You let that b*tch keep that?

After bickering with his wife for another couple of minutes, Adam, hung up the phone, and dialled Bree who answered quickly. "Bree sweetheart, you need to get out of here. Chelsea is on the warpath and threatening to expose us if things go wrong."

"That witch. She has the nerve. Did you threaten to expose her?"

"Absolutely, but she does not seem to care. Most likely because she is between lovers currently and the one, we can really blackmail her on has been off the scene for some time."

"You know I do not care about her…"

"Nor do I. It is and has been for years a marriage of convenience. The problem has been the prenup her father forced me to sign when we married, ensured that I had to pay significant compensation if I divorced her before our youngest child turned eighteen. All she gets now is an agreed lump sum. That b*stard forced it because he knew that I was only marrying her for his connections and wanted to protect his princess. But the funny thing is…"

"She will leave which less than what her father thought he was protecting, because of the scandal."

"True Bree. But I do not want to seem callus and give her a chance to attempt to overturn the prenup, so I have to wait just a little. But getting back to what I said, leave and I will come to your place later."

"Why should I? That b*tch cannot dictate what I do."

Hearing the pleading in Bree's voice, Adam said "I do not give a care about her, but you on the hand are someone that is highly important to me. And, with her attitude today, if my father causes even the smallest of problems, I fear that she will take it out on you."

"Stop worrying, I can handle her."

Adam closed his eyes, before adding "I am aware that you can handle yourself but remember that it is now not just you I have to worry about. There is our child and one of her favourite things to do when she attacks people is to kick them in the stomach…"

"F*ck I forgot about that…"

"Let me arrange a car to take you home, and I will come and see you as soon as I can."

Without waiting for a response Adam ended the call and called the hotel concierge and made the arrangements for Bree to be taken home as he walked to the suite that had been set aside for Sara.

After knocking and waiting for Sara to invite him in, Adam looked around the room and noticed that Sara's so-called best friend Yasmin was chatting away to her. The moment Sara noticed that he was standing there, she whispered something to Yasmin that Adam could not hear before he heard Yasmin say "I will see you at the party. But I promise you I will report to you what that b*tch Abigail is wearing and when Sebastian arrives."

Sara nodded, and after the two of them air kissed, Yasmin picked up a clutch purse, as Sara said, "I will arrange for someone to send your things down to your room."

Adam stood quietly and watched as Yasmin exited the suite before saying "What have you got planned."

"That is for me to know father."

Taking five paces and placing his hands on Sara's shoulders, Adam said "You better watch out and not try anything. I have already had a run in with your grandfather when I was trying to recover what should be yours, and while his warning was aimed at me, I got the message, which your mother will ignore, but you better not. Do not do anything to p*ss four grandfather off otherwise he will make a scene…"

Sara blanched as she said, "And reveal the truth." Her tone became more whiney, before adding "You know I cannot afford that."

Leaning over, Adam kissed her forehead before pulling back and saying "I know that. You just need to convince your mother that she needs to hold back on her actions tonight, rather than focusing on humiliating Abigail. We need to get your engagement solidified with Sebastian, given that Daniel Wu refuses to consider the plans his parents made with your grandfather before their death. Once that is done, I will focus on getting for you the rest of the jewellery that Abigail has that is yours."

Sara nodded, and quietly said "I will have a word with Mummy, Daddy. But can you convince Daniel and Sebastian to give me the best present possible for my birthday and announce Sebastian and my engagement. But you do not keep your word and get me the jewellery, watch out…"

"Sara, when have I failed to deliver to you what I promised?"

Sara tilted her head slightly to the left before saying "Never Daddy, but in allowing that b*tch to keep the jewellery, it puts you close to breaking your word to me."