Demanding the Clothes off her back

Abigail stepped backwards and placing her hands behind her back to quickly slip off the rings that Daniel placed there, and that had not been recognised. While she was calmly doing that, Abigail responded, quietly saying, "Mother you need to have a discussion with grandfather. He picked me up from school and took me to a hairdresser's where my hair and makeup was done, handing me this dress and the jewellery to wear."

"You lying, b*tch…"

Abigail, calmly said "Mother if you want to call me a dog, I guess that makes you a dog as well…"


As she took another step backwards, and to the side, Abigail added "You should think about your words mother, because everything has meaning. Now, do you not have a party to go and laude over. I will go and wait in the room grandfather arranged for me, because he asked me to stay out of your way until he arrives."

"This is Sara's party. You should simply stay there and not bother showing your face, because you will ruin the party for her. Why in the world should you celebrate with the princess of the Meng family. Seriously I do not know why we agreed with father to allow you to come to the family. The circumstances surrounding your birth should count for nothing because you have done nothing but ruin everything for my daughter."

Abigail waved her hands and said sarcastically "Whatever".

She then turned and started walking away from her screaming mother, who was calling out "Get back here you ungrateful b*tch. I have not finished talking to you."

As she entered the lobby area, Abigail moved over to the reception desk, and quickly found out the room her grandfather had arranged for her, quickly heading upstairs, because she knew that her so-called mother would soon be after her. She always had to have the last word, and her actions just them challenged that.

On opening the door, Abigail was pulled into a hug from Rebecca who was waiting inside, and slammed the door behind them, saying "I missed you so much."

Abigail could not help but to cry a few tears, saying "I do not know what I did to deserve a friend like you."

As she let go, Rebecca wiped away the tears saying, "You have just treated me as a friend."

Abigail could not help herself and shook her head, before adding "You make it sound so easy."

"It is. Friends, treat each other as they are important. Now, …"

Rebecca paused for a few seconds and looked directly at Abigail's face before saying "What happened to you?"

"My mother…"

"She slapped you? What is the betting that Sara helped instigate that."

Abigail nodded, "I would expect that to be the case, but also grandfather gave me a few things that she wants for Sara…"

Closing her eyes, Rebecca shook her head adding "If Sara knows about that, that will not go down well…"

At that moment there was a knock on the door, and the two of them could hear Sara call out "Abigail you thieving b*tch. Mother said you have jewellery and the dress that belongs to me. I want it now, and you have thirty seconds to hand it over, otherwise I will be calling the police to get what is mine."

Abigail looked to Rebecca, with a hopeless look in her eyes. How could she hand over the jewellery that her grandfather had given her. Looking at Rebecca, Abigail cold see the tension, and she knew that she had to do something. Her grandfather despite his failings was trying to do the right thing by her on her birthday, and she would not let his efforts be destroyed.

Abigail paused and looked around quickly before calling out "Give me a minute."

With that Abigail removed all the jewellery she had on, and carefully took the rings out of her pocket before setting aside two jewelled hair slides and handing the rest to Rebecca quietly saying, "I need to you to put these into your bag to hide them."

Rebecca shook her head, quietly responding "You should not give in to her."

"I just need to buy some time, but I need to keep safe what I have given you."

Sensing the determination in Abigail Rebecca nodded, and quickly moved over placing the jewellery in her hand into her bag, locking it, while Abigail quickly undressed, before putting on a robe from the room's wardrobe, tying it around her and picking up the dress and hair slides.

Abigail moved a door wedge to allow the door just to be opened to pass things through and secured the door security chain before opening the door and throwing directly at Sara the dress and hair slides, saying "Here is what you want, straight from my body. You seem desperate that you have to make me strip."

Before Sara could react, Abigail firmly shut the door, locked it, and placed the door wedge under it, as she heard Sara scream out "You b*tch. Give me everything because you do not deserve it."