Not My Child

Abigail. Sat down looking at her reflection in the mirror, as the beautician stepped away having completed her makeup, and slightly turned her head watching the hairdresser place two final pins in Rebecca's hair before stepping away.

Rebecca turned and smiled at Abigail saying "You look pretty. That dress looks great on you."

Abigail slightly blushed and responded, "And you are too."

The beautician, handed both Abigail and Rebecca a small bag, saying "You both look perfect. These are bags with small samples of the makeup I used so that if you need to touch up your makeup tonight you can."

Taking the bag handed to her Abigail quietly said "Thank You. I need to arrange a tip for you…"

The beautician calmly said "That has been taken care of. CEO Wu, when he booked our services paid the tip and instructed us to tidy up the room for you before we left. Miss Meng, he told us to tell you, if you wanted to attempt to give us a tip, that he is doing this favour for your grandfather."

Hearing the underlying firmness, Abigail stopped herself from arguing, and calmly said "Thank you then."

The Hairdresser then said, "We will take our leave as soon as we finish backing up."

Two minutes later both women, picked up their bags and headed to the door. As they opened the door, Adam Meng, pushed his way in, and quickly moved over slapping Abigail on the face, saying "Hand it over?"

"Hand what over?"

"The jewellery you have on, and everything in your possession. It all belongs to Sara and you stole it." A few seconds later, after taking in the dress she had on he added "And strip out of the dress, because you do not deserve it."

Rebecca, as she saw Adam Meng move his hand to slap Abigail again, went to step in front of her friend, who pushed her to one side.

As the second slap connected, Abigail stood up and calmly said "No!"

"Do not tell me know, you ungrateful brat. You do not deserve what belongs to your sister so hand it over."

At that moment there was a noise at the door, and Cole Meng walked in saying "She will not be 'handing it over' as you are demanding. While my wife, your mother, expressed a wish that it be given to her granddaughter or another family member, she left the ultimate disposition of the jewellery in my hands, and I made my choice. Now, get out of here before I forget that you are my son, and deal with you for hitting your child…"

"She is not my child, Sara is…"

Cole moved over and stood close to Adam saying "I told you both this morning and today at the office, do not push me tonight because you will not like the outcome. You know the truth. Abigail is your child. The DNA tests prove this. Sara is just the child that through a mix up you brought home and raised. I have no problems with her provided she respects that Abigail has a position in this family and will make sure that she is provided for. But you want to push your luck with me, I will be ruthless in protecting my granddaughter, even if that is from my son and daughter-in-law."

Abigail watched Adam, drop his shoulders, before saying "This is not the end of this father. You know my position."

"And you know mine. Go and be with your wife and Sara, but do not push it any more otherwise I will take back the jewellery that I am intending to give to Sara."

Before Cole could say anything further, Adam quickly walked out of the room, and as soon as he was sufficient of a distance away, he telephoned Chelsea. As she answered, he said "Do not interrupt me…"

"Well, you better have done what I wanted, otherwise I might let slip and expose that Mistress of yours tonight as a home wrecker…"

"You would not dare…"

"Absolutely I would dare. Tonight, has to go perfect for Sara otherwise you will feel my wrath, as will that b*tch…"

"Well, you want to play that game, I am happy to expose you as well. You really want to ruin things for our princess…"

"F*ck you!"

"Well, that is something you have not done in many years, and you wonder why I sort a mistress, who at least is loyal to me, unlike you…"

"Excuses. Did you get the jewellery? I promised Sara that she would have it for the party."

"The Old man…"

"That idiot. He has not arrived yet. The people I have around the venue would have reported if he had arrived."

"Well, they failed, and I was about to get it when he walked in and made it clear that there would be consequences for Sara tonight if I kept going. The one thing I do not want is tonight to be ruined for her."

Chelsea paused for a few seconds, before saying "You better explain it to Sara, but if she is unhappy, I will expose you."