Did I hear you Right?

Sebastian, having opened the door to the room, where he saw Sara, her parents and Uncle Cole enter, stood there in silence hearing Cole's words before gasping and saying "What is going on? Did I hear that right?"

Sara, lifted her head, saw Sebastian standing inside the door, and ran over sibbing throwing herself into his arms. Sebastian, gathered her close and as he hugged her, rubbing her back to attempt to calm her down, added "This is Sara's birthday, and why should she be upset?"

Cole, seeing his adopted granddaughter playing on her relationship, calmly said "Upset. Sebastian, sometimes I wonder about you. Are you blind?"

Lifting his head, Sebastian calmly responded "Uncle Cole, I am not blind, but I heard you lecturing to Uncle Adam, and Sara upset because of an accident, which is ruining her birthday even more that it had been ruined because my brother would not allow me to simply do one thing, a few days before my birthday."

Cole, smiled slightly as he had observed the door open and Daniel carrying Abigail inside, with a first aid kit, in her arms, and his bodyguards shutting the door behind them.

As he moved to carefully sit Abigail down, Daniel said "I did not ruin anything. As I told you, I want for you what our parents wanted, you to marry the woman you love, not to feel that you are pushed into something because of expectations. For that reason, I want you to wait until your eighteenth birthday when you can legally make that decision for yourself. It does not ruin Sara's birthday, so stop being so melodramatic."

"Melodramatic, what do you mean?" came Sebastian's somewhat scoffing response.

Daniel shook his head and said "You want to go on about ruining things. I think Uncle Cole has something he wants both of us to hear with everyone else being present."

Sebastian turned and looked at Cole and hesitantly asked "You did?"

"I did, because you need some honesty."

"Father!" Adam called out loudly. "Do not say a thing."

Cole turned back looked at Adam and said, "Do not tell me what to do."

"You promised…"

"I did, but you also promised things when I gave that promise, and time and time again you have reneged on that deal, and you want me to keep my promise. I really wonder what you are thinking?"

Sara, lifted her head and said "Grandfather, please do not…"

Cole swivelled his head to Sara, still in Sebastian's arms, and said "You should have thought about that before you pulled that stunt on the stage. You are just lucky that Abigail was not injured more than she had been/"

Whining Sara said, "She stepped on my foot, and you expected me when I was hurting not to push her away, simply to get her off my foot."

Daniel, heard Sara's words as he was placing the ice pack on Abigail's foot that he had just finished strapping, lifted his head, and quietly said "Sara, as much as I care for you because you are Sebastian's childhood playmate and his current girlfriend, you attempted to trip Abigail first, and she adjusted her steps to avoid falling, and accidently stepped on your foot. And If I saw it do you think that others did not see what you did?"

Shocked Sara responded "What did you say? I did not do anything. She deliberately stood on my foot, knowing she would hurt me, and they exaggerated what happened when I gently pushed her to get her off my foot. She is playing the victim when I am the innocent one here."

Abigail, looked at Cole who looked between her and Sara, before he calmly said "Abigail, tell me what happened."

Abigail calmly said "When you asked me to come up, I did so reluctantly, and as I was walking to come to stand by you, Sara shifted, and her foot came out. I do not think that it was deliberate, but consequently I adjusted how I was walking. I guess that Sara realised what was happening she moved her foot because she could see what was about to happen. As she put her foot down, it was in the exact same position that I was just about to put my foot down, and I could not avoid stepping on her foot. It was just accidental."

Sara, pulled out of Sebastian's arms and shouted "Accidental. You are lying. You lie about me going to trip at you. I never did that. You just deliberately stepped on my foot to ruin my party/"

Sara with that ran over and slapped Abigail on the face. Daniel, grabbed her and pushed her away and said, "Sometimes you do not get when people are being kind to you."

Daniel moved to ensure that he was between Abigail and Sara before saying "Uncle Cole, I think it is better that Abigail is not here for this discussion. I will take her out of here and get a doctor to look at her foot."

Daniel reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope and threw it at Sebastian "I have organised a room for you here tonight and will see you tomorrow."

Without a thought, Daniel reswept Abigail into his arms, and headed out of the room.