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Dream Girl

To be completely honest, I've never really thought about girls like this. I believe I'm going to have a hard time keeping my focus on other things around her. I look around the room and I see all the guys gawking and some girls gossiping in their little circles. Yup, just checking to see if I'm the only one that looks like an utter idiot. I notice she walks with confidence and grace, demanding the room's attention. I'm just glad all the empty seats are behind me. She walks past my desk and drops a folded piece of paper in front of me and sits down a few seats back. My jaw drops and so does everyone else's but luckily the teacher didn't notice. I quickly hide the note before the teacher catches on to what everyone's whispering about.

I'm stuck, the note is burning a whole in my pocket but I'm also too afraid of what it says. I'll just wait until after this class to read it. I can already hear the gossip and feel the stares coming from all around the room. So much for hoping. I have a feeling I am going to be the center of attention this year and I am definitely not prepared. I was hoping things would go my way this year but I sure do have a lot of things on my plate. I can't figure out what my dream means or is it more like a memory. I don't know anymore with the way things are going. I do know that my dreams are coming to life. Crazy day and it's not even lunch time.

The bell rings and I head to my locker hoping nobody follows me or asks me about her. I do hear all the commotion sweep through the halls as she comes out of the class room and heads past me to her next class. I got a couple minutes to read this note before my next class. It said I've been trying to reach out to you for months. We need to talk. Your grandfather told me to find you if anything happened to him. My head is spinning and I can't believe the words I just read. I don't know how she knew my grandpa. I never had any missed calls or messages from her. She can't possibly mean she was actually in my dreams for a reason. This is just too much to take in. What the hell is going on here!

What am I going to do! There are so many unanswered questions floating around in my head. I continue on with my day in a haze, lost in my thoughts. I spend my lunch in the library trying to avoid contact with pretty much everyone. I look up some dream books to do a little research. I check out some books and sit down to read a bit before my next class. As I got engrossed in my reading, I didn't notice someone walk into the library until she sat in front of me. Startled, I look up at her and before I can say anything she asks me if I read the note yet. I barely mumble out that I did when she says good I'll see you after school.

She walks out and the bell rings and I head for class. I'm still in a daze, but I also feel kind of weird and excited like there is another part of me underneath all this confusion that wants to be close to her. I don't think I have ever felt like this around a girl before. She's so mysterious, yet I feel like I already know her somehow. I thought my mind was jumbled before but now I just can't seem to focus on just one thing. I try to think of how she could have met my grandpa or why she would know him. Why would my grandpa want her to get in touch with me if something happened to him? How did she try and reach out to me?

My mind has been wandering all day with various questions and other random thoughts. I think about her face a lot though. Her beautiful, bright, blue eyes, the warmth from her smile, the magnificent curly brown hair, and her scent was natural like running through the woods. Good lord, why am I thinking about her like that? There are more important things to be thinking about. Like, where the hell did she come from? Why is this happening to me perhaps? So much for this being my year. She is a strange one though but very beautiful. There I go again, I really need to focus. I really need to listen, last class I don't believe I caught anything the teacher said. I don't even know if I have homework or not.

My final class of the day is P.E. and the only reason I'm in here is because I missed too much practice and couldn't be on the football team this year. That wasn't really important to me anymore. Ever since my grandpa died I haven't really cared too much about doing sports or extracurricular activities. I do, however, hope that I don't space out in this class. This class seems to fly by in no time with little time to think about her. It's relieving though and gives my mind a break from the chaos. After the bell rings I change quickly so I can get everything together to leave. I almost forgot about meeting Adrianna after school and a sudden urge to move quicker forms. Maybe she will answer all my questions.

I rush to get everything together as I try to remember all the questions I had. I nonchalantly walk outside and look around for her as I walk to my truck. I spotted her instantly posted up next to my truck with her bag in hand. I get to the truck and lose my nerve so I just unlock it and put my things away in the passenger seat. She finally speaks to me and hands me the bag she was onto. She said she would get a hold of me tonight because this was too out in the open to discuss her business. I stood there for a minute kind of in shock, but more curious as to why she wouldn't be able to talk now. It wasn't like anyone would actually be listening in on our conversation. As I tried to offer her a ride home I noticed she had already disappeared.

Getting in my truck, I climb in and start it up then my eye's dart straight for the bag she gave me. As I start to open it I get a text from my dad to come straight home. There had been a curfew put in place this afternoon by the chief of police. He said we would all be sitting down to discuss everything this evening as a family. I shove the bag into my backpack and decide it can wait. I drive home to see if I can get any information before everyone gets there. No use though my dad won't budge on it and my grandma is still there. So, I sit at the table to do my homework and bypass the bag but remember that I really need to check the contents later. I finish up just as my mom walks in and it's time for dinner.