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School's back in session

It's the start of my final year and it's a bit surreal. I finally roll out of bed and go shower and get dressed. I don't really put too much thought into dressing nice. I'm stuck in the dream. It's on repeat and I can't figure it out. It's 6 o'clock and it's time for breakfast! I can smell the bacon in the air and I can hear my mom in the kitchen shuffling around while I hear eggs frying in the pan! The bus doesn't come until 7:15 and My mom has always cooked breakfast for me on the first day! She says that a good start on the first day sets the pace for the rest of the year. I walk into the kitchen and I see a whole spread of delicious food but what I don't see is my mother. Instead, I see my loving grandma and she doesn't play around when it comes to cooking. I see all my favorite's on the table.

My grandma gives me a big ole smile and kisses my cheek with a simple "breakfast!". We sit at the table with a whole spread of food in front of us and my grandma says grace before we start eating. I start to speak and ask my grandma why mom wasn't here but she beats me to the punch as she serves me up the biggest plate I believe I have ever had! Piled high with eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, fried potatoes and the absolute best homemade biscuits and gravy anyone has ever made. As she pours me a tall glass of orange juice, she tells me that my mom was called into work real early this morning. "she didn't want you to miss out on your special breakfast because of work, so here I am fixing my favorite grand-baby breakfast!" I'm pretty sure I'm her favorite because I'm her only grand-kid!

So, we chatted a little about expectations this year and all the usual things we did while eating and afterwards I helped clear the table and grab my bag to head to the bus stop. Before I can get out the door I hear my grandma call my name. She was standing there with a huge grin and asked if I was gonna leave without saying goodbye. I run up to kiss her bye and as soon as I try heading out she grabs my arm and places something in my hand. She tells me to have a good day and walks away. I looked down to see a set of keys were placed in my hands. I had just gotten my license after my birthday but I wasn't expecting to get a car so soon.

Since my grandpa passed on and everyone had been too preoccupied I figured just getting my license was enough. Excitedly, I ran outside and to my surprise parked right in front, my grandpa's truck all cleaned up. Granted it's not new or expensive but it was mine and it had more sentimental value which made it my most prized possession. Plus, this beauty will make everyone of my friends jealous! I get in and start it up! It rumbles and it sounds pristine like a well oiled machine! My grandpa always took really good care of his vehicles and he always kept it clean. I think this year is going to be one of the best of my life. I'm a senior, I have a vehicle, and I finally have my freedom! I drive off for school and hope the rest of the year is like this.

I pulled up to a spot in the senior parking lot and of course everyone noticed me. I'm usually more of the background type of person but today I thoroughly enjoy this spotlight. I'm kind of popular because I play football and hang out with most of the seniors. You can't really tell I'm younger than a lot of them seeing as I tower over most guys my age. Only this is a small school and everyone knows everything about each other. When I say small I mean I'm only graduating in a class of sixty. The middle school and the elementary school are also connected to the high school. So when I say if you aren't careful, everyone would probably know your deepest darkest secrets, I'm not exaggerating.

I get out of my truck as some of my friends are running up to me shocked and in awe. Most guys around here are kind of the same when it comes to trucks and have similar taste especially when it comes to old beautiful one's like mine. It's a blacked square body Chevy '85 model, clean with no rust spots and mud tires with little mileage. My friends all gawk and you can see a hint of jealousy as they try coaxing me into letting them drive. This truck was one of my grandpa's babies. Amused, I looked at them like they were crazy and told them when pigs flew with a laugh. I lock it up and we all head inside with the ongoing stares and whispers from the other kids. I'm sure that's gonna get old real soon if they don't find something else to talk about. I wonder how long my fame will last with all the gossip and rumors. That's one thing I won't miss about high school at all.

My first class of the day is math, and of course it's not that hard for me to comprehend the lesson within the first five minutes. When I finish before everyone else, I let my mind wander and then of course it occurs to me that I completely forgot about the dream I had. I start pondering the meaning of it all and it feels like I was in my mind for a long time when the teacher starts to announce something. I snap out of it when I realize just what it was that my teacher wanted to say. I was at a loss for words, as Mr. Wade the math teacher introduces a new student to the class. "It's her!" I utter to myself as the teacher continues talking.

"Adrianna Littlecrow just moved here with her family over the summer and I'd appreciate it if you all would make her feel welcome!" he says. I've heard all the teacher's say the same exact thing at least a few times over the years with no originality. The girl from my dreams exists in real life. It wouldn't ever in my wildest dreams think she could actually exist outside of my imagination. Logically it made no sense yet, here she is standing there. She is an absolutely beautiful girl though. more so than I remembered from my dreams. She has sandy brown hair that looks as soft as fleece with bright blue eyes with a relaxed composure. She scans the room with a soft smile saying hello to everyone and then heads to an open seat.