Cole, having followed Sara, Adam, and Chelsea out of the room, watched as his bodyguards deposited Sara inside the conference room, he had asked the hotel to make available to them. Adam and Chelsea quickly followed them inside, storming in but at the same time seemingly holding back their anger.

As he reached the door, Cole quietly said "No one is allowed in, except my granddaughter, or Daniel or Sebastian Wu. Try and stop the president if he wants to get in." Once he saw the nod of acknowledgement, Cole entered the room, knowing that the door would be closed behind him, and his orders would be followed. He knew that he needed to ensure that they bodyguards for dealing with this mess, received a bonus in their next pay packets as they did not have to deal with his family problems, but they always helped him.

Hearing the door click shut, Cole calmly said "Do the three of you not get the scene that you caused, all starting with you Sara."

Sara, not wanting to anger Cole further dropped her head as she was worried about being exposed, cut off from the Meng family wealth and not being able to secure the position that was always meant to her hers, married to the Wu son, who was the CEO of Wu Enterprises.

Adam, however, angrily spat out "Scene, what scene. You started it father, when we pleaded with you not to cause trouble tonight through focusing on someone other than Sara. This was her eighteenth birthday party, yet you and to announce you were not giving her what mother always intended for her, the jewellery, including getting some pieces we had to rescue from that brat…"

Cole, stood straight, and said "Rescue. They were given to their rightful recipient, which is not Sara, but Abigail…"

"What the f*ck! Mother always said they were for her granddaughter to me, and she always looked at Sara. I knew what she wanted, not you. Give them to who mother intended." Responded Adam, his voice getting even louder and angrier, moving to stand right in front of Cole.

Cole pushed Adam as he took a step backwards, before saying "Get out of my face son. You forget, your grandfather and mother trusted me. I earned their trust time and time again, through learning the business from the ground up, working my way up through merit, not by being parachuted into a job. You forget, your grandfather, my father-in-law, due to your dismal failure at High School firstly had to buy your way into a minor university overseas, so you could get a degree. You then continued that ability to fail, resulting in him having to pay for tutors to work with you night and day to barely scrap through university to earn your degree."

"How dare…"

"How dare I. I am your father. I know your failings, so stop trying to play the victim. And do not start that I did not deserve what I have. Yes, it was by chance that my father saved my father-in-law's life, and he made a promise that I would marry his daughter to my father. But I gave your mother the choice the day we met and married. She chose me, and I promised here there and then I would do everything to make her never regret her choice. For her I learned to read and write, I went to school, I earned a university degree, and I rose through the company on merit, not based on a name."

"When you were born, she almost died giving birth to you, so we decided never to have another child. You were her pride and joy, and she only ever wanted the best for you. We did everything to try and achieve that, yet you time and time again threw her efforts in her face. It came to the point that along with her father, the two of us, did everything to shield her from your repeated failures. If you were any other employee, you would have been long gone, but I promised her on her death bed, that I would do everything to ensure that you were the person that she believed that you could be."

"But no more. That stunt that ungrateful child you raised pulled, hurt someone in public, and humiliated me, simply because I did not do what you wanted. I told you this morning that there would be consequences…"

Chelsea, moved over and placed her hand on Cole's forearm, saying "Father…"

"Do not father me, Chelsea. You were all warned, and while you did not exclude Abigail, the way that you have acted throughout the night totally humiliated her. You made her seem like an afterthought and projected to everyone that you were only doing it because you had to. Not because she is your child."

"She is not our child. Sara is."

Cole stood there, shaking his head before saying, "You are all idiots, I do not know what the f*ck to do with any of you anymore."