Party (1)

Chelsea stood quietly at the door, waiting for the final wave of party guests to arrive. Hopefully everyone would arrive on time, as the timing for Sara to enter the room, was down to the minute.

As she turned, she noticed Adam firmly walking towards her. As he reached her he bent down and whispered "You better behave…"

"Behave? That is something coming from you. You have to go off and have s*x with your mistress. Seriously, you are one that can talk." Chelsea paused and shook her head, before spitting out "Hypocrite."

Adam, with a slightly evil smile, calmly responded in a whisper, with a real cynical tone "At least I am honest and loyal to those I am involved with. Hell, I endured you taking lovers for two years because I had loyalty to our marriage, and I at least stopped sleeping with you before I became involved with someone else. You on the other hand my darling wife can speak. You change your lovers as frequently as the staff at home change the bedding on the beds, and when you are between lovers try to sleep with me, despite me refusing to have a s*xual relationship with you…"

Adam paused, shook his head and added "Just get it through your head that I will treat you with respect, because you are my legal wife, but I will not get involved with your s*xually because I have no feelings for you in that regard. But we both know that with the prenup that you father had us sign when we married there was no way out before our youngest child turned eighteen. Today is that day. And while I do want to end our marriage, Sara needs to be settled because I know what will happen to our princess if we divorce before that is achieved. Everything will be brought out into the open, and that ungrateful brat who does not know the meaning of respect to her elders and following directions to give over what she was never intended to receive, will become the centre of attention. Everyone will feel sorry for her, and Sara will be pushed away. That I cannot take."

"Hmmp! At least that is one thing we agree on. Sara needs to be settled. But you, better keep away from that mistress of yours at least until that is achieved, or all bets are off."

Chelsea lifted her head and noticed that the final wave of guests were starting to arrive, so she straightened herself up, hissed ad Adam, "We will continue this conversation later. You screw this up for Sara…"

"I heard your threats, so repeating them will achieve nothing." With that Adam took two small steps away from Chelsea, and as the first guest reached him, he held at his hand before saying "Madam Mayor, it is a real pleasure that you could come."

Fifteen minutes later, as the people coming in slowed down, Adam looked and noticed Sebastian Wu, standing with his brother waiting for both he and Chelsea to greet them., so he quietly moved closer to Chelsea who was finishing off greeting a guest. As they waled away, he whispered "They are here."

Chelsea turned with a wide smile, and quickly moved over, kissing Daniel on the cheek before pulling Sebastian into a hug and saying "I am so glad you are here. Sara will be here any minute."

Sebastian pulled back, and calmly responded "I cannot wait to see her Aunty Chelsea. I was hoping Daniel would agree for the best surprise I could give her, but Daniel told me I have to wait."

Adam standing beside Chelsea could see that she slightly tensed worried about what could happen, before she turned to Daniel asked, "Are you certain that you will not allow him to announce tonight what we all know they both want?"

Before answering, Daniel quickly looked around and noticed inside the ballroom his second and third uncle's before he said "Aunty Chelsea, as I have always said when you pressed me on what my parents and Uncle Cole talked about, in that one of their sons would marry your daughter, that a marriage should be about the two people involved. Yes, considering what family elders say is important, but forcing a relationship in the end will only end in disaster."


"No buts Aunty Chelsea. I have told Sebastian, and I will say it again with you and Uncle Adam listening, I have no problems if he and Sara make the decision to become engaged, and eventually get married, but that should be once the two of them can legally make that decision. Honestly I would like him to wait until he completes his education, but that is not my choice."

Sebastian quickly said "And I told you I want to marry Sara. I do not get why we have to wait until my birthday next week to announce our engagement."