Help is here

Rebecca stepped out of the bathroom, and observed Abigail sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at the phone in her hands before calmly saying "Are you OK?"

Abigail did not react, so Rebecca moved over and pulled the mobile phone from her hand saying "Earth to Abigail…"


"You did not hear me. Are you OK?"

Abigail nodded before saying "I should be used to this by now. Why would I expect anything different from Sara on my birthday, than how she has treated me every other day. I am nothing to any of them, so…"

A couple of tears escaped Abigail's eyes, and Rebecca gave her friend a hug, before stepping back and saying "Did you organise a dress? You know I could make a phone call and get something if you need me to, while you have a quick shower."

Abigail shook her head and said "I made a call to someone I think I can trust and the promised me that they would arrange a dress to be sent to me. I really wanted to wear the dress that my grandfather gave me, but a choice between not causing trouble or potentially having Sara force her way in here, pulling it off me and ruining it, I took the safer option as it was such a beautiful dress."

Seeing Rebecca nod, Abigail slowly stood up and heard her say "Now go and have a quick shower."

As Abigail reached the door, the doorbell for the room rang, and Abigail carefully looking out the room's peephole and say a face that she did not know. At that moment, her mobile rang, and Rebecca quickly handed it to her. As she answered it, she heard Daniel say "Abigail, I have send someone to you with a dress, and if they have not arrived, they should soon be there. Plus, I have arranged for someone to come and re-do your hair and makeup."

"You did not need to…"

Firmly Daniel said "You are my wife. Helping you is a given, so just accept it."

"You know my…"

"Abigail, as I told you, what is said publicly is up to you, not me. If you do not want to reveal our marriage, it does not have to be revealed. That includes me not saying anything to the person delivering the dress or the beautician who is coming to help you. They just know I am doing you a favour for your grandfather."

Slightly snappy, Abigail responded "Fine…"

Daniel sighed and said "Do not think that I am pressing you. I am not. I am just wanting to help you. Yes, that is because you are my wife. But even without that, I would help you because you are the granddaughter of my mentor. So, stop questioning yourself…"

Abigail heard Daniel pause, before he said "Sorry. I need to cut this call short, but I will see you at the party and we can have a discussion then."

With that Daniel cut the call short, and Abigail after handing up the call, opened the door, and asked "You are?"

"Are you Miss Meng? CEO Wu asked me to deliver this to you, and he said that he was glad to help you out. He told me to tell you that he will make sure he lets your grandfather know you accidently dirtied the dress he gave you to wear, and he helped out arranging the replacement."

Abigail carefully closed the door, removed the security chain, and fully opened the door, taking the box from the delivery man's hands, before saying "I need to arrange a tip for you…"

"No need Miss Meng, CEO Wu has already arranged that. I was also asked to let you know that the beautician will be here in about ten minutes to help you finish getting ready."

Abigail nodded, and shut the door securing the security chain before turning back to Rebecca who was slightly stunned and said "CEO Wu? You mean Daniel Wu? Sebastian's brother?"

Nodding, Abigail responded "Yes. My grandfather told me about how he mentored him when he took over his family company. I took a chance that for my grandfather he would help me out, so let us see what he sent me, so I can have a quick shower."

Placing the box on the bed, Abigail carefully opened it, seeing a note sitting on top of the tissue paper inside, and before Rebecca could even look at it she picked up the note and read 'Dear Abigail, as I promised you a dress fit for the birthday girl. I hope you like my poor attempt to help you out. All the best, and we will talk soon, Daniel.'

As she finished reading the note. Abigail heard Rebecca gasp as she lifted the dress out of the box. Rather than white is was a cream colour, with crystal embellishments on the bodice of the sweetheart neckline sleeveless tea length dress. Abigail turned and looked at dress and could understand the gasp, as it was a dress if she had the opportunity to pick for herself, it would have been her choice.

Rebecca, calmly said "This is perfect for you, so go shower so I can help you get ready to be the belle of the party."