Chapter 4

I spent a long time butchering the bear. My skill has greatly improved compared to 4 years ago, when I killed off my first beast. These guys are tough beasts as well, I originally went with simple traps, the snare trap being one. But then I started to get bullied by a wolf pack. So I covered myself in Ki and fought the damn things to the death. Bad idea by the way, I should have run. Would have gotten way less injured. Got a scar on my back for that one that won't go away.

Regardless, things are better now. I got past the initial survival phase and I am somewhat thriving now. Kim Sun went after the treasure in the bear's cave. I could point out that I am the one that killed it, but she's a cultivator. If I remember one thing from my other life reading novels is that Cultivators can, and will be ruthless when it comes to treasures. While I might be able to beat her in a fight normally, my Ki reserves are currently spent till I finish restoring them. So back to taking the bear apart, this thing has an extremely tough body. Thus I have to line my blade with Ki normally to take it apart. That is how I killed the giant snake as well. But currently my Ki reserves are limited, and I'd rather use it for movement. So I'll use my refined Ki instead.

Course this did reveal some insights for me. For one, Refined Ki is colder, and seemingly more arrogant than normal Ki, yeah I know I'm attributing emotions to an energy type, and I don't care, that is how it feels. Anyways, this doesn't mean the Refined Ki is of the Yin attribute. Because it still has the burning sensation. Contradictory? Probably. Regardless this shows me a bit of the difference between Ki and Refined Ki, Refined Ki is harder to control due to it's arrogant nature, but more powerful in smaller numbers. Regular Ki on the other hand is like a puppy. It'll do anything to make you happy once you realize it is there.

The best part about them? They are all internal passively generated energies. Everyone generates Ki, it is basically an equivalent to life force. Just normally, we have a hard time generating Ki. Meaning I don't have to worry about external Qi sources like Qi Cultivators. I mean, environments do help a lot. But that doesn't mean you can't get decently far into Qi.

Finally done. It's good to think about topics when you work. Makes time pass faster. Or atleast feel like it's passing faster. Onto my thoughts about Kim Sun. She's nice, at least as nice as a cultivator could be at her level. If she was a higher level she likely wouldn't care so much about the treasure in the cave. But she's a relatively low person. Plus she treats me as If I'm an ignorant country bumpkin. While not wrong, it's still rude. Still, I enjoy having some company. I'll just finish storing the meat into the cellar for now. A crude, but functional way of storing stuff. I can use the fur and hide for winter clothing. The bones and teeth can be fashioned into useful tools.

Hmm? When did it get so cloudy?

Wait, those clouds are dark, and have a freaking mystical feeling to them. You've got to be kidding me, how high rank was the treasure in that cave? I'm assuming here, but the only reason I can think of for something like this is Kim Sun advancing.


FUREAKING AY! That knocked out my eardrums. Huh, almost cursed internally for a second there. K, I am now deaf. Relax, not the first time that happened. I can heal it with Ki, but let's go hide underground for now. I do not want to get dragged into.

Hopefully the roof doesn't collapse. It shouldn't, but who knows. Let's get my ears repaired for now. Time to do some punching.

—POV Switch, Kim Sun.

A source crystal! These things were legendary among Qi Cultivators. A single one was capable of propelling someone up past the first level of Foundation Establishment. No wonder so many people would go searching for treasures. I immediately started to absorb it. I felt my Qi rise as I soured into Foundation Establishment, the Qi in my dantian started to condense form into the base of my Foundation, The energy from the source crystal fixing the cracks that formed in the base. I could feel my strength immediately souring. Immediately bypassing several stages.

Then I felt waves of Yin Qi coming from my body. I could go further! I opened my eyes. My power billowing from my body. I had awoken the Moon Star body constitution, allowing my future strength to grow immensely. I glanced into the ceiling of the cave. It was collapsing as it was getting struck by the heavenly tribulation above. The activation of the constitution had triggered it. I hop out of the cave in a single movement, then I rush towards the lightning.

A burst of blood comes out from my mouth as the second tribulation lightning hits me. The blood is black as the impurities in my body are ejected outwards. The Moon Star body can use the tribulation lightning to further refine the body! This can't be ignored. I have to take advantage of it.

The Third strikes. Lightning Qi pours into my Dantian, strengthening the Foundation. Second level of Foundation Establishment! Only three more till the peak of the Foundation Establishment realm! Fifth Strike! Blackish mush is pushed out of my skin and is burnt off immediately. Sixth Strike! The Tribulation Qi is condensing the final strike. It was a fearsome strike, forcing me from the sky into the ground.

I smiled as the impurities burnt away. I passed the tribulation. I fly up, the clouds have started to disperse. Then I examine my surroundings. The mountain has been utterly devastated. Mountain's house was pure ashes. I couldn't sense his Qi. That's too bad, I actually found his company somewhat enjoyable. Oh well, it had only been a few days since I arrived here, I didn't form much attachment in the first place.

It's time I return home, I'm not far from my dad's level now. I can surely help suppress the Demonic Factions vying for my home.

— POV Switch, Mountain.

I watched as my… guest, flew off. I wonder, if I took whatever treasure was there if I could have started training in Qi? Too late to think about it now. I climbed out of my hole, the former cellar. Then I look at the destruction. There was almost nothing left. I hate that.

I hate that immensely. I wonder if I can fix that?

[Active Stages: Ki Refiner]

[Ki: 145] [+50 Per Day] [Refined Ki: 1] [+608 Per Day]

Hmm, System. How much Ki would it take to restore the mountain?


[Solution Found: 3,000 Ki to begin restoration. Alternative Solution: 1,000 Refined Ki to push the next stage of evolution for Host's Mountain.]

Alright, three days. That works. I'll confront Kim Sun about this when I'm strong enough.