What to do? (2)

The more that she started to question things in her own mind, the more certain Abigail became within herself that she needed specific answers. She would have to task Samantha in the next few days if the additional material that was scanned and placed on the tablet for review did not give her the answers when she went through it.

Abigail, lifted the tablet again, and turned her attention back to the summary:

Information gathered from senior management recruited to the Meng Group is highly critical of Adam Meng and his ability, but at the same time they have accepted his role, because unlike his previous position, he is under much more scrutiny of his father. Most, though have already started to sound out opportunities for new positions when Adam Meng takes over the company.

On the other hand, Chelsea Meng, appears to be well respected within the company. Since her marriage, she has worked on a part time basis in the public relations department, assisting in coordinating Meng Group events. Every event that she runs, goes smoothly and suits what the company wants to achieve with the event.

But there are questions about those same events, as they always overrun the set budget for the event. Nothing outside the usual allowance for overruns, but it occurs all the same. Whether there is something nefarious in that, has yet to be determined. There is, one fact though, which could explain why the events that she is involved in have their overruns.

Outside the part-time work in the public relations department, Chelsea Meng fits the stereotype of a woman at her level in society. She is obsessed with her appearance, maintaining what she believes is her position, and determined to see Sara Meng marry well.

She is also determined to ensure that no one finds out what happened with the handing of the wrong infant to her family. Apparently when the truth of what happened at the hospital was shown to her, she was in complete denial of the irrefutable evidence. Eventually she came to a point that she would accept what happened, but there were many arguments between her, Adam and Colin Meng.

Cole Meng was insistent about recognising Abigail as his granddaughter, with a reassurance that he would not ignore Sara because she was a child that he had believed had been his granddaughter. Adam and Chelsea though were insistent that the only daughter they had was Sara, and Abigail was nothing. We have determined that there were numerous threats issued between both sides, including Cole Meng threatening his son and daughter-in-law to cut off all financial resources they depended on, that a compromise position came forward.

If Adam and Chelsea treated Abigail as their daughter in private, respected her, and treated her the same as Sara, he would allow the public to believe that they had, given the unique circumstances surrounding Abigail and Sara's birth that the family had, when they found out about the circumstances of Abigail's family offered to bring her to the city to complete her education and sponsor her through university. However, Cole Meng made it clear that if they did not live up to the deal then there would be consequences.

Abigail reading that, could not help but scoff internally. She had lived the reality of that negotiated decision, which her parents never had an intention to live by. Sara was the only child that they were willing to recognise, and, to them she was simply trash that they had to deal with.

But the more she read, the more it became clear that there was something else important to the two of them. Money. For her so-called father it was simply about possession of money. Could that mean that he had a mistress, and wanted to ensure that he had access to enough in case her grandfather limited what he inherited? Or was it more basic than that? To him money was everything.

For her so-called mother, money was important for the reason it secured her position in society. She used the company events she was involved in through her part-time job to aid her in projecting an image to achieve her goals. And, if she was not mistaken, given her devotion without question to Sara, it would also be about securing Sara's position in society, particularly now, in case someone learnt the truth.

As the car started to slow down, Abigail looked up and observed that the car was coming to a stop. As she quickly entered a password to hide the material on the tablet, she thought about what she would do tonight? Would she allow her so-called marriage to be announced.

As she stepped out of the open door, Chelsea came charging at her, slapping her yelling out "What in the world did you do. Sara is upset." After a couple of seconds pause, she added "Why in the f*ck are you in that dress. Sara asked for it from your grandfather, so get into the room, and give me that dress and the jewellery that you all have on, because it belongs to her."

Hearing those words, Abigail knew her answer.