants for the woman. The drawer is closed, and he quickly exits the room.

She still lay there when he returned, sound asleep. Something he knew she had not gotten in ages, for the last five years he had his eyes on her. Watching in the shadows, keeping her at distance until the time was right. Every case she solved, every person locked away. Jake had seen it all, he was there the entire time.

The large man sits down next to her, with abnormal gentle touch he flips her over onto her stomach. Beginning to pull the pants up onto her legs, making sure they were comfortable to her hips. HIs eyes behind the mask marvel at her body. The smooth skin covered in scars, his gloved fingers trail over them. Barely pressing against her skin, thinking he may damage her.

He didn't want to see anyone else touch her, it was only him who was allowed to tarnish her skin.

One hand goes under her to press on her back, lifting her up in a sitting position. The heavy weight of her body is no issue to him, letting her cheek press against the soft fabric of his coat. It felt heart warming in his eyes, putting on a tank top for his sleeping beloved. An event he had done countless times when they were together, a moment in time frozen in his mind when it ceased.

After she was dressed, he placed her back into her sleeping position. Moving to grab the blanket he had picked up, and placing it over her completely. Amelia stirs in her sleep, but a smile wraps around her slips when her hands grip the covers. The warm curl of her lips made her look so young, just as if it was the first day they had met.

He loved her, so very much. If only she could realize how much his heart yearned for her. How much he would do for her, give to her with all of his being. She never understood the things he did for her, no matter how hard he tried to express the reasonings to her. Only now seeing that gentle smile for another man.

For now, the darkness would keep him at ease. Flowing freely amongst the shadows of the night until they would meet again. Jake knew she would go back to her same old process of thinking, of how she felt with him.

He knew now deep down, she still loved him. That little sliver was all he needed to know, all he needed to keep the fire of his heart blazing for her. A laughter of triumph echoing through the empty walls, the empty streets as he leaves through the open window pane.

All he had to do was repeat his steps once more. Have her lean on no one but him, have no one but him by her side. A plan redefined from all those years ago. Only this time, he would succeed in all of his effort. For her, there was no stopping the tyranny of blood that had to follow.

Jake would not fall without her, he would never leave her side. No matter how hard the fight would become– It was either together they fell, or Amelia alone. A prize possession to be propped on a shelf. To admire, to hold and praise– Even if she was no longer living to feel it.

9:00 AM (GMT8)

Birds chirp in the early hours of the morning, just as the beaming sun rises. Untainted with the touch of mother nature, appraisal of her creations. A moment of beauty in all of its glory, no matter how morphed it became by human affliction. They multiply under the circumstances, they take care of their kin with love. In a world where love was possession, a world in which humans twisted the ties of love.

A young woman was like a baby bird– Taken care of by their parents with love and tender care. Unable to fathom the world that was out there waiting for them, out there in spite. Sheltered from the cruelties that the world could crash upon the poor little bird.

Circumstances made the young bird stronger, their wings becoming wider– Their calls for others echoing far and wide. Calling for company, calling for love.

Yet some calls were never heard, heard to a minimum until fading into the abyss of distance between. There was nothing the bird could do but fend for itself, cast into a swirling world of pain close to death.

Many speak of slumber as a relief for those with the constant pain of life. An awasis where the senses are fluttered in dreams of the mind's design. Wonderful images of a future yet to be, lands in which the most beautiful scenery stretched as far as the eyes could see. Dreams were the wonder of all species– Of all birds.

There was always that little bird, sheltered but still broken beyond compare. Hoping that each night when dust fell from the sunsetting, the dreams would appear for the very first time. Yet the same pattern repeats each night, taunting nightmares of the cursed world beyond closed eyelids. Never able to truly escape the claws of the real world, digging into heels. Dragging poor and helpless figures to the darkness parts of the mind.

The hate, the regret, the guilt, festering inside of one creature.

Slumber was a burden to the little bird– To Amelia.

Thrown into the darkest parts of her mind, torn apart by the regrets and guilt of the past. Never once able to get away from it, always chased until daylight broke against her eyes. No matter how hard she hoped for a night of peaceful clouds and dew on the morning grass, it never happened. Images of death, of loss toy with her even now.

Tossing and turning on the small couch as the light faded from outside of her windows.

Running, she was always running. Running away from the guilt, the fingers, the shouts of names and insults. Drenched in sweat, panting with the force of her feet pushing off of the ground. A dark room, an endless room of the same echoing voices. Guilty, they said. She was always guilty. Crimes that only she had committed by loving others. By letting one single wall break down, caused the entire fortress to crumble.

The closer they came to catch her, the louder the voices became. Agonizing, creeping into every fold of her mind. As if the phrases pushed themselves into every part of her, feeling every word. A knife in her heart, punctured over and over again.

Until she wakes up, gasping for hair as sweat drips down her forehead. Heart racing itself in her chest, hands clutched to her white t-shirt. Panting, emerald eyes scanning her surroundings. The street lamps were a glow, the fire in the fireplace roaring as if it had never gone out before. The living room is in perfect condition, peaceful in its own place. Blankets folded neatly on the arms of couch chairs, pictures rowed together on walls and countertops. Silence but her own frantic breathing was heard throughout the empty halls.

The distraught woman looks down at her chest, hands gripping tightly onto the fabric of white on her chest. Realizing she was awake, her hands quickly ceased their grip. Eyes looking down to the blanket over herself, eyebrows raised in confusion.

She hadn't put a blanket over herself when falling asleep, there was no time for her to have done so. Pulling the blanket off of her body, she freezes. Realizing that there was only one person who could have done such a thing.

The only other person who was in her home during those dark hours.

A man so cold, so ruthless and terrible– How could he have done such a kind gesture? His entire existence was wrong, only pulled by the cries and screams of the innocent. Yet, he had done something so small. A gentle moment she was not awake to see.

It couldn't have been, the man she laid her eyes on was not the man she had fallen in love with. Not one to be gentle with beings of fragility, or sweet with his chosen words. Cruel, malicious, and savage. There was never compassion in his eyes, nor care for the human race. He was a man of his own kind, his own creed of monstrous hate.

Destruction followed his every step, no matter how far he was. She could hear it, vibrating in her ears.

Amelia had only wished he was different, perhaps a bit too often. Longing to have felt something from him that was familiar, reminded her of the beautiful side of him. It didn't show, no matter how close skin to skin was– He was cold.

Thoughts are pulled away when the sound of slamming brings her attention back into reality. Swinging her head to look back at the direction of the noise, her eyes widened. There stood Dallas, huffing forward with his hands on his knees pressed against the door. Suitcase in one hand, his trench coat pulled over his body to drop down until the wood floor below.

Purple locks swept over his forehead, long eyelashes curled over his closed eyelids. Chest rising and falling fast, droplets of sweat pulling from the pale color of his skin.

"Dallas..?" Her voice seemed to immediately catch his attention, eyes widened at the sight of her in their living room. Instantly dropping his suitcase onto the ground, running towards her.

In an instant their bodies collide, Amelia shocked by the sheer force of his grip when his arms envelop her in an embrace. A powerful hold, something she had never felt from him in their entire five year relationship. Her own hands freeze, hovering over his back.

Chest pressed against her own, she could feel his steady heartbeat. Which was odd in many ways, with how tightly he was holding onto her. How deep his hands pushed into her sides, with his face nuzzled into her neck.

A steady heartbeat had her refraining from holding him back. His heart had always been so steady, yet now it bewildered her. Was he truly as surprised as he let on, or was it just a show for her to be appeased by?

She didn't know, but the feeling itself caught her own emotions from smothering her.