She messed with me

031: She messed with me

Sara ran back to the suite her parents has set aside for her, with everything that that b*tch Abigail had thrown at her. It felt so good, to get what she deserved. The jewellery that belonged to her and ensuring that she had nothing to wear so she could not go and spoil the best night of her night. The night that she secured her position in society, when Sebastian proposed to her, so that if the truth eventually came out, she had little to worry about.

As she entered the room, she looked at her mother who was waiting for her and said "I got everything."

Chelsea calmly took what Sara had in her hands before saying "That b*tch, gave you just enough to send you on your way. I told you that you needed to go into the room and search to ensure that you got every piece of jewellery. She had the wedding jewellery of your grandmother's that was left to her granddaughter on her eighteenth birthday. She knew nothing about Abigail, so she always intended for it to come to you."

Sara, stared at her mother, and said "That b*tch. Mother you need to get that jewellery, as it is mine, not hers. And you can punish her for messing with me when she gave me that…"

Chelsea shook her head, before saying "I do not have time. You need to finish getting ready, to come down in about an hour for your grand entrance after all the guests have arrived for your party. But rest assured that I will make sure before the night if over, you have what was intended for you."

Chelsea leant over, gently kissed Sara on the cheek, and calmly said "Remember darling you are my daughter, my princess, my angel, and that your daddy and I love you. That girl is nothing to us."

Sara smiled, and politely say "Yes Mummy…"

Chelsea, gently pushed Sara towards the suite's bedroom, saying "Go. The make-up artists are there to get you ready, as is the dress your daddy and I commissioned for you for tonight. Get ready to come down and shine as we know you will."

After seeing a slight nod from her daughter Chelsea turned around, and quickly left the suite, pulling out her mobile phone as she went, dialling Adam. As he answered she said "Darling we have a problem."

"Problem? What do you mean. I have triple checked everything this afternoon and all the arrangements are perfect for Sara tonight. All we need is for Daniel Wu to come on stage with us and announce Sebastian and Sara's engagement, which will protect our princess if the truth is know about her birth, but more importantly secure my position within the company as no one will challenge me when the old man dies to taking his place as the Chairman and CEO of Meng Enterprises, as is my right."

Chelsea sighed, and calmly said "Your father is the problem…"

"That old bat, what has he done?" came the shocked response. "I have just about gotten all the other company directors on side to have him removed from his role as Chairman and CEO of Meng Enterprises and my to replace him. Can I use it?"

Chelsea sensing the fervour in Adam's words, calmly said "Possibly, but that old bat is out to spoil Sara's birthday party. He knows how important this day is for her, and what does he do, goes and gives pieces of your mother's jewellery to that country piece of trash, not our daughter who deserves it."

Adam could only stutter out "What!"

"You heard me. He gave some of your mother's jewellery to that country piece of trash. The hair slides, earrings, and necklace that the photographs show your mother wearing on the day that she married your father. That b*stard is trying to ruin things by doing that, because everyone knows who is meant to get them."

"Her granddaughter. That is Sara, not that trash."

Sighing Chelsea said "I know. Sara was able to get the hair slides from her, but she did not know exactly what that piece of trash had and did not get the other pieces. But the problem is I cannot go and get them, as the guests will be arriving any minute at the banquet hall for the party, and Sara is with the make-up artist, hair dressed and dresser getting ready for her grand entrance."

Silence filled the line before Adam calmly said "Leave it with me. It may take me a little time to get the necklace and earrings from that piece of trash, but I will make sure that I have them. Sara should be wearing the lot for this party, but even if she only has the hair slides, as long as the other pieces do not appear at the party, no one will guess what is happening."

Hearing Adam's words, Chelsea smiled. Despite his playing around outside the marriage, if there were two things that she could always count on with him, was his greedy nature and his public image. That piece of trash having that family jewellery would be tantamount to admitting the truth, and there is no way that he would want that known as it would ruin his position with company directors, as they would question his ability to run the company and limit the money they had in the future.

"Thank you. Hurry and deal with the problem and come and meet me at the party."