What to do? (1)

Having finished her meeting with Samantha, Abigail quickly exited the building into the waiting car Samantha had organised for her, her new tablet in her hand.

After giving directions to the driver, she opened the folder with the electronic copies of the material that Samantha had handed her. What interested her was the reports on her birth parents. They were up to something and figuring out what that was would be crucial going forward. She opened the summary report and commenced reading:

This is a summary of the investigations as to Adam Meng, Chelsea Meng and Sara Meng.

Adam Meng is the only child of Cole Meng, Chairman of the Meng Group. Married to Chelsea, the only daughter of the former chairman of KDF Bank Zachery Ma, who was convicted ten years ago of embezzlement. One biological child, Abigail, plus Sara the child they raised since infancy when the hospital swapped the two female baby Meng's born at the exact same time and the exact same weight.

Regarding Zachery Ma, investigations are still ongoing as to the truth behind his conviction. At the time there were suspicions that senior government officials were involved in extorting the funds from KDF Bank and due to the actions of those government officials Zachery Ma plead guilty to protect his family. That may explain why, since that time he has refused to see his daughter every time that she attempted to visit him in prison.

Adam Meng, himself was deemed a mediocre student. He just completed his education at the First High School, in their so-called special class, which provided intense assistance to second and third generation rich heirs to complete their education and enable them to enter a university as their families desired. At University to complete his business degree, he had to repeat multiple courses, and only passed when, behind his father's back he provided medical material to indicate that he was failing subjects due to the stress of exams. The truth of that claim is still being properly investigated, but suspicions from classmates at the time was that he obtained a ghost writer to complete his coursework to ensure his passing.

On graduation, he was parachuted into a job in human resources at the Meng Group, where it was deemed by his father, he could cause the least amount of damage to the company. He used his position to recruit associates into high profile positions in the Meng Group with, for which they were not appropriately qualified or skilled to and received kickbacks from them. He also used his position to extort money from people who wanted to be employed by the Meng Group to guarantee their employment.

When his father became aware of his actions, he was immediately removed from Human Resources. Any staff that he had any involvement with recruiting were re-examined. Some remained in their positions, others sacked, and some transferred to different roles.

He was promoted to a Vice-President role, not for being successful, but because his father wanted to keep him under careful supervision to prevent him from using his role to gain a financial advantage. The promotion worked for until he became aware, eighteen months ago of his father's declining health.

He immediately saw the opportunity to enrich himself, financially, because he was undertaking more meetings regarding potential business collaborations. So far, we have determined that there have been at least three collaborations that he has pushed through, which were initially assessed as borderline within the Meng Group for consideration. In each case, we have determined that he has taken some kickbacks for forcing the deal through.

There are also hints that Adam Meng, has been engaged in deals with those in illegal businesses. Nothing, so far that can be proved, but the fact since his father has fallen ill that he has become awash with money that does not appear to have come from the Meng group, there is some merit in the allegations. At the same time, that could support other rumours around that he is leveraging his inheritance for current funds. In the time frame given, we have not been able to reach an exact conclusion, but we are certain on the one point. If Adam Meng inherits the Meng Group, the company will be lucky to survive five years, as he will destroy it with his mismanagement.

Abigail lifted her head and paused. The Investigators were a group that had been used by MagTag for four years, and there had never been reason to question the outcome of their investigations even those done in a time sensitive manner. For them to be reluctant to make conclusions about certain actions said a lot. There was much conflicting information, but did it also indicate the potential that both outcomes were true.

Abigail touched her nose, before leaning back slightly. If her investigators could find out this information quickly, and reach several conclusions, it would be impossible for her grandfather not to know about this. Did he know about MagTag? Did he bring her back to exert control over her son even after his death? Did she want to play a part in that?