She better watch out

As he ended the call, Daniel stared at Zachery and said, "What is it?"

Slightly tensing at the snapped words, Zachery calmly said "Boss it is time to head to the birthday party. I can confirm Madam received the dress, and the beautician and hairdresser should be there sorting out her makeup and hair, along of that of her friend Rebecca Mo."

"The other?"

"I have put the footage into the drop box attached to your email for your review. It is damning as to what happened, but Madam handled the matter well."

Slightly distracted, Daniel said "Mo. Which family Mo is that?"

Zachery calmly said, "Mo is her mother's family name. I have little information about them but give me time and I will narrow that down. Her father's name would tell you exactly who her paternal family is."

"Stop beating around Zachery. I need to get going and I do not have the time for your games tonight…"

"Impatient to get to see your wife?" quipped Zachery, slightly laughing.

"Wanting to deal with a problem for Uncle Cole is more like it. So, Rebecca Mo's paternal family is …"

Sighing Zachery responded "Not fair boss you want to spoil my fun. Cutting to the chase her grandfather is the president…"

"S*it, do I have to worry about him?"

Zachery shook his head, stating "There are a few presidential guards around the family, her father has basically been disowned by his father, who seems to love his grandchildren and daughter-in-law. He has mistresses galore and humiliates his wife constantly, but she refuses to divorce him. I have not been able to figure out why. But before you ask, I will keep investigating and let you know when I find out."

Seeing Daniel's nod, Zachery said "For tomorrow I have everything ready for the board meeting. Your second and third uncle's have been attempting to negotiate with other directors for a move to unseat you this meeting, because they know unless they do it tomorrow, they will on Sebastian turning eighteen have a weaker position. They know then, the only way they can grab control is to control Sebastian."

"And he is almost there. The other directors?"

"If we can trust what they are saying, they will not be supporting the move but…"

"We have to wait and see what happened."

"Yes Boss." With that Zachery moved and picked up two bags, one which had three ribbons tied to it, and the other much plainer with none. After handing the two bags over Zachery said "Boss the one with three ribbons is the gift for Miss Sara. It is one of the more expensive bracelets from the jewellers that she loves. I gave your brother the matching earrings and necklace to give to her. Madam's is the other bag and is what you asked me to arrange for her. Sebastian is downstairs waiting in your car."

Nodding, Daniel placed both bags in his right hand before placing his jacket over the right arm, and the mobile from Zachery.

Seeing the driver Clive Jong standing outside the car, Daniel calmly asked "My brother wants to drive?"

"He does sir. You know him, he is impatient to obtain his license as soon as he turns eighteen. I never let me registration as a supervised person for learned drivers lapse, and when I can I have been taking him for drives over the last couple of weeks. I am confident that he can handle driving…"

Daniel held up his hand before saying "He can drive to the hotel, but no way is he driving home at the end of the night. We need to get moving, otherwise we will be running late."

With that Daniel, quickly slipped into the back seat and said "Sebastian, you are lucky I am agreeing to your driving, but you know the rules…"

"If Clive says that I am a not doing a good job or it is too risk as soon as I can I have to pull over, and he will continue to drive."

Daniel nodded and smiling said "It is good to see that you are finally taking the opportunity you have with Clive, because most of your friends have to go through driving schools to get up their required supervision hours."

Daniel waited until Sebastian started driving and picked up the headphones for his phone from the pocket in front of him, plugging it in, and opened the drop box, and started to watch the footage. Watching how her mother treated Abigail outside the hotel angered him, but her behaviour was consistent with that Cole said about his daughter-in-law and her treatment Abigail. He saved the file to ensure that he showed Cole it, because he needed to be aware of her behaviour.

The second footage he watched was from outside Abigail's room. Watching Sara's actions, and Abigail's actions his heart ached for his wife, but he knew she better watch out because if she pulled another stunt like that today, he would bury her, regardless of the consequences.