Party (5)

Rebecca, as she entered the ballroom, with Abigail and Daniel, scanned the room, and she noticed one person who she wished she had not seen. Quickly farewelling Abigail and Daniel, she moved across the room, to reach the person she wished she had not seen.

"Miss Rebecca, it is a pleasure to see you."

Rebecca calmly said "Secretary Lin, could we speak privately over there" as she motioned towards a corner of the room where there was no one, and headed to where she had motioned without waiting for a response.

On reaching the corner she turned and Secretary Lin, was standing in front of her. As she scanned the room, she looked around seeing that no one was too close and snapped out "I am assuming that you are representing Grandfather?"

Shaking his head, Secretary Lin responded "Miss Rebecca, not completely. Your grandfather was invited and decided to come…"


"Miss. Language. You know that your Grandfather does not approve of language like that."

Shaking her head Rebecca said "Given he is helping keep me in the hellhole that is my parent's marriage, I really do not care about language. And when was the last time I saw him…"

"The president was here six weeks ago, and the family was invited to the event…"

Rebecca laughed cynically and said "No that was a command performance by the president of the country reinforced by a demand from the king of country D to his cousin and her children to cooperate with the president to prevent an international incident. And the three times before that it was the same thing. We were commanded to appear, and other than being an ornament and a perfunctory kiss and introducing me as his granddaughter he did not interact with me. The last time I saw my grandfather not the president was eighteen months ago, when I told him I wanted to live a normal life, which I have been generally doing."

"Miss Rebecca, you know he cannot stop being the president until he is out of office."

Rebecca shook her head before saying, "Then other than those command performances remind him that I am not his granddaughter, I am just another citizen who wants to have their life."

"Your brother…"

"Is just like me. He loves his life at university, and just wants to be an ordinary person, Not the grandson of the President or the heir to the throne of Country D."

"Miss, you know…"

Rebecca held up her hand, saying "Secretary Lin, I get that neither of us can escape the realities of our life. We will always be the grandchildren of a president. And when my brother inherits the throne, I will get a new title, but until then we what to be ourselves. Go and tell him to leave me alone tonight…"

Shaking his head Secretary Lin said "Miss Rebecca, I get that but your grandfather wanted me to tell you that he plans to visit you at home tomorrow…"

"Not going to happen, because he will bring a circus with him…"

Secretary Lin placed his hand on Rebecca's arm as she started to turn away, before saying "I have spoken to your brother and he is coming home, and your grandfather told me to tell you other than a couple of bodyguards, he will be alone. He intends to slip away from his accommodation to come and visit you. He also said to pass on the words rainbow lollipops bows, and he said you would know what that means."

Sighing, Rebecca responded "Tell him I have the message."

Looking around Rebecca noticed that they were starting to draw attention and calmly and loudly said "Sir I believe that you have me confused with someone. I will not say that I do not know the President. Which citizen does not know the President in such way, but you otherwise have me confused with someone else."

With that Rebecca walked away and started scanning the room before locating Abigail in deep dissuasion with Daniel Wu. It was hard to figure out what was going on between those two, but she could only be thankful because he helped Abigail earlier on preventing an utter disaster. If she had not seen what Sara did, and then what her father did, and someone told her about it she would have thought they were joking. It was not, however a joke.

As Rebecca moved away, Secretary Lin discretely pulled out his mobile. At that moment the doors opened and Sara Meng entered on the arm of Sebastian Wu, with her parents and Cole Meng trailing after them. While everyone else was distracted, he quickly dialled a number. As the call answered ne said "Mr President, I have spoken to your granddaughter and while reluctantly she indicated she would be there tomorrow, she did make it clear that she want her identity disclosed."