Get me the CCTV Footage

After talking for another minute of so, Abigail ended the call, and at that moment, Daniel called out to Ralph to come into his office.

As he did, Ralph said "Boss I was about to leave…"

Daniel shook his head, saying "You need to help your lady boss…"

"Lady Boss. You actually agreed to Chairman Meng's request?" came the shocked response from Ralph, staring directly at Daniel.

"We talked about this, while I generally will accommodate his requests, there was something that made me feel uncomfortable about his request to marry her. But you know me I was at least willing to consider it and as a result went to Civil Affairs at least to look him in the eyes if I refused. Abigail, over the last few months in the brief meetings I have had with her has made little impression on me."

Daniel paused and Ralph filled the silence saying "Boss, what was it that made you say yes?"

Daniel smiled, calmly saying "You know me too well. When I spoke to her alone, even though it was for a moment, there was something that told me that there was more to Abigail Meng than meets the eye. What that is, I do not know, but I want to find out."

"Do you want me to investigate?"

Daniel shook his head, before saying "I have to trust her that when she is ready, she will reveal her secrets to me, otherwise this will end up being a hellish marriage. The other thing that struck me Ralph in the moment I had with her, was that despite only being eighteen she is a beautiful woman, that in different circumstances I would be strongly pursuing.":

"I sense a but there, boss."

Sighing, Daniel said "There is. She has been through so much in the last six months, with finding out the truth of what occurred when she was born, being abandoned by the family that raised her other than her grandmother. Then finding herself thrust into what I know is a viper's nest. I have spent too much time around her parents and Sara, due to my brother's infatuation with her, that I know what they are like."

Daniel, paused for a couple of seconds before saying "I need you to do two things quickly. Send the three dress options I arranged this morning to her at the hotel, with the stylist to help her get ready. You will need to ask Uncle Cole what her room number is, but make sure you do not let on something has happened involving Abigail and Sara. If he pushes tell him, I want to send her a corsage to wear. Old fashioned, but it will satisfy him. But more importantly I want the CCTV footage from the corridor outside her room and anything that happened to her in the hotel. There is more than she is telling me, and I want to be prepared."

Ralph nodded, saying "Boss, give me..."

A knock stopped the conversation, and the door opened, and Sebastian walked in saying "What are you doing? We need to get going because you need to talk to Uncle and Aunt Meng about my engagement to Sara."

Daniel looked at Ralph, who calmly responded "I am on to it boss. Give me ten minutes and I will give you an update."

Nodding Daniel, said "Once you get that done, go."

Without saying anything, Ralph walked out of his office and Daniel turned to Sebastian angrily saying, "What did I tell you about just walking into my office."

"As if I care."

Daniel stood up, placed his hands on his desk, leant over and looked Sebastian directly in the eyes before saying "Check your attitude. You may hate me, but you will respect me, and that includes respecting the boundary that I have set about your access to my office and my study at home."

"Second Uncle told me that I should be in charge once I turn eighteen, as I will get a greater inheritance from our parents when they died."

"Would you jump from the top of this building if Second Uncle told you to do so?"

"That is stupid."

"Well think about listening to everything he says and judge it before you act. He has his own reasons…"

"He loves me."

"That is debatable Sebastian. He loves what he thinks he can get you to do, for his own benefit." Daniel paused before adding "Get out of here and wait in the lounge until I finish the few things I need to do."

Sebastian, scowled before saying "Will you talk to Uncle and Aung Meng about announcing my engagement to Sara tonight. You know that is what Mum and Dad wanted."

Daniel paused slightly smiled and said "Our parents wanted both of us to marry the loves of our life. While they hoped that would be someone in the society that we mix in, with two possible women being the daughter of the Meng Family and the granddaughter of the current president, it was only a wish. And you know, I do not think Sara will be an appropriate match for you but …"