Party (4)

Outside the room, Sara watched as Daniel Wu escorted that b*tch Abigail and the pretender Rebecca into the ballroom, and she said "Sebastian, you know how much I love you, but I wanted to go in not only with Mummy, Daddy and of course you, I wanted your brother to enter with us as well."

Sebastian, frustrated at Daniel turned and said "Sara, you heard what he had to say. During their life together father gave mother two engagement rings. As the story goes, father gave her one when their engagement for their arranged marriage was announced and subsequently gave her a second engagement ring when they realised their true feelings for each other. Mother made it clear in her will that we each were to receive a ring. I told Daniel I wanted the second ring, because I know you like that one and he could have the first ring."

"And…" came the excited trailing off response from Sara. She had seen images of both rings, and loved the size of the second ring. To her it screamed wealth and sophistication, and if Daniel Wu refused to do the right thing and put it on her finger, at least she could count on Sebastian to do what his brother failed to do, and she would have the ring that she deserved.

"He looked at me strangely, but as I told him the second ring was liked to true feelings, and I know who I want and why I want you, and that ring therefore belongs on your finger."

Sara smiled and said, "That is so sweet."

Sebastian lifted up her left hand, and gently kissed the base of her ring finger, before dropping it and saying "In the end he agreed to let me have the ring. I so wanted to give it to you today, but you heard his attitude. The thing is, he cannot stop me from getting in next week, when I turn eighteen and as soon as I do, it will be on that finger where it belongs. I do not give a care what he thinks, because I know what I want."

Sara moved close to Sebastian and gently kissed him on the cheek as she said, "I cannot wait," amd the two of them simply stood there looking at each other.

At that same time, Chelsea moved close to Adam and said "We only have to make sure that things are kept secret until there engagement is announced. If the truth comes out then, the Wu Family will have no option but to do everything to keep the secret and our princess' future will be safe."

Adam nodded and looked at his father who simply stood there shaking his head. While Sara and Sebastian were focused on each other Adam moved swiftly over to his father and whispered "You heard Sebastian. He is going to propose to Sara. You better not ruin things for her, not only tonight, because this is her night, but during the next week until the engagement is announced."

Cole, shook his head, turned, and said "You are so worried about that fake…"

"Do not call her fake, she is our daughter. We raised her, and she is the one that all the future hopes for our family fall on."

Still shaking his head Cole said "Do you not get it. You have a sweet daughter, who only wants to please yet you treat her like dirt…"

"As that is what she is. She should have stayed where she was."

Cole angrily responded "Get this through you your head once and for all. Abigail is your biological daughter. I get that you and Chelsea see Sara as your daughter because you raised her but accept the truth. And I have real feelings for her as well. But if you embarrass your Abigail, I will forget about every promise I made about the truth."

Sebastian, said "Truth? What Truth?"

Sara, pulled on Sebastian's arm, and quietly said "It is nothing to worry about. Daddy and Grandpa have for a few weeks been arguing over a work issue, and it comes to who knows the truth about something."

Sebastian looked at Adam, Chelsea, and Cole, and said "What is going on?"

Chelsea, sensing that the wrong thing could be said, but having heard Sara's explanation, quickly responded "Sara is right. Adam and father have had a dispute at work when something went wrong. They promised Sara and I that they would leave the dispute aside tonight so she could have the best party possible. So let us go in and celebrate."

After linking arms with Adam, Chelsea said "And Father, as we promised you this morning, we have arranged a cake for Abigail. It is important that we mark the unique circumstances that mean that she and Sara will be always tied. Who could believe that two female baby Meng's would have been born at the same hospital on the same day and weighing the same. She deserves a chance to improve herself, given what you have told us about her birth family."

As she shot a look at Cole, motioning to him to come beside her, Chelsea said "Sara have Sebastian escort you in, and I will follow with your father and grandfather. The only guest who has not arrived is the president, and his security staff asked for everyone to be inside before he would make his appearance."