What do you mean?

Sebastian hearing those words, quickly moved forward, and stood the other side of Daniel's desk placing his hands on the desk, leaning forward, and looked Daniel right in the eyes before saying "What did you say?"

"You heard me; I do not believe that marrying Sara is the best match for you. And honestly, with your attitude I am questioning your maturity to make a decision such as this at this age."

"What the hell do you mean with that."

"Just what I said, you lack the maturity to make those decisions…"

"F*ck you. You had only just turned eighteen when our parents died and fought to take over the company. If I am not mature, then what were you…"

Daniel closed his eyes briefly, before opening them, and looking Sebastian directly in the eyes, before calmly saying "Unlike you, our parents did not shelter me in the last couple of years before their deaths. I studied and worked in the company and had experienced the wider world. You, on the other hand have refused every opportunity to even do a sliver of work in the company and experience the real world. What was it you told me just a month ago, when I suggested that you should take the opportunity of your summer break to work in the company? That is right, you told me to stuff the job, because the only way you would come and work at the company is if you were immediately appointed a vice president, and had an appropriate support staff…"

"Well, I deserve that, you were a vice president when you finished High School."

Daniel shook his head and said "You really have no idea. I had already been in the company over two years, and to a point earned the position. In addition to that work, I studied full time and was in the top 10 nationally in the University Admission Exams. I knew about how things operated, and learnt the life lessons I needed to, to manage the role I got at that time and the role I have now. You simply want a title, and your demands told me you want a staff to do your job. Not going to happen."

Sebastian lifted a hand up off the desk and swung it towards Daniel saying "You b*stard. You want to hamper me."

As he grabbed Sebastian's hand Daniel threw it away before saying "You know I love you Sebastian, but this behaviour disgusts me. You want everything handed to you without putting in the effort to You absolutely disgust me. You want everything without even putting in the effort to earn it."

"As it should be. Mum and Dad would not want me to struggle…"

Daniel tilted his head slightly, before saying "No. Mum and Dad would have wanted you to work to show that you deserve the advantages that being their son gives you. That means studying to show that you deserve to go to university and demonstrating the commitment to make a success of a career. Demonstrate that you understand becoming engaged and married is a lifelong commitment and should be to the person you love rather than simple because you believe you should do so. Demonstrate some maturity, and I will support your choices and assist you in dealing with the problems that could occur. However, until then I will form the view that you are not mature enough to become engaged."

Seeing Sebastian's eyes open slightly wider, Daniel took the opportunity "But get this through your head." With that Daniel touched Sebastian's head, before continuing "If you cannot show that, while I will not disown you, I will not support the choices that you can freely make when you turn eighteen. I will not come to your assistance to fix the problems, nor will I simply give in and give you what you demand. I will leave you to make the mistakes on your own."

"You will leave me to suffer?"

Daniel stood up slightly and said "Sebastian, I love you and that will never change, but you have to learn the lessons that you are refusing to accept you need to learn to have me back you up fully."

"F*ck you. Sara and I decided that we will be announcing our engagement tonight, so I want Mum's engagement ring to give to her. She left it to me, so hand it over."

Daniel calmly said "I know. But under the terms of their wills, you are not entitled to have it until you turn eighteen. The lawyers know this, and it will come to you then. I cannot change that."


Angrily Daniel snapped "Language." After taking a breath, he added "Make today special for Sara, and allow her to enjoy birthday. IF you have to announce your engagement, leave it to your eighteenth birthday, to show people that you are making your choices. It will appear if you do that tonight that you are simply fulfilling others wishes, rather than that being your choice as an Adult."

Seeing the slightly stunned look, Daniel took the opportunity to say, "Give me fifteen minutes to get ready, and we can head over together."

Sebastian shook his head and said "Forget that, I am going to go now…"