A Little Miracle?

After handing up the call from his wife, Adam looked at his lover Bree Jiang, who quietly said, while caressing his arm "What is it my love."

Adam brushed her hand off his chest before bending over and whispering "Shut up. You really want people to know what is going on?"

"F*ck you. You know I love you, and you want to treat me like that. Hand over your phone, because I do not want that b*tch that you are going to ditch as soon as you can taking over."

Adam, took two steps away, started at Bree before saying "Just back off Bree. Chelsea is watching today, and you really want me to make her angry when we are so close to getting everything that we deserve, and me securing my position that I can get rid of that money sucking witch who wants to ruin everything?"

Ignoring Adam's standoffish reaction, Bree slipped the straps off the dress she was wearing and let it drop to the ground leaving her naked before Adam and taking the two steps towards him that he had just stepped backwards, before saying "Why dance to that b*tch's tune, when we have better things that we could be doing before heading downstairs."

"Bree…" came Adam in a strangled tone.

"You know you want me, and honestly my love, we need each other. I have been having to dance to the tune of that horrid director we need on side for your takeover for six weeks and keeping away from you for longer than that not to ruin plans, so it has been 14 weeks since we have even had a little alone time together to even consider making love."

With that Bree dropped her hand and placed it on the outside of Adam's trousers, pressing hard against his p*nis which started to become harder the more she pressed on it.

Seeing his eyes open, and the signs of passion not only come into them but flush over his face, Bree moved so she rubbed herself against Adam, before saying "Come on, and take me. That b*tch will not know if you are delayed…"

Adam, quickly disentangled himself from Bree before groaning out "You do not know how I want to take you here and now, but that b*tch of a wife of mine has things on her mind tonight and if I do not deal with them, she will make things difficult for me and that is the last thing I need when we are so close to our goal."

Moving across the room, Adam somewhat more calmly said "She thinks that, despite everything I will never divorce her, but she has schemed too much behind my back over the years, and honestly she deserves everything that will come her way."

Bree smiled and added "I know. When I caught that b*tch, what was it ten, eleven years ago now, selling those business secrets to her then lover's company, we were able to blackmail her into signing the agreement that in the event you divorce after Sara turned eighteen, she would receive a small lump sum, but nothing else to walk away while you agreed ensure the information about her corporate malfeasance never surfaced…"

Adam nodded before adding "True. That gold mine, was the perfect set-up, because the information she handed over ended up causing her lover a significant business loss that he dumped her quicker than anything while shutting his mouth, because of my blackmail against him."

"How soon are you going to ditch her?"

"Changing tact, I hear." Adam shrugged his shoulders before saying "You know the problem with the hospital screw-up, so I have to be careful with my old man at the moment."

"Who cares about him. Who else does he have to leave the company to? The country bumpkin who knows nothing about business or Sara…"

"Do not speak about Sara badly."

Bree shook her head before saying "I know you have feelings for that girl, but honestly do you want to see the company fall into the hands of someone not related to you? Me, I do not. I want you to get what you deserve."

Bree paused and walked over to where Adam was standing, before picking up his left hand and placing it on her stomach, adding "And for there to be a future for our child."

Observing the shocked look on Adam's face, Bree calmly said "You know how erratic my cycles have always been. My doctors told the two of us years ago that there was no chance that we could have a baby, but some a little miracle can happen. They told me that I am around 14 weeks pregnant with your child. You need to ditch the b*tch so our child can be legitimate and ensure that their future is secure."


Nodding Bree said "Yes a baby. Now tell me what that b*tch wanted because we have to deal with it. The doctors told me that the last thing we need is for me to be too upset, because that could have impacts on my pregnancy."