Party (3)

Rebecca moved off before Abigail could say anything, and Daniel quietly said, "We need to talk."

"I am not someone that you can order around, I am my own person."

Daniel closed his eyes, and said "Fine, I need to talk to you, will you listen to me?"

Daniel then opened his eyes and noticed that Abigail was looking at him, with a look that indicated that she was happier than she had been when he closed his eyes.

The moment that Abigail noticed him looking at her again she quiet said, "I will, but can we move away from everyone, because I do not want to be stared at, and honestly I want to be far away from the entry when Sara makes her grand entrance, because she will make me feel even more miserable given everything that she has done to me today."

Daniel, hearing the defeated tone in her voice wanted to stop and question Abigail, but at the same time he understood her reasoning. Sebastian, every time he spent any significant time with Sara would come home talking about every little detail for this party, pressuring him to ensure that his party was just as extravagant, and had the guest list as significant as this party, which was more about the social needs for Adam and Chelsea, as it was about celebrating Sara's birthday while ignoring Abigail's birthday. Sebastian influenced by not only Sara and her parents but their second and third uncles wanted to turn it into a costly societal event rather than a simple birthday celebration.

Daniel stole a quick glance at Abigail and noted her slightly slumped shoulders, and in that moment, he said to himself, he would ensure when she wanted it, she would have a party that was simply for her to celebrate turning eighteen with the most important people in her life.

A minute later, having escorted Abigail into a quiet corner of the room where he proffered a seat for her, Daniel moved another chair, so he was sitting directly in front of her, and quickly asked "Are you alright?"

"What do you care. You just said what is important in in a relationship is love, and what do we have? Nothing? You really are a b*stard."

Abigail reached over with her right hand and went to slap Daniel, but as she moved her hand, he grabbed her right wrist before she hit is face and calmly said "I get that you feel p*ssed off with me, but at least give me a chance to explain."

"Why should I. I should have refused my grandfather's request."

Taking a deep breath, Daniel calmly responded "However we are now married, and the last thing that either of us can do is race back to Civil Affairs and ask them to process a divorce. They will think we are crazy. I can deal with the consequences if that gets out, even within Wu Enterprises, but what will it do to you. You are just eighteen and people will think that you care little about institutions. Plus, think about the impact on your grandfather. He knows what those two people who are your biological parents will do the moment he dies, and he wants to protect you. Do you really want to dismiss his concerns for you given he does not have long to live."

Abigail dropped her head, and quietly said "No."

Daniel reached over and lifted her head so he was looking Abigail in the eyes, before saying "Never lower your eyes when you talk to me. You never need to do that, as regardless of the issue, it will be a discussion that we have as equals."


Daniel touched his finger to Abigail's lip and felt a spark of something that he could not put a name to. "There is nothing to argue about. You and I may not agree on everything, but know that regardless of the issue and where we end up, I will always respect your opinion, so stop doubting yourself."

"How d

As I told you, when we discussed following your grandfather's proposal, what happens will be up to you. If all you want is the shelter of my name and otherwise to live your life, I have no problem with that. The only thing I ask is until we divorce you respect that we are married. But if you want to take a chance and see what will happen, I will go as slow or as fast as you want. You will have control."

Abigail looked around and noticed while there were a couple of eyes on them, almost everyone else was looking at the door, which was opening, and she could just see the edge of the dress that Sara was wearing come into view.