Till There Was You.

He shushes her, gripping even tighter. "Sh, please. I was so worried something happened to you. I just…" A pause, followed by a heavy sigh, "Was terrified that you were taken yet again."

The tone of voice has her rattling nerves falling, as her own arms begin to wrap around her lover's torso. Pulling herself as close as she could get to him, holding onto him with a soft touch of her hands. He seemed rattled, just the way his voice shook at the thought of her being taken from him– She knew he hadn't been putting on some sort of act.

Dallas cared for her, he always wanted to make sure she was safe from harm. His words spoke more than his heart, she trusted him.

Her eyes flutter shut, putting her cheek on his shoulder. Rubbing circles on his back, she breathes out. "I'm alright, I just needed a little vacation for myself Dallas. I was nowhere near in danger."

"But where did you go? Why did you go? I.. You could've told me Amelia!" He pulls back from their embrace, holding her shoulders firmly in his hands. Purple hues staring deeply into her eyes. Searching for an answer, for something to ease his burden.

How easy had it become to look at him when lies slipped from her lips? Those eyes had never seen a stone cold face to fix the lies that poured from her throat. Nothing had ever been hidden before, all of her intentions were crystal clear to him.

Here she sat, silently staring at every little feature of his save. Trying her hardest to decide how she was going to turn away his concern of her where she went. How to make it sound natural, with no thought to her words. It was hard enough to have to lie.

Amelia sighs, pulling her partner's hands from her shoulders. Holding them into her own, pursing her lips together. "You have enough on your plate. I didn't want to–"

"Didn't want to worry me? Amelia, you're the woman in my life! You can't jus–"

Before he can finish, her hand gently covers his mouth. Pressing against his lips, being able to feel his light breathing through his nose on her fingertips. Eyes softening to look up at him, tilting her head to the side. Just a simple glance at him had her features pulling into a soft smile. Watching as his worried eyes glance back at her, waiting for her next words.

He hadn't changed a day since they had first met. Sure he was wiser and smarter than the first time, but his eyes were as young as they were then. Glistening with beautiful swirls of purples, full of light and adventure. They complimented his pale complexion, like rubies on the white sand.

"I did what I needed to do, I wanted to do it alone." She says flatly, pulling her hand away from his mouth. Taking his other hand in her own. "I came home unscaved. I promise you."

Dallas sighs, hands squeezing her own in a tight grip. Shaking his head, he looks down at their fingers entangled. "That's good, that's really good. God, I'm so glad."

She could tell just from the tone of his voice, the scuff on his words– He was still upset. Perhaps relieved, but upset underneath all of the layers that made up his emotions. Amelia looks down at him, his purple hair messy on the top of his head. Unable to move, unable to figure out what to say next.

Leaving him without a notice was unlike her, and she knew it. Although the situation was dire, she felt awful for not even being able to tell her lover what truly was going on. The people she had on the line, the people who had already fallen at her hands. More guilt toppled onto her shoulders– It wasn't his burden to bear.

Crackling of the fireplace is the only sound between the two. It's soft and yet is the only thing to fill the room. No where near the roaring fire, and yet feeling the warm blaze of its flames. Breathing in sync of one another, holding onto each other's hands with a force as mighty as they could muster. Until there's a sniffle, Amelia's eyes widening at the sudden sound.

"Dallas.. Are you crying?"

A moment passes with no response, only another sniffle.

With no definite answer, Amelia slides her hands from her lover's. Putting them onto his cheeks and pulling his head up to look at her. Once their eyes meet, she sees the streams of tears pulling down his cheeks. Little droplets making their way to collect at his chin, before dropping onto the blanket below. Her shocked expression doesn't subside at the confirmation of tears, it only heightens it.

In the five years of their life together, she had never seen him shed a tear. Not for loss, not for guilt or regret. Tears never escaped his beautiful eyes, they never had seen the light of day. It was always Amelia who had felt the emotions rush through her to let tears fall down her cheeks. To have the roles reversed, she was frozen in place.

Even with tears down his face, he radiated beauty. No matter how his brows furrowed over his eyes, or his chin poked out in irritation. The most beautiful man was right in front of her, worried out of his mind for her safety. Amelia had never experienced such a raw moment from him, it was beautiful.

Her thumbs rub at his cheeks,her facial expression softening to give him a reassuring smile. "Dallas.. There's no need to cry. You've always taught me to take care of myself."

Slowly he places his hands on her wrists, closing his eyes to let out a long sigh. "I know, I know. It was just one minute you were here and then the next minute you were gone. "

Look at the worry she was causing him, she was breaking his heart. His emotions were out for all to see, and yet she seemed almost emotionless. Amelia had to show something to him, enough to show they were at the same level together. That their emotions were laid bear, for each other.

"Dallas.." She kept her voice leveled, in hopes to soothe him with her words. "Thank you for caring for me.. You really do things like no other."

That soft smile of hers stretches into a wide one, watching his eyes searching her face when she pulls away. Grabbing the blanket she had once tossed to the side, bringing it up to her collarbones. Her smile grows more, lightly laughing with a toothy grin. Eyes fluttering shut, she takes a deep breath.

"I'm glad to have you as my partner."

Amelia opens her eyes, and catches the shocked expression on her lover's face. Mouth agape, hands pressed together in front of him. His stare holding onto her. It's only for a moment, his gaze shifting into something more relaxed. Loving, enamored with the woman in front of him. Confessing she was grateful for the life they had together.

With the moment sweet and tender, Dallas leans forward to grip Amelia's cheeks. Catching the woman by surprise as he pushes her back onto the couch. She yelps, followed by light laughter between the two of them.

The view was beautiful, he was beautiful. Again and again she would think the same exact thoughts of him. How beautiful he looked simply hovering over her, how soft his eyes looked as they glanced in her direction. Nothing could compare to the way he spoke to her, how charismatic his words were. Dallas was beyond perfect, any woman would agree at just the sight of him.

He was more than just the beautiful face he showed off everyday, the inside of him was just as captivating. His intellect, his knowledge, his courage and wisdom. How much of himself he put on the life for his work. The dangers that came with everything he was passionate about, all the while having more responsibilities on his shoulders than anyone else.

An enigma buttoned into a white button up with tight suit pants. Ties that reminded her of the beautiful dark night sky, or the gray clouds of thunderstorms. Covered by long coats that trailed at his ankles. Strides filled with pride, power, a booming presence.

That man was in love with her. Amelia felt it in his eyes, deeply each time he looked her way. Even as he wraps his hand around the back of her neck, she keeps her eyes on his own. His bright smile stretching across his lips has her heart jumping out of her chest. A beautiful press of a smile brings her own cheeks to red. Cheeks hurting from the smiling she was doing herself.

Before being pulled with a light kiss, both fluttering their eyes shut to feel the moment. Meeting raw longing with lips of cherry and cigarettes– An intoxicating combination. Amelia loved the lingering of cigarettes on his tongue, with the rush of whiskey. A rare flavoring that she never could get over, it was his own fulfilling taste.

The sound of lips pressing together could fill the entire condo, slow in pace. Unable to contain themselves for just one kiss, it grows into more. Dallas' hands roaming the back of her neck, holding a steady grip on the base. While her own hands travel further onto his cheeks. The pair can't help the small breaths in between, giggles and laughter before indulging in the other's lips once more. Teenagers again at heart, due to the others' compassionate gestures. The most serious people turned into giggling children when left alone to reunite.

She loved it, she loved him. He had her in the palm of his hands in every way. All of her walls had fallen down– Dallas was the one.