Chapter 3

Ok, question, why is the basic Ki Accumulator so expensive while I can get ten times the amount of Ki Refining Accumulators, and the Refined Ki is seemingly stronger than the Ki Accumulator? I have no clue. Then again now I can use Refined Ki to purchase upgrades for the Ki Accumulator, and it's rather cheap as well. Maybe it's efficient? Making normal Ki out of Ki is more expensive because it is inefficient, meanwhile making normal Ki out of Refined Ki is more efficient and vice versa. I don't know why this would be. But it's the only thing I can think of. Then again, it doesn't explain how I got so many Refined Ki Accumulator upgrades. Hmm, I'll figure out eventually.

Regardless, it has been a few hours since I broke through the Refinement Stage. Not long, just a few hours. I've been testing out the power of refined Ki ever since. First thing I noticed is that Refined Ki is an extreme tonic for the body. Only a sliver is required and I can do the same amount of damage as if I had a thousand Ki in use. However it only takes around fifty regular Ki to make 1 Refined Ki normally. Sometimes it takes more, sometimes less. Might be some sort of purity aspect that I don't know about? Either that or the way I was doing it was horrible. I'll be able to tell at midnight tonight though, that's when my system will deliver the Refined Ki to me. It will likely be the best, or the most optimal, since it is from the system. That or my system could be sabotaging me. I'm going to avoid that thought, cause if that was the case I would be dead already.

So can I do other things with Ki? Like Ki Blasts or something like that? I don't actually know. If it is possible I'm doing something wrong. Trying a wave attack failed miserably. Could be that I don't have enough Ki for that. Although it would be pretty cool if I can get to DBZ levels of BS using Ki. I can honestly say I'm definitely going to try in the future. Regardless of this, I'm getting lost in my thoughts. I have to water my plants! What are my plants? I honestly have no clue! I just know it's edible and grows quickly. Maybe it's wild rice? Others would think it would be something to worry about, but a hungry person has to make do with what he can get a hold of. Whenever I can't find prey, this stuff is my staple. Plus the animals I hunt are more likely to be poisonous than this stuff. I mean, I have no idea how to prep python meat, but I still ate some. Got extremely sick afterwards, but it was so delicious. If I remember correctly there is some sort of poison pouch I was supposed to tear out, but I was starved at the time and ate the entire thing. Bad idea though, some parts tasted terrible. Pretty sure snakes aren't supposed to be poisonous though, regardless it happened.

With how stupid I am in regards to survival, it's pretty much a miracle I survived this long.

A loud noise knocked me out of my thoughts. If I remember correctly that bang sound was an alert for if my latest trap was set off. If that is the case hopefully that bear fell for it. It started to hide in it's cave when I started to hunt it a few days ago, and there is no way I'm fighting it in its home territory

I started to head towards the trap. The trap was a complex one, and it used a ton of Ki to construct. There is no guarantee it would get the bear, but I had manipulated to environment just enough to make it the most likely path for the bear.

In a few seconds I've hopped over my wall, and I've made it to a cave. Outside of said cave is a giant corpse of a bear. It's huge, and will probably feed me for at least five days? Maybe less? I eat a lot. The saw blade was off center? Likely because of how long it was set up, but the spikes did well at least. Looks like the heart was pierced. The head is almost completely chopped off thanks to the saw though.

In mere moments I'm over the wall, and navigating my way to the cave. This is the last giant beast near my home other than the wolves. The rest live in the lower areas of the mountain. I took a glance before happiness struck, it worked! The trap had torn the bear apart. Which is great cause that thing was so frustrating to hunt. Every time I got close enough to kill it the thing would run back into it's den, and again, it was suicide to fight that thing in its territory.


Huh? Where did she come from? Oh well. "Kim Sun, I got good news!"

She focuses on me. "We got meat!"

— POV Switch, Kim Sun.

I watch as the burly man starts to rip the Foundation Establishment First Stage Dire Bear into shreds. How?! I've only reached the Qi Gathering Sixth Stage, Don't mistake Foundation Establishment for Qi Gathering, it is two major realms above the Qi Gathering Realm surpassing Qi Refining as well. It should be impossible for someone not of the Foundation Establishment to kill a Foundation Establishment Cultivator or Beast, especially a beast. How did he manage it?

From the looks of it he used a pretty brutal method, first the Bear would trip the wire, causing the log in the trees to fall and skewer it in the back, pushing it into a hidden pit filled with more spikes. Then when the Bear is spread eagle on the spikes, the saw would fall and behead or injure the target. This trap was made to kill. But it shouldn't have pierced the skin.

Huh so that is how he did it? Can Life Energy be used in this way? The traps are coated in a thin layer of life energy, but instead of burning bright, it's silent, and full of killing intent. I don't think I could have sensed a trap if it was hidden like this unless I was focusing, but who would focus as if they were going to be attacked all the time? How many traps are in this forest made by Mountain? If I continued, would I have died? This is a scary thought. It might be better to kill Mountain after all.

Mountain speaks up, "Hmm, looks like I'll have to go get that wagon."

Mountain started to head back, meanwhile I focused on the Cave. There was a powerful herb in there, I could sense it, and the guardian was dead. If I have a sense of kindness this herb should go into Mountains hands. After all he did the work for it… But he doesn't know it's value. I'm sure he won't mind if it goes to a talented beautiful girl like myself. I'll pay him back later. Hmm, I'll spare his life in exchange for this herb actually. It's a fair deal in my opinion.